Chapter 63 Rox… Appeared!

“Rocks… Is that what you’re aiming for? ”

After seeing Barrett, Sengoku immediately understood Locks’ true intentions.

Since Barrett himself is here, it means… The Great Deep Sea Prison must have suffered a heavy blow!

After all, Barrett is locked up in LV6, and if you want to save him, you have to hit the bottom of the deep sea prison.

With the strength of Lokes and others, the situation of the first 5 layers must not be much better than the 6th layer.

It seems that he still overestimated Magellan and Hannibal.

Want them to resist these three, isn’t it looking for death?

Thinking of this, Sengoku clenched his fists, as if he wanted to crush everything ….

“Barrett, Golden Lion, Rayleigh, legendary level pirates, three appeared at once!!”

“Nope… No, it goes on like this… We.. Can it really win! ”

“God, three legends have appeared in a short period of time, can it be said that God wants to destroy us!”

The appearance of another legend made the 100,000 elite soldiers of the naval headquarters almost faint on the spot.

No one expected that the public execution between this and the Four Emperors Whitebeard would turn out to be like this.

Three legends came out at once, even if the foundation of the navy is thick, can it hold up?

This is the question in the minds of all the navies present.

At the same time, the vice admirals of the navy headquarters were even more shocked in their hearts.

Originally, they thought that the Rocks Pirates only had golden lions, and Renly plus Rocks himself, three people.

Although it is a group of three, the pirate group composed of these three people is enough to be called the most terrifying pirate group in the world.

Right now… Another Barrett was added.

Is the Rokkes Pirate Group going to take all the legendary pirates under their wing?


At the same time, in the square of the Chambord Islands, after seeing Barrett’s appearance, all the reporters were silent.

No one wants to get the news as fast as possible.

And no one is thinking of grabbing the number and grabbing the exclusive.

Everyone is worried about one thing.

Where is this world going!

Compared to this matter, what to send news, grab exclusive, is all shit!

If the Navy loses, what kind of disorder will the whole world fall into?

Three legendary pirates joined the war, and the navy … Can you still win?

When many thought of this, they directly sat on the ground in despair, covering their faces and crying.

Of course, this question is even more haunting the minds of all those who are concerned about this war at this moment.


Not only the Chambord Islands, but even the navy at the naval headquarters had a deep question mark in their hearts.

Facing these three legendary pirates, plus Whitebeard, they… Can it really win?

Although these three sea thieves and Whitebeard don’t seem to have the intention of uniting, even if they fight separately, the pressure they bring to the navy is absolutely devastating!

“Don’t go backwards… This war has great significance for the whole world, we can only win, not lose! ”

Seeing that the morale of the navy was reduced to a minimum, the lieutenant general of the headquarters who was a hawkish cadre stood up to boost morale.

“That’s right, no matter what, justice will be on our side! We… But gathered here to protect the world, you must not be frightened by a few pirates! Guys, fight! ”

On the side, Daoberman, who was also a hawkish general with the ghost spider, also took the initiative to stand up.

However, the words of the two lieutenant generals … It doesn’t seem convincing at all.

There is no way, after all, their leader, the red dog, does not know which ground it has been bombarded under at the moment, and even… I don’t know if the red dog is still alive.



Suddenly, a loud laughter came from the Moby Dick, and then resounded throughout the Marin Fando.

The owner of that laughter is one of the protagonists of this top war, the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard.

However, Whitebeard did not laugh because of the appearance of Rayleigh, Golden Lion and others, and the war took a turn.

Rather, he smiled when he saw the faces of two old opponents, Karp and Sengoku, expressions that had not appeared in those decades.

This expression… Combined with the 100,000 navy’s promise-only appearance, Whitebeard couldn’t help it at all.


On the side, the people of the Whitebeard Pirate Group did not know why, although they did not understand why Whitebeard laughed, they saw Whitebeard for the first time and laughed like this.


On the execution table, Sengoku clenched his fists, as if he could hear the reason for Whitebeard’s laughter.

This made Sengoku’s face burn like fire.

The most important thing is that this laughter will spread to the world through the phone worm!

You know, the Navy has always appeared in front of people with an extremely glorious image, but now through the world’s live broadcast, the less glorious side of the Navy has also appeared.

This is bound to have a major impact on the situation in the world! Influence the image of the Navy in people’s minds.

If this continues, the consequences are immeasurable.

Thinking of this, Sengoku couldn’t help it. The clenched fists seemed to have bursts of golden light shining.

“Sengoku, don’t act rashly, don’t forget… That person, has not yet appeared. ”

On the side, Karp was quite calm and held down the Warring States.

Since Barrett, Reilly and the others have appeared, it means that Lockes himself is nearby.

“Karp… At this time, it can no longer be delayed. It has to be done quickly…”

“As for Lokes, it will only be handed over to you then.”

After the words, the golden light on the execution platform shone, and in an instant, the entire figure of the Warring States skyrocketed, just like his title Buddha Warring States, it became a big Buddha.

“That is: Marshal of the Sengokus? ”

“The ability of the Marshal of the Warring States, I still see it for the first time.”

At this time, this scene immediately attracted the attention of all navies.

“This is Marin Fandor, the center of the whole world. It is of far-reaching significance for me to be stationed here. Navy, don’t show that expression, no matter what, justice will not lose! ”

“Whitebeard, don’t laugh at it. Justice! ”

After the words, the Warring States formed a palm with one hand, and a shockwave appeared in the palm.

In an instant, the shock wave also swelled to tens of meters long, rushing towards the white-bearded pirate group.

“Sengoku, stop laughing at the dead. Justice is such a thing, you can’t find it all over the world! ”

At the same time, in the sky, a distant voice came, and that voice seemed to penetrate the space and reach people’s hearts.

This sound immediately attracted all the attention of everyone present.

At this time, anyone can see that the mastermind behind the current situation is finally about to appear.

(First order ~ Full order ~ )

(Stay up late or make up for 5 more, it is estimated that you can only sleep for 5 hours and then get up to work, and strive for 5 more after work tomorrow.) )

(The data is terrible, but the author is still prepared to write about it because he likes the subject.) And the climax part hasn’t come out yet. )

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