After the battle, the two sides of the battle were in chaos.

After leaving Impel Down, Ji Hai said goodbye to the flying squirrel and returned to his warship.

He walked into his bedroom, locked the door, and went into the compartment to take out a Den Den Mushi.

"Bru Bru Bru."


"What's wrong with Ji Hai?"

The voice of Den Den Mushi Rakuro came, sounding a little tired.

"I just saw the captain."

"How is the captain? Is he fully recovered?"

When Kro heard Ji Hai's words, he suddenly became energetic and asked hurriedly.

"The captain is doing fine now. When I saw him, he was exercising and should have recovered."

"The captain meant for us to wait. He will leave Impel Down when he has stayed long enough."

Ji Hai conveyed Kuro's words to Kuro.

"It's really the captain's style. Have you told him the intelligence here?"

"I have already told the captain. By the way, is the loss of Magic Island big this time?"

"No loss. Before the Big Mom Pirates landed on the island, we went to the open sea."

"We stopped them directly in the open sea and fought them with air combat. They couldn't fight back against us, so they were always passive."

"In the end, if we didn't want to fight them to death, the Big Mom Pirates might not be able to leave the open sea alive."

After Kuro finished speaking, he recalled the battle situation that day.

Relying on his powerful strength, Katakuri dragged the three people all the way to an isolated island.

After landing on the island, Katakuri directly activated the fruit awakening!

A large area of ​​the island turned into rice cakes. Ryan was entangled in rice cakes without paying attention, and then several rice cake tentacles attacked him!

Enel held the gold coin in his hand and fired an electromagnetic cannon to help Ryan out, but he was also blown away, which made Ryan cursed in anger!

Enel didn't listen, and rushed towards Katakuri, firing the gold coin electromagnetic cannon in his hand!

Katakuri relied on foresight to avoid Enel's attack with difficulty.

Later, under Enel's lightning speed and mental perception, Katakuri's advantage was directly flattened.

Clo and Ryan saw that Enel's attack was effective, and the two of them became Enel's secondary attackers.

Under the combined efforts of the three, Katakuri vomited blood!

If it weren't for the last Owen, Cracker Smoothie and others landing on the island to rescue and attack Ryan and others together!

I'm afraid Katakuri would have died on the spot under the siege of the three!

The final result was that the two sides fought on this isolated island for a day, Katakuri and Owen were seriously injured, and Daifuku's abdomen was cut open.

On Ryan's side, Ryan was seriously injured, Crow was slightly injured, and Enelu was not injured because he placed mines in the air.

Both sides suffered losses, and the Big Mom Pirates showed signs of dying together, so Crow and his team ended the war!

This also laid the groundwork for the battle on Cake Island.

After the war subsided, Katakuri and his team were picked up by their brothers and sisters on the Queen.

Crow and Enelu, they dragged Ryan back to the Magic Island.

When they arrived on the island, Crow took out the Den Den Mushi and contacted Shiri, asking him to inform Crow of the news of various forces.

That's why Shiri found the flying squirrel and asked to see the end of his enemy! That's why this visit to the prison happened.

"Well, it's good that you are all okay. Everyone can rest assured about the captain. He is living the same as outside."

Ji Hai said jokingly.

"Haha, I don't know what the captain is going to do, but we will do whatever he says. We will wait for him on the Magic Island."

"Well, that's it. Contact me if there is anything."

"Well, you should also pay attention to safety, Ji Hai."

After both parties cared about each other, they hung up the Den Den Mushi. Clo looked at Ryan who was still seriously injured and unconscious and sighed.

"I told you to hold them back and prevent them from leaving. As long as they don't have time to come back for help, we will win."

"But you just didn't listen. You rushed up with your head in your hand. Now you are seriously injured and unconscious."

Clo hugged his arms and shook his head helplessly at Ryan.

Thinking back to the scene where Ryan grabbed Owen and hit him hard, his whole body was heated and smoked by Owen's fruit ability, I felt a headache.


"Is Ryan still awake?"

Enelu appeared in the room and looked at Ryan who was sleeping soundly, and couldn't help but say.

"No, but Mr. Huasi said he was fine, but I don't know why he hasn't woken up yet."

"In addition, there was news from Ji Hai that he went to see the captain.

, the captain is fine. "

Kro pushed his glasses and said with ease.

"It's good that the big brother is fine. This guy may be tired, let him sleep. "

Enelu looked at Ryan, snoring, and said expressionlessly, and then he turned into lightning and disappeared in the room.

Kero saw Enelu leave and followed him out of the room.

After the two left, after a while, Ryan's body suddenly began to steam!

Here in Wan Guo, the battle between Big Mom and Kaido was still going on. At this time, the two were just fighting with simple moves, chatting while fighting.

And the pirates on the Wan Guo side could not resist the enemy's attack at all due to the emptiness of the main force.

The Beast Pirates, like a group of howling beasts, led by Jin and Jack, the two disasters opened the way, and the subordinates followed, and they easily drilled through the two islands!

For a while, the residents of Wan Guo began to flee in panic!

"Damn it, why haven't Katakuri and the others come back yet! "

Perospero vs. Jack. The mammoth was wounded by Big Mom's knife, but he could still stand up and fight after half a day.

This guy's recovery ability is really amazing.

And Snag led some family brothers to fight against the attack of Flame Disaster Jinn. Long Bread was coming here.

On the Queen, which was moving fast on the sea, most people were wrapped in bandages. Owen was seriously injured and unconscious, and Katakuri frowned.

Smoothie used sword moves at the stern to push the Queen forward at a high speed!

"Bru Bru Bru."


"How is Mom!"

"Mom is still fighting Kaido. At present, the two sides are evenly matched. Two small islands in the Ten Thousand Kingdoms have been captured. Pero and Snag are facing Jinn and Jack."

"But the battle situation is not ideal. The chef is coming here. I hope he can support a big boss. "

A childish voice came from the Den Den Mushi, clearly introducing the current situation to Katakuri, but the tone sounded a little scared!

"I know, we will rush to Wanguo soon, tell Spero to hold on, and give up the two islands if necessary."

"Wait until we get there, and then take them back!"

"I know, brother Katakuri."

After Katakuri hung up the Den Den Mushi, everyone on the ship stood at the stern, madly releasing skills to speed up the ship, and rushed to Wanguo at a high speed!!!

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