The old man was very happy.


Kuro replied.

After a while, the evil king and his men came over after hearing the noise!

"Captain, that big-faced guy asked me to tell you before leaving, if you can, please take them with you."

Alan followed the crowd and gestured Ivankov's big face with his hand, and then conveyed Ivankov's words.

"Don't pay attention to that guy, they want to leave, but we have a way."

Kuro thought of the revolutionary army commander who hollowed out the city of advancement before, he must have left a secret passage for Ivankov and his men.

"Okay, you can pick any weapon here. Take what you like."

Kuro pointed to the treasure house, where there were all kinds of weapons. In addition to long swords, there were also many guns.

It seems that this place is not only a treasure house, but also the weapons warehouse of the city.

After everyone took all the weapons inside, there were still a lot of gold and silver jewelry left, as well as several treasure boxes, which were locked.

In addition, Kuro and his friends didn't want to open them, so they piled them together.

"We've taken everything. As for the remaining things, Allen, pack them all up and take them away."

"Yes, Captain."

After hearing what Kuro said, Allen walked to Magellan's bedroom, pulled off the huge curtain cloth, and took it back to the treasure house.

Spread it on the ground, took all the valuables from the shelves in the warehouse onto the cloth, and soon it piled up into a small mountain.

Then he grabbed the four corners of the curtain, tied it into a huge package, and carried it on his back.

"Captain, I've done it."


Kuro nodded with satisfaction at Alan's proficiency in packing.

"Have all the prisoners on this floor of the prison been released?"

Kuro asked the big barrel beside him as he walked out.

"Most of them have been released, and they are willing to join us."

The big barrel answered Kuro's question while drinking.

"Are the rest unwilling?"

"Not really, some don't believe we can escape, and say it's better to live well here than to go out and be killed."

"Others even ignore us. If it weren't for the time-consuming killing of them, I really want to take off their heads!!"


The King of Evil suddenly started to explain, but he became angrier and angrier, and finally roared! ! !

"They are just ants. Don't pay attention to them. Let's go. When we get to the third floor, you go open the third floor prison."

"I'll go to the first floor to find Shiryu and Barrett. There has been no news for so long. I don't know what they are doing."

After Kuro finished speaking, he hung the Budu Yuhun on his waist and walked towards the passage leading to the third floor. A group of prisoners followed behind him.

The evil wolf returned to its own size, but it was also the height of a ship. It walked with its back bent.

Outside the Gate of Justice, the navy soldiers shouted for a long time, but the Gate of Justice never opened.

Seeing this, Zhan Guo, with a worried look on his face, frowned into a knot, took out a Den Den Mushi from his body and dialed it!

"Bulu Bulu."

"Bulu Bulu."


A call came, and after waiting for a long time, no one answered.

"You try to call here, Den Den Mushi in the Push City, Huoshaoshan, you guys follow me in!"

Zhan Guo hung up the Den Den Mushi, looked at the Gate of Justice and decided not to wait any longer, called Huoshaoshan and other lieutenant generals of the headquarters, and flew into the air with moon steps!

Then after crossing the Gate of Justice, Zhan Guo and his friends saw a dead silence in the port, and the gate that was pulled up was now cracked!

"Has the enemy already attacked here?"

Huoshaoshan looked at the crack on the door, and put away his smile all day, and said in a heavy tone.

"Go in and take a look!"

Zhan Guo flashed and appeared on the wooden bridge in front of the gate of Push City. Looking at the gate in front of him, he clenched his right fist, and a golden light wave enveloped his hand!


The right fist smashed down fiercely, and the golden shock wave hit the gate, causing a big hole to be directly broken in the cracked place!


As soon as the gate was smashed, a yellow light shot out from the hole! !

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Zhan Guo used his Observation Haki to alert and dodged directly. The yellow light hit the Gate of Justice, causing a huge explosion instantly!!

After avoiding the rays, Zhan Guo walked into the big hole. As soon as he entered the gate hole, he saw Kizaru and Barrett fighting.

Several laser beams were running around, bombarding everywhere around, causing

Fire after the explosion!!!


Zhan Guo displayed the Buddha's Dharma image, his whole body was golden, even his glasses were 24k pure gold!

"Buzz~ Boom!!!"

A golden ball of light appeared in the palm of Zhan Guo's right palm, and a shock wave was sent to Barrett!!!

"Humph, Zhan Guo, I didn't expect that you, an old guy, would come too. What's the matter? There's no one in the navy!!"

Barrett punched Kizaru away, and teleported to avoid Zhan Guo's shock wave attack!

"Barrett, how did you escape from prison! And where is Magellan now!!!"

Zhan Guo watched Barrett teleport to avoid the attack, and couldn't help asking loudly!

"This has nothing to do with you, Zhan Guo, you should think about how you are going to defeat me!"

After Barrett finished speaking, his body burst into a violent aura, quickly moved in front of Zhan Guo, and punched out with a heavy punch! !


A metallic sound rang out, and Zhan Guo was beaten and staggered backwards!

"Chi Chi Chi!"

Kizaru's lower body was elementalized, and he appeared beside Barrett, and kicked Barrett in the waist with a side kick!

Barrett was kicked away, smashing the entire inspection room, and the dust was stirred up!

"Barrett is a criminal on the sixth floor, and those imprisoned there are all those who have been wiped out by the World Government!!"

"But with Magellan here, no one can escape from prison. Magellan's Poison Fruit is in such a closed place."

"But it's a terrifying killing weapon!!"

After Zhan Guo finished speaking, he looked at Barrett who had crawled out of the ruins, with thick smoke behind him and dust all over his body! !

"But, Barrett, this bastard, appeared here, which means."

At this point, Zhan Guo pondered for a moment.

"I'm afraid the current situation of Magellan is not optimistic, even."

Zhan Guo didn't say the next words, but Huang Yuan also knew what Zhan Guo meant. He was afraid that Magellan was dead.

"Where are the other prison guards?"

"There are only some bodies of prison guards here. I haven't found any living prison guards yet."

Zhan Guo suddenly mentioned the prison guards. Huang Yuan pointed to the back of a pile of ruins and reported to Zhan Guo.

"You did it, Barrett!"

Zhan Guo had an angry look on his face, and his whole body was emitting golden light. Under the sunlight, his golden body was like the reincarnation of Buddha, and it seemed particularly deterrent! !

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