After Clo finished speaking, everyone fell into deep thought.

"If it's the two situations, I personally prefer the fruit issue. After all, this fruit is a lie from the beginning."

"What's so wonderful about it? I'm afraid only Vegapunk knows"

"However, it is always a good thing. Without the trouble of the sea, those with devil fruit abilities are invincible! Hahaha. Crowley laughed happily. Crowley, Ryan and Mr. Wensi were also happy for him.

"Captain, if there is nothing else, can you remove the handcuffs for me? I feel like this is affecting my wound recovery."

After Kuro had laughed enough, Ryan said to Kuro weakly.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I forgot about you, I'll help you get rid of it now."

Kuro said as he drew his knife and the handcuffs were chopped into pieces and fell to the ground.

"Okay, you can recover slowly. I'm going to go to the quarry to practice my weaponry."

Crow said as he patted Ryan's chest, which made Ryan start vomiting blood again. The angry Mr. Wensi kicked him out.

"Really, what kind of attitude is that? I helped Ryan drain out all the congestion. If you don't thank me, forget it, and kick me out. Humph, he is indeed a quack."

Kuro, who was blasted out, had dissatisfaction written all over his face and was muttering. He was walking on the path in the forest, preparing to find the path to the quarry.

He wanted to practice seclusion there and practice armed se Liuying.

After coming out of the villa, he saw a small intersection and went in. He thought it was the one leading to the quarry, but he didn't know it was another one.

"Eh? Is the path going to turn?"

After entering the forest, Kuro found something wrong. The road that was supposed to be straight suddenly turned at a right angle.

"Did I go wrong? Not that bad, hahaha, that’s definitely the way to go."

Crow's first reaction when he saw the right-angle bend was,"Am I going wrong?" His second reaction was,"I'm not going wrong. I didn't pay attention and ignored it before. Then he confidently continued to turn the corner.

Then he got lost...

This is also It's his own fault. There is no road after walking for less than a thousand meters. Can't you go back? No! I'm brave. If I rush out, I will reach my destination!

With Hei's thoughts in mind, Kuro began to crawl into the woods. The trees became denser as he walked, and the visibility became lower as he walked.

With no other choice, Kuro directly took out the Budou Soul and cut down the trees to clear the way!

"I don't believe it! Either I, Kuro, will clear a path today! Or I can transform and fly out later! Never retreat!"

Crow said firmly and started to work as a lumberjack again.

After cutting down the tree for about half an hour, he finally made an exit. When he walked out of the woods, what caught his eyes was A lake.

A group of white birds were drinking water by the lake. When they saw Kuro coming out, they were so scared that they flew away. Kuro walked to the lake and washed his face with water.

"Well, this place is great! It's very suitable for me to practice Ryusaku here by myself. In fact, I didn't take the road to the quarry just to come here."

"That's right, how could I get lost, ha ha ha ha, so funny."

Kuro laughed awkwardly to himself to ease his embarrassment.

He was squatting by the lake, and suddenly he saw a pair of eyes in the woods opposite, staring at him. The moment his eyes met, the man turned and ran away.

Kuro immediately chased after him. Something is wrong. If you run away when you see me, you must have bad intentions. When I catch up with you, you will be in trouble!

The black shadow was running in front and Kuro was chasing behind, but the black shadow was too agile. Even if Kuro used the Butu Yuhun to chop trees to clear the way, he couldn't catch up with him.

"What the hell has changed? It’s so smart. It disappeared in two jumps. If I wasn’t afraid that the people on the island would fight me, I would have cut down all these trees with one knife."

After chasing for a long time, Kuro couldn’t even touch the people. He was so angry.

The two of them ran for about ten minutes. Suddenly, a stone wall appeared in front of them. The black shadow went straight into the stone wall and disappeared.

Kuro walked up to the stone wall and found that it was not a stone wall, but a broken mountain!

He was shocked.

"Such a powerful sword, not only cut off the entire mountain peak, but also shattered the rocks. It was so powerful."

The mountain base that was cut off by a knife, despite the age, the cuts are still so neat. Kuro was very impressed when he saw it.

If he was allowed to do it, he could smash the mountain, but he couldn't cut it off with a single knife. A person with this level of swordsmanship must be a sword master like Hawkeye at the very least.

Just when Kuro realized the mountain-breaking sword, Kuro discovered a cave between the mountains.

"Good boy, I thought you could drill through mountains, but it turns out you can drill through holes. Wait until I catch you, I have to study carefully why you are so smart.

Kuro angrily drilled into the hole, but he overestimated the size of the hole and got stuck.

"Oh my god! This is bullshit! This cave is so small!"

Kuro was stuck in the crack. In fact, it was not that the cave was small, but that he was too tall. Seeing that he could not get out, Kuro directly released his armed color and smashed the surrounding rocks. After escaping from danger, he blasted a passage in the cave and walked along the passage until he was near the exit.

Kuro heard the rumbling sound of flowing water. He walked out and saw a huge waterfall roaring in front of him. The sun shone in from a huge gap above the waterfall.

The sun shone on the waterfall, splashing water, and fell on the ground, reflecting mottled light.

"Wow! It's so spectacular!"

Looking at the waterfall, Kuro's eyes lit up, and suddenly a dark shadow attacked from below! It was going to grab his crotch!

"You're looking for death!"

Kuro quickly raised his leg, then kicked it straight, and kicked the black shadow hard in the face. The black shadow was kicked away, and then crashed straight into the cliff, raising a puff of smoke.

"Damn it! That was too ruthless. I haven't even started dating this time, and I almost ended up with fried rice!" Kuro was so scared that he armed himself with black eggs. Even though he wasn't caught, he was still scared.

He almost became a sister to all the beauties in this world.

When the smoke cleared, Kuro could see clearly what the black shadow was.

It turned out to be a white monkey.

"Wait, White Monkey Cave, Nine Yang Magic!"

Crow's brain circuit suddenly opened up. Isn't this the legendary secret book for falling off a cliff?

Clow quickly walked to the bottom of the cliff, jumped up and caught the monkey.

""Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, wake up! I am Wuji! Where is my Nine Yang Magic Skill! Take it out! Brother Monkey!!!"

Kuro squatted on the ground, his face full of anxiety, grabbing the monkey’s shoulders and shaking him madly, making the monkey’s bones crackle.

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