"You really are following orders. Let me tell you, I really don't like this kind of uninvited guest. I will let him go this time."

"If it happens again, I will regard them as the enemy's reinforcements and kill them forever."

Kuro said to Den Den Mushi with murderous intent in his tone.

"I understand, how is the Lion Pirates?"

When Wu Laoxing heard Kuro's words, his tone was a little flat, as if CP0's life and death was not important to them at all and was not worth caring about.

"The Lion Pirates were all killed by us, the lion's head was smashed by my crew, and the deputy captain Lorne was scratched and his heart was broken."

"Bo Mei was beheaded, and the remaining crew members were all killed by me, and none of them ran away."

Quluo said, let the five old stars know the result of this battle.

"Okay, we get it, have you chosen your compensation?"

"I want that flour fruit"

"It will be delivered to you tomorrow."

The Five Elders said and hung up the phone.

Kuro put down the Den Den Mushi, found another bottle of wine, took a sip, and felt that it was not as good as the previous red wine.

At this time, A Er came back with his men, each carrying a small bag. A Er's largest

"Captain, I smelled the whole castle and found a lot of good things."

A'er took out the pocket on his back and showed it to the captain. When he opened it, it was filled with gold and jewelry.

"Oh, it seems that the Lion Pirates have robbed a lot in their lives. These things are worth 100 million Baileys at a glance. This is just yours, what about theirs?"

Hearing Captain Kuro's voice, the crew all smiled at each other, and then opened their pockets behind them to let the captain see.

"It's all gold. This guy only hoards gold. Is there nothing else?"

"The captain really had nothing but gold and jewels."

Quluo was really curious, but he didn't know that Lion Burley had always believed that gold was worth more than money, and he also liked the golden color of gold.

He thought that the color of gold was very similar to his golden hair. They were all so sparkling.

That's why he only stocked up on gold and no other valuable items. Even if he had them before, he had to exchange them for gold. They were all in the underground vault of Shishibolai. The first thing that Bo Lai must do is to lie in the pile of gold for a while at night. This is called increasing the infection of gold on his hair. Little did he know that this habit helped Ah Er a lot, and Ah Er's nose was smooth.

Following the smell, he directly found the vault. Looking at the door of the vault, Ah Er smelled it again and was sure it was here. After all, it was full of the scent of Lion Burai, and there was no smell from others. It must be an important place.

Er took out Fengshan and started to attack the treasury door. Fortunately, Fengshan was hard enough and the treasury door was average. After a while, Ah Er opened a hole and looked in, almost blinding him. It was all filled with gold.

The next step was to open the door and move things out, carrying them pocket by pocket.

After looking at the gold, Kuro stood up and stretched, and wanted to leave. After all, everything was settled.

"Just stay here and look for the so-called fish that slipped through the net."

It seems that after speaking to the man in the white mask, he led the crew out of the gate.

Only the man in the white mask was left breathing heavily on the ground.

"Captain, are we really not going to kill him?"

Ryan said somewhat unwillingly.

"Even when beating a dog, it depends on the owner. This matter ends here. The reason why I want to fight CP0 today is to tell Wulaoxing"

"I am not someone who can be manipulated at will, and I also want to show some strength and tell them my strength."

"I guess the Five Elders won't send anyone here anymore. After all, if they get killed by me again, it won't be worth it."

Kuro finished speaking, and Ryan nodded, not quite understanding.

"Paul, make a barbecue tonight, we're having a party!"

"No problem Captain!"

"oh! Great to have barbecue again!"

"I want to eat two more pieces this time, because last time my piece was snatched away by Ah Er"

"Haha, don't worry, it's the same this time"

"Damn it, watch out, Er-er!"

The group of people walked towards the Weeping Angel, fighting and making noises.

The man in the white mask stood up after Kuro left, took out a Den Den Mushi from his arms and dialed



"You were defeated by the Blood Blade"

"Yes Lord Wulao Xing, it would have seriously injured me with just one knife, but for some reason, it did not kill me, but beat me."

After hearing the white mask man's words, Wu Laoxing was silent for a while.

"Do you feel he ate that fruit?"

"Probably not. He never showed any ability in the fight with me from beginning to end. He only relied on his swordsmanship. His physical skills were also very terrifying."

"Well, I understand. Cancel the operation to eliminate the Blood Blade and instead recruit them. You can come back."

After Wulaoxing finished speaking, he hung up the phone. The man in the white mask put the phone bug in his arms and put it away. He took out a bomb from his pocket.

He set the time and left here with moon steps.

Kuro They returned to the boat, and Ryan directed everyone to set sail. Crowley was eating a meat leg and talking to Crowe.

Not long after the boat sailed, there was a loud noise from the location of the Beast Island Castle behind him.


After that, a wave of air spread to all directions, destroying the surrounding trees, and then a flame rose into the sky and swept across the Beast Island in an instant.

"Oh, beware of fish that slip through the net, it turns out to be setting fire to the mountain."

Qu Luo said lightly while eating the meat leg.

"Captain, where are we going next?"

Klo looked at the burning Beast Island and asked the captain about the next itinerary.

"Clo, are you still lost in the direction of Sleeping Ancient Town?"

"No, but I feel more and more that the sealed place is Sleeping Ancient Town."

"If it is somewhere, it is too far away from us. It seems that we can only sail there slowly, and we will not be able to reach it in the near future."

Hearing the captain's words, Crowe nodded.

"Then let’s go to Sky Island as our next stop. There’s one more thing I need to get back there."

"Sky island? Do you also believe the story about Captain Nolando?"

Hearing the captain say that he was going to Sky Island, Crowe looked at him in disbelief.

"story? Hahaha, no, no, no, Sky Island is real! Just like sleeping in the ancient town, Crowe, the unknown thing, is not a fiction."

After Kuro said that, he walked towards the crowd.

""My fellow lads, the next stop is to take you to see the island in the sky! Sky Island!"

Kuro's words silenced the crew members, who all stared at him with wide eyes.

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