At this time, the screen has changed, a group of Draconians appeared on the screen, they looked at the other Draconians in shock

! People also learned from their conversation that this Draco named Huo Mingu was leaving the Holy Land Mary Joya to become an ordinary person!

And a child next to him appeared on the screen, the iconic sunglasses, everyone knew at a glance who he was, Doflamingo!!

Everyone looked at the screen in disbelief, is this man Doflamingo's father? Compared with other Draco people, he was unexpectedly kind, but he didn't expect his father to be quite gentle, this is what everyone didn't expect

! Looking at Doflamingo's family on the screen, they couldn't imagine that someone would choose to give up his identity as a Draco and become an ordinary person! What did he think?

Everyone was a little curious about what happened to the Huomingu family who left Mary Joy's house, and how the two brothers could have taken diametrically opposite paths!

At this time, the group of Celestial Dragons on the screen was denouncing the Huo Minggu family, believing that they had blasphemed the gods and were

traitors to the Celestial Dragons! Huo Minggu said to the group of Celestial Dragons: "We have always been human beings! It doesn't matter what you think of me, but human beings are great! Living as a human being can make life much more fulfilling than what we have now! This is my belief!"

These words made all the Celestial Dragons very angry! They shouted for Huo Minggu's family to get out of Mary Joy!

At this moment, the picture turned

, and Huo Minggu's family was sent to a non-member country located in the northernmost part! Hearing the non-member countries, everyone was stunned, and they were a little puzzled, why did they send Huo Minggu's family to a non-member country? Couldn't the other member countries do it? Don't they know that the non-member countries

hate the Tianlong people and the world government to the core? Could this not be that the group of Tianlong people did this on purpose!

This made everyone suddenly have a bad premonition, and when they thought of what happened next, many people guessed the next development

! At this time, Huo Minggu was very much looking forward to a new life, but the young Doflamingo obviously had not yet understood their current situation, and was still thinking about buying a few slaves to work! Huo Minggu taught Doflamingo

to live like a human being!

Huo Minggu went out to buy vegetables on the screen and told the local people about his arrival from Mary Joy.

Listening to Huo Minggu's words, the audience in front of the screen couldn't help but be stunned, is this guy too naïve, he will easily expose his identity, does he not realize how dangerous the identity of the Celestial Dragon people is in the non-franchised countries, not to mention that he is still a Celestial Dragon who does not have any naval protection around

him! Their previous premonition is estimated to come true! Although this Huo Minggu is good, he is too naïve, he has always been in Mary Joya, he has no idea how dangerous the identity of the Tianlong people is in non-franchised countries

! He thought that everyone could get along amicably, but he didn't realize that it was because of his identity as

a Tianlong people! Sure enough, everyone on the video looked at him in shock after hearing that Huo Minggu was a Tianlong person!

At this time, the young Doflamingo

did not realize the seriousness of the matter, and when he looked at the people who did not kneel to him, he immediately clamored for them to kneel! As soon as the picture turned, the house where the Huo Mingu family lived fell into a raging fire! The angry people shouted to find them out! After so many years of anger, they wanted to vent all their anger on

this Huo Minggu family! At this time, Huo Minggu also realized the seriousness of the matter, and he escaped from the house with his family! They came to a small house in a garbage dump, which became their temporary refuge

! Huo Minggu tried to contact the World Government, hoping to get his wife and children back to Mary Joa! But it was impossible for him to go back

as a traitor! As soon as the screen turned, the desperate Doflamingo and Roconandi on the video were beaten by several adults for a few pieces of bread! In order not to starve to death in the garbage dump to pick up something to eat! Everyone in front of the screen didn't expect that the invincible Doflamingo had experienced such a thing

! With the death of Doflamingo's mother, Doflamingo completely hated his father, and they were finally found by the angry people!

Those people tied up the three of them and hung them on the wall, telling them bitterly about what happened to them, some of them were killed because they passed in front of the Draconians, some of them were taken to commit suicide as slaves, some of them were once slaves of the Draconians, and more of them fell into famine and perished because they couldn't afford to pay the high heavenly gold!

At this time, Doflamingo on the screen was facing the threat of death and extreme panic and anger, and he used

the overlord color domineering, directly stunned all the people in front of him! This scene was beyond everyone's expectations, I didn't expect this Doflamingo to awaken the overlord color domineering in this situation! This is earlier than the straw hat boy Luffy!!

As soon as the screen turned, two people appeared in front of Doflamingo, who was successfully rescued, one was Virgo, who had been exposed before, and the other was Torrebol, the four major cadres of the Don Quixote family

! He put a devil fruit and a gun in front of Doflamingo, and asked him to make a choice

! As soon as the picture turned, Doflamingo pointed a gun at his father Huomingu!

Everyone watched this scene with wide eyes, Doflamingo had said in the previous video that he had killed his family twice, could it be that this guy wanted to kill his father? Doflamingo

on the screen said to Huo Minggu in front of him: "I want to take your head back to the Holy Land!" Huo Minggu listened to his words and said sorry to Doflamingo

and Rosinandi in his arms.

After listening to Huo Minggu's words, Doflamingo shot without hesitation

! Everyone looked at Doflamingo on the screen in shock, but they didn't expect him to really do such a thing! This guy is just like what Rosinandi said, he is a real demon! And Doflamingo

, who killed his father, did not return to Mary Joya as he wished, and it was impossible for the people there to accept him at all!

At this time, after learning that Doflamingo had not returned to Mary Joy, the Torrebol said to the young Doflamingo: "You have the qualifications of a king!" "

Dover! We affirm everything about you!" "Dover

, in return, take us to realize our dreams!!".

Looking at the few people on the screen inducing the young Doflamingo, many people sighed, Doflamingo will become such a terrible demon, it is not without the factor of being bewitched by these guys

! If it wasn't for this group of people he met at the beginning, wouldn't there have been different results?

Just like that Roxinandi met Sengoku!

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