"Damn, they really know how to pick the right time. There's no way to use the Butu Yuhun right now!"

Kuro glanced at the Butu Yuhun sleeping soundly on his waist and cursed inwardly!

Then he clenched his fists, wrapped his arms color flowing cherry blossoms around him, and stepped on his feet to make a sound of air explosion! He rushed towards the aunt from the sky!

"Dragon Fist!"

As Kuro's right fist descended, it continued to heat up. Finally, the fist carried burning flames, and flashes of black and red lightning hit Big Mom!


Auntie's hands were hardened, and her fists were wrapped in a domineering color. When she faced Kuro's punch, she went straight forward!


Before the two fists collided, an invisible energy had already collided with each other, and the space between the two fists was distorted, and black energy kept flashing! The hissing black and red lightning spread in all directions, and the sea trembled!


A moment later, the domineering storm continued to surge, and the powerful energy rushed straight into the sky, tearing the sea of clouds! The sky was torn apart, and the sea was cut off!

A full moon appeared in the sky, shining on Kuro and Big Mom!

Kuro kept pressing down, causing the wave Homies under Big Mom's feet to be under great pressure and continue to sink!

"Just let me sink to the bottom of the sea! Damn old woman!"

Kurolong opened his mouth wide, let out a loud roar, and continued to increase the power of his right fist. His right arm expanded instantly, and a huge force came!

"I won't be defeated by a brat like you, I'm a big mom!"

The aunt also shouted angrily, mobilized the strength of her huge body, and pushed out!

"Zizzi, boom!"

The two overlord-colored storms were compressed to the extreme and exploded! With a loud bang, both parties were blasted out!

"Damn old woman!"

"Bastard Blood Blade!"

Kuro swung his right fist and struck directly. Aunt stretched out his left arm to intercept. At the same time, he swung his right fist and punched Kari in the face. Severe pain hit him instantly!

"It’s powerful! But it’s still not as painful as Whitebeard’s fist!"

Kuro staggered after being hit, and after he stood firm, he looked at Big Mom and said!

"Hum, that monster Whitebeard will die of old age sooner or later, but he still has some strength now!"

After Auntie finished speaking, she punched Kuroo's abdomen with her left fist. Kuroo pressed down with his right hand and hit Auntie directly in the face with his left fist. Unexpectedly, Auntie turned her head and dodged it!

At the same time, she retracted her left fist and wrapped it around Bawang Se. Domineering, hit Kuro directly in the chest!


A crashing sound sounded, and Kuro felt a pain in his chest. It must be a broken bone!

"I don't believe it. It's inexplicable how you reacted so quickly!"

Quluo rubbed his chest and looked at the aunt with a frown, unable to believe her reaction speed!


The aunt didn't answer, but swung her right fist and hit him. Seeing this, Kuro swung his left fist to meet the attack!


The two fists collided, creating a terrifying storm, attacking the surrounding sea water, causing the angry sea to surge!

Kuro changed his fist into a claw, grabbed the aunt's right fist, and pulled hard, the right fist flashed with armed color Liu Ying , punched Auntie in the face with all her strength!


A burst of air came from the back of Auntie's head. Kuro's punch made Auntie scream in pain!


After the aunt screamed in pain, there was a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth!

"Hahaha, it seems that Liuying is better for dealing with monsters like you!"

When Kuro saw Auntie being injured and bleeding, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Damn brat"

""Jiu" wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and the aunt looked at Kuro viciously, gnashing her teeth and said, then she grabbed a soul ball from her body with her left hand!

"Napoleon, come back to life!"

The aunt took off her hat and fed it the soul ball. Instantly the skull on the hat opened its eyes!

"Hello Mom!"

A violent male voice sounded, and the hat spoke!

"Become the Emperor's Sword, Napoleon!"

"Follow your orders, Mom!"

Napoleon shook for a while, from his hat to a giant blade, and was held in the aunt's hand!

"How despicable! I don’t have any weapons now!"

Kuro looked at the resurrected Napoleon, then looked at the still sleeping Budu Yuhun hanging around his waist, frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice!

"Emperor's Sword!"

Auntie raised Napoleon and slashed at Kuro with a powerful slash!


Facing the giant blade that was coming at him, Clow could only use his armed force to resist. A collision of metal sounds sounded, and Clow's left arm blocked Napoleon!

The blade collided with the armed force of his left arm, and sparks continued to fly!

Kuro thrust with his right fist, carrying the armed Se Liuying, and punched Big Mom in the abdomen. The terrifying power penetrated into Big Mom's abdominal cavity!


The terrifying force in Auntie's abdominal cavity directly attacked Auntie's internal organs. The painful internal injuries caused Auntie to scream in agony!

Auntie held Napoleon in her whole body and was pushed back by Kuro's right fist.!

"It works, it works, it works really well!"

Kuro said excitedly as he looked at the Armament Haki Ryuuchi dancing on his right fist!

"Damn old woman, take two more punches from me!"

Kuro's feet made a sonic boom and he instantly appeared in front of Big Mom, his right fist wrapped in flowing cherry blossoms, flashing black and red lightning!

""Ba Long Fist!"

Kuro swung his right fist, and a faint dragon roar was heard, and then he hit Big Mom's head with terrifying power!

"You are too confident, Blood Blade Boy!"

After the aunt finished speaking, her right fist was wrapped with a domineering color, and she faced Kuro's right fist and hit it!

""Bang, bang, bang!"

The two fists collided, and explosions sounded one after another. The surrounding sea area continued to explode, and the candy wave Homies under the aunt's feet were shattered by the explosion energy!

"Mom, I'm dying, Mom!"

Candy Wave Homiz was horrified, looking at his body, and kept wailing in his mouth!

Auntie had no time to care about it at this time, and was trying her best to deal with Kuro's Tyrannosaurus Fist!

Just between Auntie and Kuro During the battle, somewhere in the dark room on Cake Island, an elegant woman took out a phone and dialed.




"How is the battle between Stussy Blood Blade and Big Mom going?"

Den Den Mushi asked eagerly as soon as he opened his mouth!

"Blood Blade and Big Mom went to fight elsewhere, and Tiger Ryan and the others were left on Cake Island, fighting against the Charlotte family."

"Both sides suffered losses from each other, and the battle was in a stalemate! Stussy said softly.

"Continue to observe, Akainu and Kizaru have already led their troops over, please contact us if anything happens!"

After Wulaoxing finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Stusy pursed her lips and her eyes shone brightly!

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