Chapter 58: The Ominous Premonition of the Supreme Power!

In the sky, a ghostly figure rushed towards Whitebeard.

“Huh? And which little ghost who does not know the height of the sky. ”

Whitebeard turned his back to the ghostly figure, and the domineering aura of his body was instantly released, and the invisible power instantly covered his tall body.

Although Whitebeard’s body has aged, now the war has just begun, and his physical strength is also abundant.

That invisible domineering aura also directly repelled the figure in the air.

The next moment, dazzling golden sands erupted.

At this moment, everyone finally saw clearly that the person who assassinated the whitebeard was not someone else, but a person that everyone did not expect!

Shah Klockdar!

“Klockdar, how could he appear on the battlefield!”

“What the hell is going on? Wasn’t he defeated by the straw hat kid? ”

“I clearly remember that he was thrown into the Deep Sea Prison, could it be that he escaped from prison?”

“Hey, don’t kidding, how could he break from prison! That hellish prison, only the golden lion successfully escaped from prison alone in history, and he also cut off his legs! You look at Klockdar, there is nothing missing on him! It can’t be a jailbreak. ”

“That’s right, even if it is the Seven Martial Sea, it is impossible to compare to the Golden Lion, is it difficult… Something has changed in the Great Deep Sea Prison! ”

At this time, after seeing the people coming, many people on the square were shocked.

As they say, Klockdar should be in the Great Prison of the Deep Sea now, how could it appear on this battlefield?

Not only pirates, but even in the navy, many people immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

Especially on the execution table, Sengoku looked at Karp for the first time after seeing Klockdar.

Both of them saw a deep surprise in each other’s eyes.

Lieutenant General Squirrel had told them before that Rocks and his party had attacked the Great Deep Sea Prison.

At that time, the Navy immediately made the decision not to support, hoping to use the power of the Deep Sea Prison itself to drag Lox as much as possible.

When the war was over, they immediately gathered their forces to fully support the Great Deep Sea Prison.

Unexpectedly, not long after this, Klockdar actually ran out.

This shows that the situation in the Great Deep Sea Prison may have deteriorated to an extent they could not imagine.

“But… In LV6, there is not only one person who has a feud with Whitebeard, and if it is really so tragic, I am afraid that Klockdar will not be the only one here now. ”

On the side, the crane, who was a great staff officer, turned quickly at this moment and came to a conclusion.

“Of course, it is also possible that the opposite is true, and the Deep Sea Great Prison may already be chaotic at this moment.” Sengoku took Tsuru’s stubble.

“In short, no matter what happens over there, we have no way back now. The most important thing now is to end the war as soon as possible in order to know what is really happening there. ”

“I hope so. No more surprises. Karp also said with a solemn expression.

He originally did not intend to strike in this war, but he also clenched a pair of iron fists at this moment.

Whitebeard… Here, give you the perfect curtain call.

Then, Karp raised his head and looked at Ace on the execution table, and the originally clenched fist loosened again… Eventually

Myself….. I can’t make up my mind.


“Klockdar, I didn’t expect you little ghost to appear again. Haven’t been beaten up enough? ”

Seeing clearly the person who assassinated him, even Whitebeard was a little shocked.

After all, he had heard a few months ago that Klockdar had been defeated by a newcomer named Straw Hat Kid and thrown into the Great Deep Sea Prison.

In that place, except for the bastard Golden Lion, no one had ever been able to escape from it.

His presence here shows that something important may have happened in the Great Deep Sea Prison.

“Oh, the reason why I appeared here is to take your first rank, Whitebeard.”

Klockdar smiled and elementalized again.


A brutal sandstorm flew out of Klockdar’s hands, and a huge sandstorm could swallow hundreds of lives in an instant.

“Damn, get out of my way!”

With a bang, a giant figure knocked Klockdar into the air, and it was Diamond Joz.

Blood flowed down the corners of Klockdar’s mouth.

“Damn, such a huge body is so flexible.” Klockdar looked gloomy, completely unaware that his appearance caused a shock in another place.


Holy Land, Mary Joa.

In the hall, which symbolizes supreme power, reports are constantly sounding.

“Report, Kaido, one of the four emperors of the New World, has gone to Whitebeard’s territory with his subordinates, and the target is Whitebeard’s lair!”

“Report, Charlotte Lingling, one of the Four Emperors of the New World, did not find any movement!”

“Report, the red-haired Shanks, one of the Four Emperors of the New World, is also leading his subordinates to Whitebeard’s territory at this moment, and the target seems to be Kaido!”

“Newspaper, the revolutionary army has not found any movement for the time being.”

“Newspaper, New World Office, Four Emperors Red-Haired Shanks and Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido, have met! Both sides… War is coming! ”

In Mary Joa’s brilliant office, the five old stars looked solemn as they listened to the report that was about to be updated in almost five minutes.

As the highest power in the world, in addition to caring about this war, they must always care about whether the big people in the new world will make some messy moves at this time.

After all, sitting in this position, the most important thing is to maintain the peace of the world forces.

“It seems that the knock-on effects of this war have already appeared. Kaido couldn’t sit still. The blond five old stars shook their heads.

“But the redhead doesn’t look like the kind of man who would do anything to the world.” This time, he helped us once. After all, Whitebeard’s territory is swallowed up by Kaido, and the balance of the world will collapse in an instant. “The white-bearded five old stars are still relatively calm.

“Now it seems that the major forces in the world should be relatively stable, right… What about Rocks, the Great Deep Sea Prison. ”

Seeing that the rest of the forces were relatively stable, the heart that the five old stars had been hanging with difficulty finally let go.

This began to ask about the report sent by the Navy headquarters a few hours ago.

“Ah~~~ this.. This one!! ”

Suddenly asked about this, the soldier who came to report immediately lowered his head, not daring to face the five old stars squarely.

“Just say anything!!”

A sense of foreboding rose in his heart, and the momentum of the five old stars holding the sword soared, causing the intelligence officer who reported the report to sit on the ground with his ass.

“Just: Just a few hours ago, the Great Deep Sea Prison completely disappeared… We don’t know anything over there at all. Now, we have sent people to the Great Deep Sea Prison, and it will take half a day to reach it at the earliest. ”

“What do you say!!”

Hearing this, the five old men’s eyes widened at the same time.

All missing? What this situation means, perhaps the Great Prison of the Deep Sea, has sunk.

“What about the others? Are there any personnel about deep-sea prisons. ”

The five old stars were a little crazy at the moment, how dangerous the people held in the Deep Sea Great Prison were, they knew best. Otherwise, they would not have been layered according to the level of danger.

“In short, this matter must not be leaked! Now contact the newspapers immediately, and do not allow anything about the Great Deep Sea Prison! Otherwise, the face of the government will be gone! ”

The round-faced five old stars almost subconsciously said it.

After all, once this happens, they all solve it like this.

“This… I’m afraid it’s a little late. According to the new intelligence of Whitebeard and the Navy Headquarters battlefield, LV6 criminals, former members of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, Klockdar, have appeared in Marin Fandor at this moment. ”

“This matter has spread to the whole world through the image phone worm at this moment!! If you cover it up again, I’m afraid it’s too late. ”


As soon as these words came out, in the conference room, which symbolized the highest power, the five old guys went crazy at the same time.

(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~~)

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