In fact, the initial spearhead of this war was all thanks to one man.

The strongest swordsman in the world!!!

King Shichibukai Hawkeye Mihawk!!!

Crick took 5,000 men and 50 pirate ships and ambitiously entered the Great Channel, but he was offended for some reason.

In just 7 days, most of them were wiped out. In the end, only one ship and a bunch of defeated soldiers were left.

Like a bereaved dog escaping from the Great Channel.

As a result, this old man rowed a boat and followed me again!

With one strike, someone's last hope was wiped out!

According to unknown sources, Hawkeye may have been sleeping in a small boat and was hit by Creek's big boat, which made Hawkeye get up and get angry and chase him!

However, I personally prefer another version of the story. Since the boat had no oars, Hawkeye rowed with a sword, which was seen by Creek.

The judge may have asked, is it just because he saw the sword and rowed the boat that he pursued him for so long?

Of course!

Who do you like? A fledgling little brat!

Who is my eagle eye? The world is the best!

I actually let you see my lowest side. Do you think you should die?

Of course you have to silence yourself!

Thinking of this, Kuro nodded secretly, that must be the case.

After basking in the sun for a while, Crowe came over

"Captain Kuro, where are we going now?"

Adjusting his glasses, Kuro asked Kuro

"There is not enough food on the ship. We need to buy some. It happens to be not far from the sea restaurant Barati. Where are we going to buy it?"

Kuro replied, holding his face with one hand.

"Hey, Clo, how's your Armament Training going lately? Any progress?"

"Not yet, but I am strengthening my silent steps in the direction you taught me."

Clou adjusted his glasses and replied. Crow looked at Crow in front of him, and the picture in his mind returned to a week ago.

A week ago, Crow had almost recovered, walked out of the cabin, and walked to the deck.

He saw a hand Kuro, armed with a stick and a knife, stared at Zangao and his followers who were doing weight-bearing push-ups. He was a bit curious. It was more difficult for Zangao to exercise than to kill him. Why did he take the initiative to fight him this time? It was like he was bleeding.

But the next second he saw a minion next to Zangao, who was trying to be lazy. Kuro grinned and went straight up to hit him. The minion was on standby and died on the spot! The big two immediately stepped forward, each grabbed one foot, and dragged the gangster away.

When Zangao looked at him, he immediately started training at full speed.

Kuro nodded. Yes, he's sensible.

After watching it, Crowe turned around and wanted to enter the cabin, but suddenly a hand grabbed his shoulder,"Oh, it's Crowe, you've recovered, right?""

Claude turned around and saw Crow with his big teeth bared and staring at him with an extremely perverted smile.

"Um... I suddenly felt the wound on my head open again. I'll go back to the lounge first."

"Crowe, the wound on your head has healed long ago, and it’s still split open! Hehehe, now that you are out, let’s exercise! Exercise more and increase your strength and defeat me, and you won't have to work part-time!"

Crow thought about it and it makes sense. I can't beat you now. I will train hard for a while and I will be able to surpass you. Then I will kill you!

Crow looked at Crow with a dark smile on his face and thought to himself, this kid has no idea. Hold in your fart, I’ll train twice as hard later

"good!"Claude happily agreed.

But the subsequent training made him want to beat himself to death.

At first, in order to test his strength, Crowley asked him to use moves to attack him.

Crowley immediately used Silent Step, trying to jump to Crowley He was hit hard from behind, but Kuro turned around faster and slapped him with a rounded swing.

""Pah!" Crowe spun 1080 degrees on the spot.

After stopping, he looked at Crowe,"Did you hit me?""

"No, there's a mosquito on your face, I'll kill it for you."

Hearing Crowe say this, Crowe immediately got angry and activated his ultimate move, eh, you can't see it, I'm moving, moving, moving.

Crowe directly used"Laying Death", trying to kill Crowe.

Crowe looked at Crowe jumping around, constantly destroying the deck and the hull, and frowned slightly when he saw that he was about to attack the mast. Can't stand anymore

""Shua" disappeared on the spot, and then appeared in front of Crowe,"Pa" slapped him again, directly waking up Crowe from the dipping mode.

"You bastard! I'm going to kill you." The furious Crowe attacked Crowe crazily, but he only received a calm slap in response.

Ten minutes later,

Zangao and his gang looked at Crowe lying on the ground, his face swollen like a pig's head, his eyes He felt hollow, as if he had been ruined, and at the same time he was sympathetic and endlessly afraid!

The captain was a devil! He could solve the problem with just one punch, but he still slapped him with force. Just to get a few more slaps

"Captain, what a pervert!"

Ryan couldn't help but mutter


"I mean, your strength is so abnormal."


Ryan wiped the cold sweat from his face and couldn't help but feel proud of his wit.

"Hey! Clo, it's about time you get up!"

Clo squatted down and poked the pig's head with his finger.

Clo did not respond.

"Hey, I've learned most of your moves, but they're too slow. And your death mode will make you unconscious once you turn it on, so what's the point of it?"

"If you meet someone who is faster than you, you will be beaten while standing. If you meet someone with strong defense, you will not be able to cause much damage but will be easily caught."

Crow coolly squirted.

Hearing Crow's ridicule of his moves, Crow's eyes gradually focused,"What do you know! You bastard! Don't think that just because you are better than me, you can say this about my tricks!"

Claude sat up with a pig's head on his head.

"No one had ever broken my moves before I met you."

Hearing this, Ryan silently raised his right hand.


"Before I met you guys!"

Seeing Ryan's hand, Chloe immediately changed the subject.

"Come on, Clo, you are too narrow-minded. There are countless powerful people in this world, and even I am not a real strong person."

"If you think we are strong, it is because you have never gone out to see the outside world. You have stayed in the East China Sea for too long and are too stable. Completely lost ambition!"

Crow looked down at Crow with unconcealed disdain in his tone.

Crow lowered his head and said nothing.

"A year ago you said you were tired of being hunted by the navy and bounty hunters, so you faked your death and changed your name. From my perspective, you did it not because you were tired, but because you were afraid!"

"You have lost the courage to be a pirate! Became a coward who ran away!"

When Zangao heard what Crowe said, he lowered the brim of his hat with his hand.

No one knew better than him what Crowe was when he first went to sea.

Crowe was not like this back then. Although he was a treacherous person, he had to make a plan before doing anything, but he never I am not afraid of any enemy.

But maybe because I made too many plans and left too many escape routes, I gradually became timid, so much so that I faked my death a year ago to hide my name. , took the last escape route left for himself.

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