Hearing Kuro's voice behind his ears, Ryan was so frightened that he got up and ran forward.

But when he exerted force on his abdomen, his stomach hurt so much that he fell to the ground.

"Woohoo~ You hit me too hard today, Captain."

Ryan was lying on the ground, like a dead fish, unable to move.

Kuro heard his question, walked over to him and squatted down.

"Is it cruel? I don't think so. I beat you every day before, and you have become resistant to my punches."

"If I hit you with that force again, it won't improve your muscle strength."

"Don't worry, you may feel a lot of pain today, but I can guarantee you will definitely cry tomorrow."

Quluo patted him on the shoulder and quickly assured him

"What a joke! Bastard Captain."

Looking at Ryan lying on the ground and about to bite someone, Kuro suddenly felt better.

Humming a little tune, he went to the captain's room to take a shower.

Ryan lay on the ground for a long time before getting up. After getting up, he found that the place where he was beaten was steaming.

And he felt his whole abdomen was tight, as if the flesh on his stomach had been beaten into a piece of iron plate.

But it was really painful, and his breathing felt uncomfortable.

After getting up, he went back to the cabin to rest. After lunch, Kuro started a new round of exercise.

Repeat the morning training, and add weighted frog jumps.

Each time After training, Kuro always thinks of his grandfather's words, your physical talent is the most abnormal I have ever seen. If you fully develop it, you will definitely have a place in this sea!

I didn't feel that my body was special before, but with the increase of training.

The specialness of my body is becoming more and more obvious.

First of all, my body has a strong ability to recover. Before, when Aaron bit my shoulder, the wound disappeared after a sleep. No matter how tired I was from training the day before, my body would be fully restored after a sleep.

Secondly, it is strength. It seems that there is no upper limit for me. My strength will increase a little after training every day.

So the intensity of daily training has become heavier day by day over the years.

At first, it was because I wanted to have strength, so I doubled my training. Later, it was completely because I couldn't look down on the amount of training the day before.

But recently, I seem to have reached a bottleneck.

The increase in strength after training is negligible. Kuro thinks this is because there is no external threat.

The journey to the sea was too smooth, and I didn't encounter any battles that could endanger his life.

No, it should be that there is no one who can make him use all his strength.

So, he can only be stuck here now and can't break through.

No This just gave Kuro the time to train his subordinates.

A daily education and training session would help every pirate to become a talent!

After completing the afternoon training plan, he would fight Kuro.

Kuro now had integrated the air step Kuro had taught him with his own silent step.

When he performed it, it was faster than the Navy's Six Styles of Razor. And he could even fly. Since his speed was fast enough, Kuro asked him to strengthen his strength training.

Now Kuro did the same as Kuro every day, doing weighted squats and weighted frog jumps, except that he replaced weighted push-ups with weighted sword swinging.

The effect was immediate and obvious.

"Captain, I'm coming."


Cat walk is the name of Crow's new move after combining the two.

Crow appeared in front of Crow as if floating on the ground.

The ten blades in his hand crossed and attacked, and Crow drew his knife to block it.. Dang!

Crowe hurriedly retreated, and Crowe followed with a knife. Before Crowe could stand up, he immediately hit him with another knife.

Crowe could only block it with ten blades.

"Oh? Did you block it? Clo, it seems your recent strength training is very effective."

Although Clo gritted his teeth and insisted, he still blocked it.

"Then I'm going to increase my strength."


After Crowe said this, Crowe felt a heavy weight on the blade, and then he was knocked away.

"Crowe, next you still have to focus on strength training, supplemented by speed acceleration."

After knocking Crowe away, Crowe gave the next training direction.

"Got it Captain,"

Kro responded.

"By the way, Clo, how is your modification going?"

"I tried to modify it, but I found that no matter how I modified it, it would become an unconscious and random attack after use."

Kro adjusted his glasses.

"Later, I successfully practiced the cat walk, and I wanted to use the cat walk as a basis to create a new way of walking."

Hearing Crowe's plan, Crowe nodded. As expected of him, he knew what direction he should work towards.

"So where are you now?"

"Already have a rough prototype"

"Then you try it on me and see."

Kuro said, and then he dropped his hands to his sides and disappeared.

Swish! Ding!

Swish! Ding!

Swish! Ding!

As Kuro performed it, Kuro understood.

The previous death-defying technique, at the cost of unconsciousness, allowed the body to be in a completely relaxed state, thus increasing speed and strength.

But the problem is that unconscious attacks will produce a large number of useless attacks.

Just like before, when the death-defying technique was used, it could not distinguish between friend and foe, and it was uncertain what the attack would hit. The newly developed death-defying technique completely avoids this problem, and the cat step gives His absolute mobility.

Both speed and flexibility are faster than the previous death attack.

So he doesn't need to enter an unconscious state at all, which ensures that he can attack the enemy more efficiently.

Use the silent cat step to eliminate the sound, so that the enemy does not know which side you will attack from.

Then use the suspended cat step to move in front of the enemy instantly.

This reminds Kuro of a big move in the mobile game in his previous life.

The Blue Lotus Sword Song.

The death attack that Kuro used just now was just like the Blue Lotus Sword Song. It quickly shuttled and slashed Kuro three times in an instant.

"Not bad, Crowe, in my opinion, you have successfully developed this move."

Crowl praised Crowe fiercely.

Then he used the effects of Li Bai's moves as the direction of research and development, and told Crowe about the improvement of his moves.

Crowe's eyes lit up when he heard this.

While talking, Crowe himself was also excited. I thought that if I let Crowe change into a knight's clothes, he would create a drunken swordsman in the pirate world.

Hahaha, it's fun to think about it.

The day's training ended like this, and the guys sat on the deck. While eating Suoxi's tasteless dinner, everyone talked about how many more sets of training they had done today, and how they had made breakthroughs in strength.

After the meal, everyone went back to their sleeping places, lay on the bed and fell asleep.

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