Crowe appeared behind Naama, the weapons on his hands were hardened, and the ten blades showed a dark edge.

"Got it!"

Cut, cut, cut!"


Major General Nama's back was directly pierced by Clo.

"Damn pirates!"

Rear Admiral Nama turned around instantly and kicked Crowe with a hoof at the same time. Crowe had no time to dodge, and crossed his hands with ten blades to bear the hoof.


Crowe was kicked directly into the cabin of the warship.

"Major General Naama is too strong!"

"Rear Admiral Nama is invincible!"

Originally, the morale of the navy soldiers was low because of the injury to Rear Admiral Nama's back.

But this hoof directly ignited their morale.

They all screamed and rushed towards Paul and Zangao.

"Zangao, is Clo going to be okay?

Paul asked Zangao as he fought off the navy soldiers.

"No, Kroko hasn't used his full strength yet."

Zangao scratched a soldier's neck with the iron ring in his hand, and then replied

"Hahahaha, you are so strong, Major General Nama!"

Clo walked out of the cabin, veins popping out on his head and blood at the corners of his mouth.

After Clo walked out of the cabin, he wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

"Since you are so strong, I will let you taste the ultimate move I just perfected!"

"Sword dance!"

Clo disappeared directly on the spot.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"


The Crow people could not be seen, but three wounds were suddenly opened on Major General Nama's chest.


Before Major General Nama could react, another three claws hit Major General Nama's arm. , shoulders, face, all cut open

"Take a deep breath, it won't hurt too much."

Kro suddenly appeared above Major General Nama's head.

His glasses reflected the light, his tone was cold, his face was calm, and he looked at Nama as if he was a dead person.

The Ten Blades in his left hand slashed across Major General Nama's neck.


Blood spurted out!!

Major General Nama died in the battle!!!

"Brother Clo won."

"Brother Crow is so strong!"

Cullo's crew all cheered, and Paul and Zangao looked at each other and smiled.

When the naval soldiers saw that Rear Admiral Naama was dead, they directly put down their weapons and surrendered.

At this point, the two lieutenants of the Navy, one major general and one commodore, responded to The encirclement and suppression of the Clow Pirates was declared a failure.

Two lieutenants and a brigadier general were seriously injured and captured.

One hundred and seven naval soldiers were killed and 53

Clow Pirates were captured. Three pirates were seriously injured, seven were slightly injured, and no one died.

After this battle, the Kuro Pirates showed their fangs.

After the battle, the captured navy was tied up with ropes. Together.

Kuro took out a chair from the cabin of the warship and put it on the deck, looking at the tied Admiral Shirikai.

"Lieutenant General Shikai, please tell me why you united to encircle and suppress our pirate group."

Crow looked puzzled. He had just entered the Grand Line and encountered such a big welcome ceremony. Are you kidding me?

"Humph, I have nothing to say to the pirates!"

Jihai snorted coldly and closed his eyes.

"Oh? You have guts."

Kuro raised his eyebrows when he heard Ji Hai's tough answer.

He punched Ji Hai in the head and knocked him unconscious.

"What about you? Lieutenant General Shovel.

He turned his head and looked at Lieutenant General Shovel, who was bleeding all over.

"I said, I said, because you killed a navy captain in the East China Sea, causing the navy to lose face"

"So Marshal Zhan Guo ordered that you should be wiped out before you grow to a more dangerous level!"

"So our branch took orders and came to pursue you."

Lieutenant General Shovel did not hesitate at all and explained everything.

"Damn rat, it still disgusts me even if it dies."

After hearing what Lieutenant General Shovel said, Kuro felt very regretful. He regretted killing Colonel Rat with one knife.

He should have been tortured for a while before killing him.

"It seems that the inner gang marines that he let go did not tell the truth to the headquarters."

Kuro let the miscellaneous soldiers under the mouse go and let them report the crimes committed by the mouse colonel to the headquarters.

Now it seems that they did not tell the truth to the headquarters of the navy.

"So, Vice Admiral Shovel, tell me, what should I do with you now?"

Kuro looked at Vice Admiral Shovel with cold eyes.

"I, I hope you can let us go."

Lieutenant General Shovel said, and smiled, but because of the pain of the wound, the smile was ugly.

"It's not impossible to let you go."

Kuro stared at Vice Admiral Shovel for a long time, then said:

"Really? Are you really willing to let me go?"

Lieutenant General Shovel never expected that Kuro would really agree, and asked overjoyed.

"Of course, but the choice is not in my hands. You should have a phone bug to contact the Navy Headquarters, right?"

"What do you want a Den Den Mushi for?"

When Vice Admiral Shovel heard that Kuro wanted a Den Den Mushi, his first reaction was to refuse.

"You have to understand that you are a prisoner now and have no room for bargaining."

After Kuro said that, he picked up a dagger and stabbed it into Lieutenant General Shovel's thigh.

"ah! Yes, there is a phone bug, in Shirihai's butt pocket!"

After hearing this, Ada walked up to Lieutenant General Shihai, turned his body over, and then rummaged through his butt pockets.

"Found it, Captain."

Ada pulled out a phone bug with an afro on his head and a pair of round glasses.

He walked over and handed it to Kuro

"Hmm, it turned out to be Sengoku's Den Den Mushi. It seems that he really gave the order directly."

After saying that, Kuro picked up the Den Den Mushi and dialed

"Bulu bulu bulu, bulu bulu bulu, click."

The Den Den Mushi was connected, and the first thing that came out was Sengoku's question.

"Hey! Vice Admiral Shirimi, what's going on? Have the Kuro Pirates been wiped out? Listen carefully, everyone on their ship must be brought back!" Den

Den Mushi looked serious, and it was obvious that Sengoku was taking the annihilation of the Kuro Pirates very seriously.

"Oh, the encirclement was very successful, Marshal of the Warring States Period"

"Lieutenant General Shikai was seriously injured, Lieutenant General Shovel was seriously injured, Major General Nama was killed in the battle, Brigadier General Juan was seriously injured, and except for three serious injuries, no one in the Kuro Pirates died in the battle."

"The Kuro Pirates won this battle!"

Qu Luo said calmly to the phone bug.

"Reed D. Kuro!"

The expression of the Warring States phone bug became ugly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Yes, it's me. I didn't expect that you, a busy man with so many things to do, would still think of me. I am really flattered, Marshal Sengoku."

Kuro held the Den Den Mushi and said with great satisfaction.

"Where are the people from Jihai?"

"Seriously injured and unconscious. Den

Den Mushi fell silent for a moment. Sengoku had not expected that Shirimi would be seriously injured and unconscious. He also had not expected that Kuro, a pirate who had just set sail, would have such a strong strength.

"There is a Vice Admiral Shovel who is still awake. Do you want to talk?"

After Kuro finished speaking, Vice Admiral Shovel immediately asked for help from Sengoku.

"Marshal, I am Lieutenant General Kaimo, we are defeated!"

"Tell me your request, Reid Kuro."

Zhan Guo said in a low voice.

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