Alyx, who had been flying in the sky for an unknown amount of time, had turned into a small bird again, and the rumbling sound in his stomach made it impossible for him to maintain his huge size.

It fluttered its wings and tried to fly to the empty island it had just seen, but its body was so hungry that it grew so large that it could no longer fly.

It fell straight from the sky and landed on the surface of the sea with a great speed!

Alyx, who had plunged into the sea, fluttered his wings and swam to the surface of the sea

, and then fell asleep! When Alyx woke up again, it was a long time later, and he didn't know where he was now!

At this time, Barry was asking Luki: "Luki, Alex has been missing for a long time, aren't you worried at all?"

Luqi didn't say a word, but Kaku said: " Alyx is very strong, no one in the water capital should be able to beat

it, maybe run out to play and get lost, maybe come back in two days!" After Kaku said this, he himself was a little disbelieving, he guessed that Alyx should have been taken away, otherwise he wouldn't have come back for so long! Barry said: "Then I'll go find it!" Then he ran out like a gust of wind

! At this time, Rob Ruch was still silent, he had already guessed that Alyx should have been taken away!

At that moment, Barry, who had run away, ran back again, still holding a newspaper in his hand


Kaku looked at him strangely: "What's wrong?"

"Look!" Barry said as he handed the newspaper to Kaku.

When he saw the headline of the newspaper, Kaku's eyes widened instantly: "No, how could this happen!" Luki

looked at him strangely, "What's going on?"

Kaku showed him the newspaper in his hand, and Luki looked at the headline on the news in disbelief, 'The power to shake the world, burn Mary Joa'!'

There are a few pictures below, one of Mary Joy, in ruins, and a picture of a giant red bird, and a picture of a little girl about eight or nine years old, with her huge red wings tucked behind her, sitting obediently at a table.


" Barry looked at the two of them, "How did Alyx get to Mary Joy? What the hell is going on?"

Kaku: "I don't know!" Luqi said in ventriloquism: "When I watched the video before, Alyx ran out, I didn't care about it at the time, I didn't expect it to appear in Mary Joya!

" Barry: "

So where is it now? It's okay, let's hide it!"

Kaku flipped through the newspaper, and at this moment, a bounty order fell, he picked it up, and when his eyes saw the bounty amount on it, his eyes instantly widened!

"1.5 billion !!

" Kaku handed the bounty to Lu Qi, "How can this bounty be so high? Wasn't there a person who burned Mary Joy before, and it was only rewarded with more than 200 million, how could it be so high?"

Lu Qi said:" There may be something else going on, but this is not reported on it

!" At this time, the big newsman Morgans was excited: "The Tianlong people were killed, and the bird that killed them turned out to be the pet eggs distributed by the system! They can't hide such important news from me, who am I, I am the big newsman Morgans! Reprint must spread this news to the world as quickly as possible

!" "It didn't take long for a brand new newspaper to go viral all over the world! Everyone saw the content of the news!"

Boya Hancock looked at the contents of the newspaper and burst into laughter, tears streaming into her eyes, for the first

time in a long time she was so happy! She couldn't help but shout: "Good kill!" The

other two sisters were also very happy! Mary Joya was burned, and the Draconians were killed, no matter what news could make them wake up laughing from their dreams!

The resentment that had accumulated in their hearts for a long time was finally released!

At this time, on the Merry, Nami also had a newspaper and a bounty order in her hand, and Luffy and the others already knew that the little girl on the bounty order was also hatched from a pet egg

! The body was a red

bird! This surprised Luffy and the others, they didn't expect that the pet eggs issued by the system would hatch such a powerful bird!

Usopp and the others all looked at Merry expectantly, "Merry, can you be so powerful?" Merry looked at

the eyes of several people, " I'm just a ship spirit, and I don't have any special abilities, but does it count if I can control other ships?"

After Nami heard this ability, she hugged Merry: "This is also great! If you meet someone you can't deal with in the future, you can control their ship so that they can't chase us

!" Merry said: "But this ability has a range

!" Nami touched her head: "It's already good!" Several

other people also chimed in:" yes, yes, Melly is great

, too!" Chat room

: Apu: "No, it's not it, burn Mary Joya!!Draconians are killed!Is this news true or false?

" Kidd: "That's too exaggerated!!

" Becky: "The newspaper says that this human-capable bird hatched from a pet egg issued by the system, and it doesn't say that it belongs to the Straw Hats, it's the pet egg named Rob Lucky?"

Becky: "I'll just say that the reward won't be that simple, that question has a penalty, and there aren't many problems with a penalty!It seems that the rewards with the penalty question are quite good!

" Hawkins: "Negligently, I didn't expect this pet egg to be the rarest!" Kidd

: "I didn't regret the pet eggs that didn't choose the pet eggs before?" Becky

: "@路飞, your reward is also a pet egg, what did you hatch?".

Seeing Becky's words, everyone was curious, that pet egg named Rob Lucci hatched such a powerful pet bird, that straw hat boy should not be bad, and their pet egg also made a note on it, it seems to be Merry

? What does this mean?

Everyone is curious, what does this Melly mean?

Luffy: "It's our ship spirit Melly!!".

Luffy didn't hide it, now everyone wants to know what's in the pet egg, and if they hide it, it will make others think more

!Apu: "Merry?ship spirit?" Becky: "So your ship has a ship spirit?" The system has given you your ship spirit as a reward?" Luffy: "

Yes! It's our ship spirit Merry!!".

Looking at Luffy's firm answer, all the pirates couldn't help but look at their ship, wondering if they also

have a ship spirit on their ship? It turns out that the Straw Hats have ship spirits, so there should be theirs

too!!! On the Moby Dick at this time, everyone looked at their ship, and many people asked, "Daddy, do we have a ship spirit on Moby Dick too?"

Whitebeard laughed. He's also our old buddy, and he has followed us through ups and downs, so what does it matter if there is a ship spirit or not? He's still him!

" Marco: "That's right! The Moby Dick is also our most important friend! Everyone on the Moby Dick cheered: "Okay! Cheers to our most important friend, Moby Dick!!"

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