Kuro released Ryu-Okura with his fists, and swung at the stone wall. Every time he swung his fist, Kuro felt whether the power was dispersed, and tried to perfect the use of Ryu-Okura.

After breaking nine stone walls, Kuro felt that he had achieved the goal of not dispersing the power, and all of it penetrated into the stone walls. It can be said that Kuro has completely mastered the Armament Haki Ryu-Okura.

Kuro stood in the rubble, feeling the emptiness in his body after the consumption of his domineering aura, and stopped practicing.

"Phew, I finally mastered Ryuo. I'm starving after training all afternoon. I don't know if Paul's dinner is ready yet."

Kuro said, and went to look for Paul and the others.

"Oh, Captain, have you finished your training?"

Aer was holding a dry tree in his hand, preparing to use it as firewood for the barbecue. He looked up and saw Kuro coming back.

"Well, the training is complete, the goal has been achieved, how are you doing today? Have you mastered the Armament Haki in both hands?"

"Ah, um, it's coming soon. Captain Paul is still waiting for my firewood, so I'll send it over first."

As soon as Kuro asked him about his armed colors, Ah Er quickly made an excuse and ran away.

Looking at Ah Er running away, Curry said in his heart that he could tell at a glance that he must not have mastered his armed colors, and he was afraid that he would be beaten. He.

Kuro shook his head with a smile and followed Ah Er, walking in the direction of Paul and the others.

"Ah Er, did you go to plant trees? You are back now.

Suo Xi saw Ah Er finally coming back and complained.

"What do you know! Only good wood can be worthy of Brother Paul’s barbecue!"

A'er carried the big tree to Paul with a flattering look on his face.

"Oh, Ah Er, you are exaggerating. It is not that good."

Paul still looked dead when he heard Ah Er's praise.

"Paul, start the grill, I'm hungry too."

Cullo arrived at this time and quickly urged Paul to start grilling

"Captain, you're back too. No problem. I'll go get ready now. I'll have to trouble you to light the fire later."

"no big deal."

Paul asked Ah Er to chop firewood and set up the barbecue grill. Kuro took the wine handed over by Huang Mao and drank it in big gulps. He hadn't drank any water all afternoon and was really thirsty.

"All right, Captain, light the fire."

"Hot air."

After Paul prepared everything, Kuro took a mouthful of phlegm, ah no, a flame spit on the firewood, and it ignited with a bang.

A group of people sat around the barbecue, chatting about today's harvest and how to work hard tomorrow.

After eating and drinking, everyone fell asleep tiredly by the campfire. When they woke up the next day, everyone continued to repeat yesterday's training, and

Kuro was alone to find a place and work on his own training plan. After being treated by Mr. Wensi, Ryan came over in full swing at noon and came back to continue training according to the training plan planned by Kuro.

Sometimes, Kuro would give Rui some guidance during the break after completing the training plan. Well.

It was afternoon, and a group of people gathered around Ah Er, staring at his hands. After all, if he couldn't master his hands and hardened his color after today, the captain would beat someone.



Ah'er was holding back his strength. His hands were sometimes black and sometimes gray, and he couldn't completely harden them.

"Ah Er, come on, if you don't succeed, the captain will beat you to death."

A'da was beside him, cheering for his younger brother with a worried look on his face.

When A'er heard his brother's words, he was sweating anxiously, but his armor still couldn't be stabilized.

"Ah Er, do you remember me calling you? Haki is a kind of energy in the human body. What you need to do is to let this energy cover your hands. Don't panic! Stay steady.

Seeing Ah Er unable to succeed, Ji Hai instructed him from the side.

"Calm down, calm down, mobilize your energy, cover your hands, and hold on!"

After hearing what Ji Hai said, Ah Er immediately took a deep breath to calm down, then felt the domineering energy in his body and mobilized them to cover his hands.

"Buzz, buzz~, buzz"


"ah! I finally succeeded! Thank you, Brother Shihai! Woo hoo, without you I would have been beaten by the captain"

"Hahaha, the captain won't beat you if you don't succeed, he will just teach you something else."

After Ah Er tried to harden it three or four times, he finally succeeded. He hugged Ji Hai and shook him excitedly. At this time, he had forgotten the hatred of his teeth.

Everyone was dancing and making noises beside him. I'm happy for Ah Er

"Okay, now that Er is successful, let’s have a barbecue tonight. Crowe, go and call Master Cooley over and get to know everyone. After all, we will be partners on the same boat from now on."

Crow watched from the side, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and then he said to Crow next to him.

""Okay, Captain, I'll go right away."

Clo pushed his glasses and went to find Master Cooley.

Clo asked Paul to prepare the ingredients, and he would introduce a new companion in the evening, so that Paul could show off his skills.

When Paul heard this, a new companion? He happily took Suoxi into the villa and went to the cold storage in the villa to get food.

After a while, Paul and Suoxi came over with a bunch of ingredients, put them on the ground and started to process them.

"Hey! Captain, why did you call me here? Don't you know I'm busy?"

Master Cooley shouted from a distance.

"Master Kure, I asked you to come here to get to know everyone. After all, we will be companions from now on."

Crow heard the sound, looked up and saw Master Cooley and Crow coming over, and then said

"Captain, is this our future shipwright?"

A'er came over, full of curiosity about Master Kure. After all, all the crew members on the ship had seen Master Kure before, but he was the only one who got lost and didn't see him.

"Yes, this is Master Kure, the shipwright on our ship from now on."

Ku Luo stood up and introduced Master Ku Lei to the crew on the ship.

"Hello boys, my name is Missy Cooley and you know me as���Just call me Master Cooley.

Master Cooley stood in the middle of the crowd and greeted the crew.

"Okay, Master Cooley!"

"Master Cooley, what does our new ship look like?"

"Master Kulei, is the new ship big? Are there multiple crew rooms?"

Everyone was curious about this fishman master before, and when they heard that Master Kulei had joined them, they immediately gathered around him.

The crew all smiled, greeted Master Kulei, and curiously asked about the new ship.

"Hahaha, the new ship was not built by me, but discovered by the captain. The new ship is super big, and you guys can't fill it up, hahaha."

Master Cooley laughed, gesturing with his hands to show the size of the Weeping Angel, and chatting happily with everyone.

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