"Okay, go ahead and sleep, everything will be fine after you sleep."


The navy soldier fell down again.

Under Zangao's hypnosis, all the navy soldiers, including Lieutenant General Shovel, were hit.

Only Shirikai, a tenacious bastard, was not hypnotized.

Apart from that, a group of people all lay down

Lieutenant General Shi Hai was sleeping soundly on the ground.

"Captain, this guy's mental strength is too strong, my hypnosis can't affect him."

Zangao hypnotized Ji Hai for a long time, and then declared failure.

This guy is a stubborn person, so he has a strong sense of belief and mental strength, and can't be affected by Zangao's hypnosis.

There is no way, Zangao can only report the failure to Kuro.

"Mentally strong? If I can destroy his mental power, can you hypnotize it?"

Quluo scratched his chin and thought of something.

"Captain, if you destroy his mental power, he will directly become an idiot."

"Well, what if his mental power is injured?"

"This is fine. If I just weaken his energy, he won't become an idiot, and I can take the opportunity to hypnotize him."

Zangao said happily.

It can be seen that Zangao was also frustrated that he couldn't hypnotize Ji Hai, but after hearing Kuro's plan, he saw the hope of success.

"Let's try it, Lieutenant General Ji Hai, bear with it, it won't hurt in a while."

Kuro said as he pulled out the Butu Yuhun.

"Kill the space!"

The tip of the knife was aimed at Shirikai's eyebrows, and Kuro directly activated Budou's soul-controlling ability.

The blade of the knife instantly burst into blood, and Shirikai felt that his eyes were too bright, so he quickly closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a red space

"Where is this? You bastard pirate, what are you doing!"

Admiral Ji Hai shouted loudly in the space

"Welcome to the Killing Space"

"Enjoy yourself here, Vice Admiral Ku Hai.

As soon as Ku Luo finished speaking, a blood-red blade slashed directly at Ku Hai.


"What exactly is going on!"

The second attack came again. This time, Lieutenant General Shirikai was prepared and just wanted to use his armed color to resist.

Suddenly he realized that it was gone and he couldn't feel the armed color anymore!

""What? Ahhhh!"

Just as he was wondering, the second sword energy slashed his leg, and there was only a wound but no blood.

Then there were three more sword energies, which slashed on Vice Admiral Jikai's limbs.

Vice Admiral Jikai fainted from the pain.

Seeing that Jikai fainted, Kuro threw him out of the killing space.

After being thrown out of the space, Vice Admiral Jikai spurted out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground with white eyes.

Kuro looked at Vice Admiral Jikai on the ground, and suddenly had a bold idea.

"Zangao, can you make it ours?"

"Captain, what do you mean?"

"Hypnotize him and make him think that he is an undercover agent we have placed in the navy. Can it be done?"

Zangao touched the striped beard on his chin and thought for a while.


"Okay, Ah Da, splash water on him to wake him up!"

Ada heard the captain's order and took a bucket and poured cold water on it, but he still didn't wake up.

"Keep pouring water until he wakes up."

Ah Da went to the sea to fetch water, and then came back with the bucket.


"Pour it again!"



The four buckets of water went down, and Lieutenant General Shirihai woke up coughing, holding his head and feeling sluggish.

Zangao walked over, grabbed Shirihai's head, and asked him to look at his fingers.

"After three counts, you will be our undercover agent"





After Zangao snapped his fingers, Lieutenant General Jihai passed out again.

Kuro and Zangao both looked at Jihai, and Ada was carrying a bucket next to him.

"Captain splash?"



After a bucket of water went down, Ji Hai slowly opened his eyes.

"Uh...my head hurts so much! Captain, why are you looking at me like that?"

Lieutenant General Jihai looked puzzled?

"Captain, it worked!"

"Well, it proves that our method is still successful!"

After Zangao finished speaking, he danced the mechanical dance excitedly.

Kuro was also very happy. The space of Budu Yuhun can still be used in this way. Doesn't that mean that if there are strong bones that want to be conquered in the future, they can also do this?

"Captain, why does my head hurt so much? And shouldn't I be in the Navy branch? Why did you get back on the ship? Have I been discovered?"

Jiri Hai quickly asked Kuro why he returned to the pirate ship.

"No, no, you were not discovered. You came to encircle and suppress us under the orders of the Warring States Period."

"No way, Captain, I won't do that! I, Ji Hai, will never betray my companions."

"Of course, I definitely believe in you. You will never betray your companions. I believe in you."

When the captain said that he was here to annihilate his pirate group, Ji Hai was very excited! Impossible, he was definitely not the kind of person who would stab his companions in the back!

Fortunately, the captain believed in himself, but why? Why did I feel so angry?

"So, before you set off, you had already secretly informed me, and then we worked together to stage a bitter plot."

"A self-torture tactic?"

"That's right, you pretended to be defeated and captured by me, just to use you as a hostage for us to negotiate with the navy and let us join the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

"So did we succeed?"

"It worked. We just got a call from the Five Old Stars and agreed that we would join the Shichibukai. This is all thanks to you, Shirikai."

Speaking of this, Kuro squeezed out two drops of devil's tears.

"This is what I should do as a captain. As long as my companions are safe, I can do anything. It's a pity for those soldiers who died."

"The death was unclear, but there is nothing I can do, I am a pirate after all."

Ji Hai said with a sigh on his face.

"I'm sorry for you, Shirikai. You actually cut off your arm for our pirate group. You said that only with such a serious injury would the navy believe you!"

"This is nothing, Captain, just an arm. Don't worry, as long as I'm here, any navy that wants to harm our Kuro Pirates will have to get past me!"

"Ass sea!"


The two of them cried and hugged each other on the boat, acting out an idol drama.

Ryan and Clo looked at each other and shuddered.

This navy was too miserable. He was crippled by the captain and still had to work for the captain.

"The captain is really good at making up stories. He tells lies without thinking.

Ryan whispered to Cloe.

"So in the future, try not to offend the captain, otherwise you won't even know how you died."

Kuro adjusted his glasses and replied.

Kuro felt that he had cried enough, so he stopped crying and patted Ji Hai on the back to make him strong.

Ji Hai quickly agreed.

"Well, to welcome our good brother Ji Hai home, let’s have a party! Guys!"

"Bravo Captain!"

"I'll prepare the food right away, Captain."

Paul said quickly when he heard that a banquet was going to be held.

"Go ahead, Paul, show all your strength and let these returning wanderers have a taste of your cooking skills!"

Kuro was too immersed in the role.

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