Chopper looked at the sky, listened to the bird's call, instantly understood, and hurriedly stopped Luffy

: "This is the little red bird from before!" "What? This is the one from before?" Several people all looked at Chopper in disbelief! This can't be right

! At this moment, Robin said to several people: "Don't you think this bird is very familiar?"

Hearing Robin's words, several people turned their heads to look at the red giant in the air! They looked at it seriously and said: " It's a little familiar, as if you've seen it somewhere?"

Robin took out the previous newspaper and handed it to a few

people: "Look at it!" Several people looked at the newspaper and saw that there was also a giant red bird on it

! Several people were shocked: "This is

the !!" Usopp said tremblingly: "Isn't this the !! in the newspaper"

"So Merry feels right? They are the same kind!!They all hatched from pet eggs!".

At this time, Alyx in the sky turned into a bird again, it swooped down, flew in front of several people, and then shouted at Sanji!!Sanji

was puzzled, Chopper translated to him: "It wants you to make food for it!" Nami

was shocked: "Now is not the time to do this? Why is this bird here? Wasn't it still in Mary Joy?"

It must have flown over, if it got bigger, it would have been easy to fly from the sky!!

" Nami: "Then why did it fall into the sea, could

it be hungry?" Robin said, "It should be like this!" She looked at the name on the bounty order, "So it's called Alyx!" "Alyx?" Nami repeated, then looked at the bounty in Robin's hand, "It can become a human?".

At this time, Alyx heard several people discussing it, it turned its head to look at several people, and then put its wings together, and when it was unfolded, a figure like the one on the bounty order appeared in front of everyone

! Everyone looked at the child in front of them in surprise! Melly was also very curious to look at this little friend who hatched from the egg like her!

Usopp looked at

Alyx in front of him very scared, " This guy is very vicious, let's not have anything to do with

her!" Alyx tilted his head to look at Usopp, who was startled by Alex's gaze and quickly hid behind Zoro

, "Hurry up and get rid of her!" Luffy looked at Alyx curiously: "It's so interesting! It can be turned into a human bird!Let's bring it on board!"

Hearing this, Usopp hurriedly crossed behind Zoro!

Nami said, "It's not appropriate, isn't she the one named Rob Rock got it?"

Usopp nodded in agreement

!Sanji said, "Then why did she appear here? What about the man named Rob Rocky? Why did she appear in Mary Joy? and did such a big thing!"

Everyone looked at Alyx curiously, but Alyx didn't answer their words!

A few people looked at her strangely, what was the matter? Couldn't she speak?

Alyx turned into a little red bird again, and then chirped, and several people were puzzled, and they all looked at Chopper.

Chopper listened to Alyx's words and translated to several people: "It doesn't know how it ended up there, it's going to a place now, but it can't remember where that place is!"

Usopp asked, "Then why are you burning Mary Joa?"

Alyx chirped, and Chopper translated it: "There's a black guy there who wants to catch it, it's a bad guy!"

Several people who heard this were a little puzzled, "The black man?" Is it the person who wears black clothes? Could it be that the Celestial Dragon people want to catch it!" Then he said to it, "What about the man named Rob Lucci? Isn't he your master

?" Alyx looked at several people suspiciously: "I don't remember!" Alyx's

answer made several people very puzzled, "Don't you remember? How can this not be remembered

?" Several people asked again: "Then what do you remember?"

Alyx waved his wings excitedly

: "Meat! delicious meat!!, so many delicious meat!!" Luffy, who heard this, suddenly looked at it with bright eyes: "Meat, what meat, how delicious is that meat???" Usopp looked at Luffy's

unproductive appearance after hearing the meat, and he really didn't see it

! Alyx waved his wings and gestured, "Very delicious!!".

When Luffy heard this, he immediately said to a few people: "Then let's go find that delicious meat! The one named Rob Ruch is its owner, right? Let's help it find that person, and by the way, taste that delicious meat

!" Usopp: "Then why don't we

ask him directly in the chat room? Let him come and pick up this bird!" Nami said: "No! If you ask him directly in the chat room, someone from the World Government will come and arrest Alyx!"

We can ask him where he is, let's go over

!" Sanji: "That's a good idea, but wouldn't the people of the World Government go to trouble that person?"

Robin: "Probably not!" This bird appeared in Mary Joy, maybe it was sold to the World Government by the one named Rob Lucky, but it escaped on its own!"

Hearing Robin's words, several people were stunned, this is indeed possible, otherwise it would not be possible to explain why this bird appeared in Mary Joa!

Usopp said, "Then we are still asking

for the location of that person in the chat room?" Sanji: "What are you asking?

In the hands of the World Government?" Nami said: "Let's leave it on the ship, we don't know if that person is good or bad, if it is a bad person, Alyx will be sent to the hands of the World Government, it will be bad!

When several people heard this, they also agreed! Regardless of whether that person sold Alyx to the World Government or not, it is an indisputable fact

that Alyx appeared in Mary Joy! The World Government really didn't look like a good person in the previous video, especially those Draconians, and if Alyx fell into their hands, he might be treated as a slave

! After making a decision, several people asked Alyx's opinion again, and Alyx agreed! It doesn't remember anything now, it doesn't have any purpose, it acts on feeling

! As for that delicious meat, she can't remember where she ate

it! Alex looked at Sanji, the meat made by this man is also delicious!!Sanji

met Alyx's gaze, "Wait! I'll do it for you! Let's have a welcome party for Alyx!"

Luffy agreed with both hands: "Okay! It's a banquet!!".

Then Luffy Chopper and the others happily pulled the bird-looking Alyx to dance!

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