Ryan's white tiger roared, and Kizaru dodged sideways, then held the Tiancongyun Sword in his hand, turned his whole body into a laser, and rushed towards Kuro!


Tian Cong Yun Sword blocked Budu Yuhun, and the two people's power was released crazily! It caused changes in the clouds in the sky!

"Let me see the true strength of the admiral of the navy! Yellow Monkey!"

Kuro roared, blood flames rising from his body, and the domineering aura soared into the sky. Then he raised the sword with both hands and slashed it fiercely!

"It's really scary!"

Kizaru held the hilt of the energy sword with both hands and raised the sword to meet the attack. As the two slashed at each other, a fierce energy storm erupted!!

Then the two were repelled by each other at the same time, and immediately slashed at each other with their swords.

Kuro and Kizaru slashed from the sky to the ground, slashing through the air one after another, destroying the buildings of Dressrosa.

Together with the previous explosion, a quarter of the buildings in Dressrosa have been destroyed that day.

"Tiger power!"

Kizaru used elemental transformation to avoid Kuro's knife. Just after condensing his body, Ryan's mace arrived!

""Go to hell! Admiral of the Navy!"

Ryan shouted excitedly, and Kizaru looked up at Ryan above his head. With a flash of light on his right foot, Kizaru kicked Ryan away!


Ryan was kicked into the ground, creating a huge pit!

"Lightspeed kick!"

Kizaru had just kicked Ryan away when Kuro was already in front of him. Kizaru turned around and kicked Kuro with another lightspeed kick, his right foot flashing with light!

"Dragon dance steps!"

Facing Kizaru's physical skills, Kuro also counterattacked with a kick. In the human-animal form, the dragon's legs were wrapped with domineering colors, and he kicked his two feet together!


Ryan and Kizaru's power exploded, and the two were in a stalemate. The ground under the other's feet shattered directly. In the battle of strength, Kuro was slightly better in the end.

Kuro kicked Kizaru into the King's Gate. In the mountain of the highland, the violent impact and the explosion of Kizaru's ability instantly shattered one-fifth of the King's Highland!

Not long after, Kizaru's elemental form appeared on a building, with nothing but some dust on his body. damage

"Let's have a hand-to-hand fight! Kizaru!"

Crow put away the Budou Soul, his arms were wrapped with domineering force, the flowing cherry blossoms flowed, and he kicked the ground with both feet and rushed towards Kizaru!

"Scary boy!"

Kizaru fired several laser beams at Kuro, but Kuro dodged them one by one!


"Lightspeed kick!"

Kizaru moved to Kuro's side at the speed of light, kicked Kuro in the waist with a light speed kick, and kicked Kuro away!


The pain point attack made Kuro feel a sharp pain and let out a muffled groan!

"caught you!"

After Ryan was knocked away by Kizaru, he ran back again, raised his armed and domineering mace, and hit Kizaru's back!

It knocked Kizaru away, and Kizaru flew in mid-air, moving elementally, stably. Holding his own body, he turned around and a laser beam shot out, shooting directly through Ryan's right hand!


""Tiger bulge!"

Ryan groaned, endured the pain, and swung out a platinum slash, slashing at Kizaru!

"Tian Cong Yun Sword!"

The Tian Cong Yun Sword appeared in Kizaru's hand, and with one swing of the sword, Ryan's slash was cut in half!

"Dragon Fist: Full Strength Attack!"

While Kizaru was cutting off Ryan's slash and had no time to react,

Kuro appeared in front of Kizaru. His right arm instantly became twice as strong, and his right fist was wrapped with Armament Haki Ryuu and Conqueror Haki!

With a huge and terrifying force, this punch blew up the air!!!

"This is the greatest strength of my body, enjoy it! Yellow Monkey!!!"

Kuro roared and hit Yellow Monkey's abdomen with all his strength!!!


A terrifying blow hit Kizaru's abdomen. Black and red lightning flashed around the two of them. Kuro's right fist used all its strength to directly penetrate Kizaru!


Kizaru let out a painful scream, and blood spurted out of his mouth!

Kizaru was directly beaten into a prawn by Kuro's punch. His whole body was hunched over, and the Ryuzakura Haki was wreaking havoc in Kizaru's body!!!

The overlord's domineering force caused the purest real injury to Kizaru!

The powerful impact exploded in Kizaru's abdomen!

This punch seriously injured Kizaru!

"Enjoy another punch, Kizaru!"

Kuro swung out his equally terrifying left fist, hitting Kizaru's face and sending him flying into the air!

"Yata mirror!"

Kizarutobi kept bleeding from his mouth in mid-air, holding back the pain. With the impact of Kuro's punch, his fruit power used the speed of light to rush towards the warship!

"Who did you learn this from! If you can't win, just run away. Doflamingo is like this, and even Kizaru is like this!"

Kuro cursed, and his fruit ability transformed into a beast, transforming into a 100-meter-long dragon, chasing Kizaru towards the navy warship!

At this moment, he missed the battle with Whitebeard very much.

Whitebeard never retreats, and has been fighting with Kuro for two days!

Ryan also turned into a giant white tiger and ran after him!

At this time, no one noticed that a man in a white suit covered in blood and scars came out of the ruins after seeing Kuro and Ryan chasing Kizaru.

Then he ran to Doflamingo, who was buried under the ruins after the explosion, dug Doflamingo out, and took him away from here.


"Burning flames!"

The ball of flame light in Kuro's mouth rotated, and a high-temperature flame rushed towards the escaping Kizaru! Kizaru felt the high temperature behind him, and directly escaped with elemental form. The flames of the burning sky rushed into the sea, and the seawater evaporated instantly.

At the naval warship, A'er and the others were already cleaning the battlefield. Both warships were smashed to pieces by Mori's island giant.

The ground was covered with dead naval soldiers. At this time, A'er was grabbing a naval officer. will continue to fight

"Okay, Er, he's already passed out. Do you want to wake him up if you hit him again?"

Paul sat on a stone and looked at the Vice Admiral with his eyes turned white and said to A'er.

After hearing Paul's words, A'er threw away the Vice Admiral in his hand and then walked to Mondo, who was talking to the Navy During the battle, his arm was cut by a rear admiral while the medical team was applying a bandage to him.

"Mundo, you go back and train well with me. Next time there is a rear admiral, I hope you will no longer be injured, but kill him directly!"

A'er finished speaking to Mondo and patted his shoulder.

"I understand Brother Er, I will definitely work hard in the future!"

Mondo said seriously.

In this battle, the new crew members were all convinced by the strength of the old crew members. Each of the old crew members could compare with one to ten.

Armed domineering and knowledgeable domineering, in the old crew members, everyone They can all use it freely.

When the new crew members asked the old crew members how they developed their strength, the old crew members all looked at each other and smiled.

Then they recalled how the captain, who had an iron fist in one hand and an iron fist in the other, spent all day long. Forcing them to train hard.

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