As soon as the screen turned, Doflamingo was ready to go to Cyberpunk Hazard to check the situation in person after discovering that there was no movement there

! On the other side, with Nami's help, the transport truck successfully came to the shore and joined Frankie

! At this time, Baby5 and the two also discovered them, and Buffalo took Caesar to prepare to escape! They were stopped by Nami and Usopp! All three were arrested!

At this time, everyone is reunited at the beach, Sanji is building the cooking stove, Frankie and G5 are repairing the ship, Luo is going to help the imps heal, Dusty and Nami are talking

on the deck, she wants Nami to hand over the child to the navy! But Nami doesn't want to believe the navy, it has always been because it was handed over to the navy to deal with, so it will be like this

! Sengoku sighed, she was right, everything that happened on Punk Hazard can be said to be caused by the navy!

Because of the traitors in the navy, these children were abducted here and used as test subjects! All this can be said to be their reason

! Dusty bowed solemnly to Nami, and Dusty promised her that the navy would definitely treat the children and then send them to their parents

! Nami agreed, she decided to trust the navy once! After all, they were pirates

! On the other hand, Kinemon, who turned into a lime man, was also successfully resurrected and recognized by Momonosuke!

At this time, Luo walked down, and he told Luffy and the others that

the pursuers were coming soon! Luffy heard this, and shouted at them: "Brothers! The pursuers are coming soon

! So, hurry up! It's time for a banquet!" Luo looked at Luffy suspiciously, making sure he wasn't joking! Hearing Luffy's

words, everyone immediately cheered, and the navy pirates and children all gathered together to eat and drink happily!

Everyone in front of the screen was amazed to see this harmonious scene, and it was the first time they had seen the navy and the pirates coexist in such harmony

! But they didn't dare to expect all the pirates to be like this, the Straw Hat Pirates were just a special case, they didn't look like pirates at all, they were more like adventurers

! The people who had eaten and drunk were ready to leave, and after Luffy and the others watched the children board the tanker, they were also ready to leave!

As soon as the screen turned, Doflamingo also came to Punk Hazard, and saw the heads of Bafaro and Baby5 on a lifeboat

! There was also a phone bug next to them, and Rowe's voice came from the phone bug, "The Caesar you are looking for is with me! Let's make a deal

!" Doflamingo: "Where are you? Don't me off!"

Luo Dao on the phone bug's side: "Angry, the most important deal for you now is Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, what if you let him know that you can't make 'SMILE' anymore? He is not a reasonable person, you will be killed by him!"

Doflamingo: "How can you give Caesar back to me?

Luo: "Resign from the Seven Martial Seas! It's nothing! It's just to make you give up the position that you have spent ten years building up and turn back into ordinary pirates! But in this way, the admirals of the Navy Headquarters will not let you go! The deadline is tomorrow's morning report! If there is nothing, then the deal has failed!" After saying that, Luo hung up the phone

! After hearing Luo's request, everyone felt incredible, this guy's request was to let Doflamingo resign from the king's Seven Martial Seas!

Doflamingo, who has lost the identity of the Seven Martial Seas, is just an ordinary pirate! The Admiral will definitely not let him go

! But will Doflamingo really give up the identity of the Seven Martial Seas?

At this time, King Liku on Dressrosa did not expect Trafalgar Rowe's request to be this!

He couldn't believe it, could it be that Doflamingo really gave up this identity and became an ordinary pirate?

Is this the result he wanted to kidnap Caesar?

At this moment, the screen turned, and Smoker, who was still in Punk Hazard, appeared on the screen, and at this moment

, Doflamingo also came here! Doflamingo used the overlord color domineering to directly stun a large part of the navy, and then used the parasitic line to make the navy kill each other! Doflamingo

looked at Smoker and said, "Smoker, tell me where those stinky boys have gone?"

I don't know! I'm so sorry for Captain Virgo's base to let them go

!"Doflamingo: "He's gone! I think you know a little bit!" Doflamingo rushed straight at Smoker! Smoker wasn't Doflamingo's

opponent at all, and he was covered in color after a while.

At this moment, the G5 Navy rushed up, Doflamingo manipulated the line in his hand to attack the Navy directly, Smoker saw this situation and realized that something was wrong, turned into smoke and blocked in front of them! Doflamingo's attack all fell on Smoker's body

! Smoker fell to the ground, Doflamingo came to him, raised his hand to deal with Smoker

! Everyone looked at the screen worriedly, who could save him at this time! Could this navy really die here?

At this moment, a cold air came out from behind him, and a familiar voice appeared in everyone's ears

! A person appeared behind Doflamingo, "I'm sorry, little brother, can you let me? He's my friend!"

Everyone looked at the man on the screen with wide eyes, it turned out to be Admiral Pheasant Kuzan

! How could he be here? He wasn't wearing navy-style clothes!

What the hell is going on?

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