Chapter 72: The First Luxury Lineup: Pirates! (4th change) (subscription requested)

With the defeat of the naval headquarters Karp, the Sengoku, the chief of the General Staff Tsuru announced a stop to Rocks, which can almost be said to change the entire world pattern of the battle… The curtain has finally come to an end.

It’s just that most people around the world are still indulging in the Navy’s act of admitting defeat at the moment, and they don’t understand at all that the pirate group with only 4 people on the opposite side is why… And the navy, which has almost half of its strength, will throw in the towel so easily.

This is also normal… For most people, 38 years is too far away, and many are not even born.

Even if he saw Locks’s near-miraculous battle with one against two, he would not understand: What exactly does the name Rocks mean.

After all, it is not at the scene, just watching through the screen, the impact of the scene… After all, it is a little less.

“Hahahaha, come on, come on! While the government has not yet found out, I am going to become the brightest superstar in the dark world! Leave everyone else behind! ”

“Moore Wire Studio, full horsepower!”

At this time, somewhere in the sea of the New World … A huge studio for hot air balloon conversions, with tens of thousands of carrier pigeons setting off at the same time, their purpose is to travel all over the world and convey the latest reports about the war.

And more details about the person of Rocks.

“The winner of the war, the most luxurious lineup in history, the Pirates of Lokes, returns!” 》

The first headline of the newspaper is written in bold font with this row of large characters, which is very eye-catching.

“Whitebeard, Bigumam, Golden Lion, Kaido all stayed in the same boat? Hey, what the hell! Don’t you even want a face in today’s newspapers for sales! What a waste of Lao Tzu’s money! ”

“The Rocks Pirates, just kidding. Could it be that this Lockes is the Wartime Locks? It doesn’t look like a person at all! ”

“It can’t be true…”

“Why would a person who has been dead for 38 years still appear in this world?”

“Abominable… Such a terrifying demon is back, what the hell will he do to this world! ”

“Could it be… Is this the real reason why the Navy simply threw in the towel? ”

All over the world, after seeing the news of the latest report, everyone’s eyes widened, and finally understood that Locks… What a behemoth.


Holy Land, Mary Joa.

The world’s noblest city, from a distance, looks like a god, towering over the clouds.

At this moment, in this city, in the hall that symbolizes the highest power in the world, the expressions on the faces of the five old men are constantly changing, and in the end, they are all the same livid.

“Abominable Lockes… What a gaffe to do such a thing in front of the whole world. I can’t cover it up if I want to. A round-faced, five-old star in a black suit said hatefully.

“Now the whole world knows that the Navy threw in the towel against the pirates… How could the abominable crane make such a decision without permission! A five-year-old star wearing a dark suit with aristocratic curly hair spoke.

“Yes, the situation we are facing now may be more serious than ever, just now, the CP came with the news that almost all the prisoners on the 6th floor of the Deep Sea Prison have escaped, including Balorick Leiderfield, Bundy Walde, San Juan Hungry Wolf, Evil King Abaro Pizarro, Sea Hero Jinping, Shah Crockerda… This time, our losses were too great. A blond-bearded, blond-haired five-year-old star was heartbroken.

These LV6 criminals, who spent decades and countless manpower and material resources to capture by the Navy and various government departments, are now all released.

Among these criminals, some of them are even comparable in strength to today’s Four Emperors, and the strength of the Seven Martial Seas alone is as many as cattle hair, and now all of them are pouring into the world, you can imagine what chaos the next sea will be?

“Abominable: A group of Rocks pirates actually caused such a huge loss to the government! The sword-wielding five old stars spoke in a rigid tone, as if the next moment, he was about to draw his sword and cut people.

“In short, the impact of this matter should be minimized. Also, the Navy also needs reform. Apologizing directly in front of the world, such a gaffe, the credibility of the world government is about to be lost. If there is no change, the next time Lokes appears, it will cause even greater disaster! ”

“By the way, what about that guy from Morgons? Call him quickly, this incident, let him not report. ”

A five-old star dressed in a dark blue suit with an ultra-long beard clenched his fists, and his eyes were: It’s deep hatred.

“This thing… Maybe it’s time to inform Lord Im. ”

Immediately, the five old men got up one after another: He looked respectfully at the huge iron gate, as if looking at a god.


New world, somewhere in the sea.

The sea surface is turbulent, the voices of people are boiling, the huge waves are rolling up tens of meters high at any time, and the powerful aftermath even directly cuts the nearby sea kings to the point of extinction.

Above the sea, there was a strong smell of blood.

Not only that, if you look closely, there is a deep rift in the sky… At first glance, there are two top masters fighting.

“Abominable redhead! Is Whitebeard your daddy? Why stop me! ”

A man of huge height, comparable to a juvenile giant race, with horns on his head, said fiercely, with a mace in his hand, with terrifying killing intent.

He is one of the four emperors of the New World, the sea thief and beast Kaido.

Opposite him, another Four Emperors of the New World, the red-haired Shanks.

“Needless to say, Kaido… If you still insist on this territory, I will not back down. ”

The domineering on Shanks’ body is compelling, and whenever the domineering is released, many people on the ship of the Kaido Pirates not far away will lose consciousness and their eyes will turn white.

“Then don’t blame me for being unkind!” Kaido gritted his teeth and swung the huge mace towards Shanks’ head.

Right at this moment.

“Slow… Governor Kaido, something is wrong! ”

“Boss… War, there are results. ”

Almost at the same time, the top cadres of the pirate groups on both sides stood up, holding a newspaper with temperature in their hands, looking panicked, as if something terrible had happened.

Immediately, the two fighting four emperors read the newspaper, their expressions changed in unison, and they retreated in a panic.

(Ask for subscriptions, ask for flowers~)

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