The enemy was in a hurry.

"Poison channel!"

Magellan summoned the venom fountain, turned himself into a venom man, shuttled through the venom, and quickly avoided Kuro's high-temperature dragon flame!


The dragon flame swept through the venom fountain and shot into the forest behind Magellan. A big explosion broke out, and the whole forest became a sea of ​​fire!

"You run pretty fast."

Kuro said disdainfully, with smoke coming out of his mouth and cold eyes looking at Magellan who was flying in the air.

"Find a chance to spray venom on him!"

Magellan was in mid-air, looking at Kuro on the ground, and planning in his mind which direction to attack from!

"Poisonous pufferfish!"

Magellan rushed towards Kuro along the venom slide he created, and sprayed a large number of poison balls from his mouth! !

"Get out of here!"

"Magellan you bastard!"

The prisoners who had just been released from the fifth floor saw Magellan's poison balls coming, and couldn't help shouting and running away to both sides!

The prisoners on the sixth floor were all covered with armed color, ready to resist the invasion of poison balls! !

The evil king and Diemi walked silently from behind Kuro to his side, staring at the attacking Magellan.

The big wine barrel was about to step forward with the wine gourd, but was stopped by Kuro, and the wind ball in his mouth was spinning!


The terrifying strange force storm sprayed out, and the strong wind swept all the attacking poison balls!

The storm instantly increased when it landed, forming a huge tornado!

The snow and soil on the ground were all swept up by the storm! ! !


In the prison on the fifth floor, the tornado destroyed everything along the way!

The terrifying wind destroyed several prisons, and even the unconscious prisoners in the prison were swept into the storm and strangled to death!

"How did this monster get caught?"

"Long live the captain!"

"The captain is so terrifying!"

The prisoners around were all shocked by the terrifying tornado!

Seeing Kuro's powerful attack, the prisoners who had just joined shouted loudly!

"I can't stop it, damn blood blade, what kind of monster is it!"

Magellan watched the tornado blowing towards him. Before the storm blew, the venom on his body had been swept into the air! !

Magellan frowned and dodged quickly to the side. He felt very difficult with Kuro's strength! !

The storm was unstoppable and began to expand continuously. The strong wind hit the ceiling and directly broke through the two floors of the prison! ! !


With a loud bang, the ceiling was pierced, and the cold air on the fifth floor was rolled to the fourth floor. At the moment of breaking through, hot wind rushed into the fifth floor! ! !

"What's going on! Ahhhh!"

"Help! Save me!"

"Hold on! Don't let go!"

The hole in the ceiling continued to expand, and the rubble fell one after another, and then was swept into the storm!

At the same time, there were prisoners in the fourth floor prison, and they didn't know what was going on!

The whole person fell directly into the terrifying storm and was strangled instantly!

The storm blew into the fourth floor, and the cold air slowly condensed into water droplets when it met the heat!

The fourth floor prison, which had been hot for many years, began to rain heavily! ! !

"What's going on?"

"Water, give me saliva!"

"Avoid the storm, be careful not to be swept in!"

The prisoners on the fourth floor rioted! When the storm passed, some prisoners took advantage of the cracks torn by the storm and began to get out of the cage! !


"All of you go back!"

Little Sadie came with a whip in hand, followed by two jailer beasts. Little Sadie whipped the whip heavily on the ground.

He shouted at the escaped prisoners!

"Run quickly, this mad cow is coming!"

The prisoners were shocked when they saw the cow jailer beast behind Little Sadie, and they all ran to the other side screaming!

Little Sadie and his men chased after him!

Shiliu and Barrett went straight to the first floor, and the door of the elevator room opened. The prison guards on the first floor had not reacted yet, and their heads and bodies were already separated! !


Shiliu swung the Thunderstorm blade, and the blood on the blade was washed clean!

Barrett walked out of the elevator room, glanced at the corpse on the ground, and walked forward stepping on the blood on the ground.

"The control room is over there. The captain wants to destroy it all and forbid anyone from entering or leaving the Gate of Justice. Let the entire Impel Down City become a dead place!"

Hilure held a cigar in his mouth and looked at the control room with cold eyes. He said without emotion and walked towards the control room!

Barrett walked behind him. The prison guards in the control room,

The moment Xiru came out of the elevator, he saw him.

The first reaction was that the warden came to rescue them, but what happened next made them terrified!

"What should we do?"

"Call for help first!"

"Yes, ask for help from the Navy Headquarters first, we can't let them escape from the prison!"

The prison guards forced each other to cheer each other up. A prison guard in front of the monitor smashed the glass cover and pressed the emergency button! ! !

The Navy Headquarters was as calm as usual. Several seabirds stood on the eaves of the Navy Headquarters, combing their feathers leisurely.

Suddenly, the whole naval base sounded a fierce alarm! ! !


The alarm scared the seabirds on the roof and they fled in all directions in an instant, with their feathers scattered! !

"What's going on?"

Sengoku was looking at the intelligence sent from the front.

The Red Hair Pirates' subsidiary fleet has arrived at the battlefield and surrounded the Pirate Alliance!

The Red Hair Pirates and their affiliated fleets are encircling the Pirate Alliance! !

Akainu is stationed in the sea area of ​​the affiliated country, waiting for the battle to end.

The battle between the Big Mom Pirates and Kaido is unclear, since Katakuri arrived at Cake Island.

The sea area of ​​Wan Guo is surrounded by dozens of pirate ships, and no one is allowed to approach!

Kuzan and Garp decided to wait for a while.

Just as they saw this, a fierce alarm suddenly sounded in the naval base. Sengoku stood up from his chair and asked loudly to the outside!

"Report, a riot broke out in Impel Down!"

The navy soldier pushed the door in and shouted with a panic expression! !

"Impulse Down?! Who started it? What's going on now? Where is Magellan?"

When Sengoku heard about the riot in Impel Down, he immediately thought of Kuro, frowned instantly, and asked!

"It's not clear yet. The emergency button is used in the push city. There is no specific information now!"

"Damn it!"

Hearing this, Sengoku punched the desk.

"Notify Kizaru and Huoshaoshan and the others to gather at the port!"

While Sengoku was speaking, he took his cloak of justice, put it on his back, pushed open the door of the office and walked out! !

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku!"

The navy soldiers saluted behind him, followed him out of the office, and ran to notify the generals! !

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