"Enel, I remember you said you know electrotherapy, right?"

"That's right, I can make a stopped heart beat again. Is there something wrong with this skill? Brother."

Enel looked serious, thinking that there was something wrong with his skill.

"No, no, I was thinking, since you can restart your heartbeat, can you use lightning to stimulate your body and make your muscles beat on their own?"

Kuro told Enelu about his general idea, and then Enelu fell into deep thought.

"Brother, what you mean is to use electricity to stimulate the muscles continuously, so that they are in a state of exercise for a long time, right?"

"Yes, in this case, it is equivalent to having an autonomous training mode."

After receiving Kuro's idea, Enelu began to try. Because he was the lightning, he would not worry about being hurt even if the electricity was too high.

Kuro looked at Enelu's muscles, which began to contract, then expand, contract, and expand over and over again.

"How about Enero, can it work? Qrow asked

""Yes, big brother. Although it doesn't improve muscle a lot, it definitely does. And I feel that this kind of stimulation has given me a better grasp of my fruit abilities."

Enelu was excited. Big brother was really amazing. He could even think of this method.

"It's fine as long as it works. I'll teach you another powerful attack mode."

Kuro said, taking out a coin from his pocket and hitting the coin with lightning to charge it.

"Look, electromagnetic gun 1.0"


The coin in Kuro's hand was directly wrapped with energy and launched out, then hit a reef and exploded on the spot.

The smoke dissipated, and the reef had turned into a big pit, which made Enel's eyes light up.

"Remember, use your hand as the gun mount, the coin as the bullet, and electromagnetism as the energy. The three combined form an electromagnetic gun!"

"I remember big brother!"

Enilu took a handful of coins from Kuro's hand and started practicing. At the beginning, he always melted the coins every time because of the wrong energy.

Kuro told him not to worry and explained to him. Electromagnetic field theory, slowly Enelo mastered this skill

"Electromagnetic gun 1.0 launches!"

Enilu held the coin, and his whole hand began to shine with thunder and lightning, and then he fired it directly towards a mountain.


A big explosion was produced directly, which was much more powerful than Kuro's.

"Brother, I have mastered the electromagnetic cannon."

Enelu said excitedly.

"Well, I saw it. Remember, your thunder fruit is said to be the strongest in the natural system. This must not be groundless. Let's slowly discover it."

Quluo said, patting Enelu's shoulder.

This made Enelu swear again.

"Captain, we are back. The explosion just now was caused by you."

This is what Ryan said when he walked onto the boat carrying a bunch of items.

"Well, Enel's ability has been newly developed, and it was just being tested"

"What? A new ability? Too strong, Enelu, you are indeed the strongest nature type, alas, it's a pity that I am just an ordinary animal type."

When he heard that Enelu's ability was strengthened again, Ah Er's face was full of envy. After all, no matter how he developed his fruit, it only increased the strength of his body.

"By the way, Captain, this time when you used the flame cloud to wrap around the hull, I thought I could use the same thing."

After Ryan put the things away, he walked up to Kuro and said

"oh? Can you also use Yanyun?"

"I don't know if it is, but it can only be used by myself."

Ryan said as he activated his ability and turned into a giant tiger of more than ten meters. Then his four claws came out and began to fly out of the white clouds. Ryan stepped on the white clouds and slowly began to fly.

Ryan ran in the sky for a while, and then he Landed on the deck, restored to human form

"Captain, did you see that?"

"I saw it. This should be part of the White Tiger Fruit, but you didn't know it before. Yes, now you have mastered another flying skill. Hahaha."

Crow happily patted his back. After all, he could be said to have trained Ryan with all his strength.

The group placed the supplies and began to fly the Weeping Angel into the sky to the sealed place.

Since there is a battery, existence, so they only need to recharge during the day.

After flying like this for five days, the sealed land appeared in front of them.

Dark clouds were shining, and there was a large sea area near the island. Neptune species, emerging from the water

"Captain, this place is scarier than Grandma Fanglan said."

"Yes, no wonder it is called the Sealed Land. Ordinary pirate ships would be eaten by sea kings if they entered the nearby waters."

Kuro and his companions stood on the deck and watched with their own eyes as a large sea fish was lifted up by a sea king and then eaten.

"Fortunately, our ship can fly. Let's go and see what this sealed place has to say."

Ryan piloted the ship and flew to the island. Enel stood on the deck, constantly absorbing the thunder and lightning in the thunderclouds and storing it in his body.

As soon as the spacecraft landed, Kuro felt a bloody smell.

"Let's go down, everyone is here, we can't leave empty-handed."

After finishing speaking, Kuro took the lead and walked off. The crew members quickly followed. Only Master Kurei was left to look after the ship.

Walking on the streets of the Sealed Land, looking at the dilapidated buildings around him, Kuro tried hard to recall the old town. Is this where it is?

After walking for a long time, except for the abandoned buildings, there was not even a living thing.

"Captain, it seems that we came here in vain this time. This is a completely abandoned island."

After Ryan finished speaking, the crew members all nodded in agreement.

But Ah Er was uncharacteristically silent.���With a face of doubt

"Ah Er, what are you thinking about? Did you find anything?"

Kuro couldn’t help but wonder.

"Captain, I feel that this place looks familiar, but I am sure I have never been there, but it just feels familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere."

A'er looked puzzled and kept looking around.

"That's right, Captain! It's a map! That treasure map, the one on the treasure map of the great pirate Gode is right here!" Ah Er suddenly had an idea, and suddenly remembered that it was the treasure map of the great pirate Gode that they had snatched from the auction house before.

"What did you say? Is this where the treasure picture comes from?"

Now it was Kuro's turn to look puzzled.

"That's right, Captain, I look at the treasure map for a while before going to bed every day. This is definitely the right place."

A'er said with certainty, and ran back to the ship to get the treasure map.

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