At this time, Fujitora, who was rushing to Greenbit, was talking to the person opposite him with a telephone bug, and everyone could hear who the other party

was! The new marshal of the Navy, Akainu Sakasky

! From the conversation between the two, the audience also learned that the Navy Headquarters was unaware!

This was somewhat unexpected by the people, and only a few people had already guessed the truth!

They didn't expect the World Government to go directly to the Navy and play this big drama with Doflamingo! The

Akainu on the phone bug said that he was going to Mary Joya to ask the five old stars for his guilt! Let Fujitora continue to go to the place where Trafalgaro and Doflamingo traded

! And on the other side, Luo, who had already received Sanji's report, also realized that they had been fooled! But at this time, the time had already come to the agreed three o'clock!

Fuji Tiger appeared

in front of Luo with the navy, and Doflamingo also came here at this time! Luo looked at Doflamingo in front of him, he had already guessed the identity of Doflamingo Tianlong

! Fuji Tiger listened to their conversation and asked Luo: "Regarding the news report and the wanted Straw Hat gang alliance, if it is consistent with the report, if the two parties are an alliance, it will be black! If they only become a subordinate of Lord Luo, then it will be white!" According to your next answer, the old man's job may turn into arresting you and

the Straw Hats!" Hearing Fuji Hu's words, everyone in front of the screen was stunned, they didn't expect this admiral to give the choice to Trafalgar Luo!

If that Luo said that the Straw Hats were his subordinates, wouldn't Fuji Tiger go to arrest them?

Everyone turned their eyes to Luo in the video!

At this time, Luo on the screen shouted loudly to Fuji Hu: "I and the Straw Hat are not superiors and subordinates! As the report said, we are allies!" Hearing

his words, the audience felt very incredible, why didn't he say that he and the Straw Hats had a superior-subordinate relationship, so that the admiral would not attack them

! His enemy was only Doflamingo!

Fight for the Straw Hats to destroy the SMILE factory

!!After hearing Luo's answer, Fuji Tiger deprived Luo of his title in public, and then pulled out his gravity knife and swung it out

! As soon as the video screen turned, a meteorite fell in the sky towards several people

!!The audience had seen this scene as early as the first video, but no matter how many times they watched it, they all felt that it was incredible that a meteorite was easily pulled down like this!

The Admiral was terrified

!! After a burst of smoke, all the other places were destroyed by the meteorite just now

, except for the feet of the three of them! Doflamingo angrily scolded Fuji Tiger for being a mad dog that bites people

! And in the underground of Greenbit, the Lilliputians regard Usopp as the descendant of the legendary hero Venbra Rolando!

Looking at the sculpture of Rolando in the Lilliputians, many people took out the comic book in their hands, this Wenbra Rolando can't be the big talk king Rolando, right

? How is this different from the person they want? Isn't that Rolando a big liar? How did he get involved with the legendary hero?

And this Usopp of the Straw Hat gang obviously deceived the Lilliputians, they actually believed it!

!At this time, the Lilliputians have completely regarded Usopp as the descendants of the legendary heroes, and on the day of today's crusade against Doflamingo, the arrival of Usopp has doubled the confidence of the Lilliputs

! They have no idea that they have been deceived

! After the Lilliputians are ready, in order to save their companions and princesses, they take Usopp and Robin to the flower field!

At this time, Frankie had already learned the truth about Dressrosa's toys from Cyrus's mouth

! On the other hand, in the arena, it was Bartolomeo who won the knockout round

in Area B! Luffy was assigned to Area C, and he was in a group with Green Pepper, the twelfth leader of the Eight Treasure Water Army, who had a grudge against his grandfather before

! Green Pepper told Luffy about his grievances with Cap, and the audience in front of the screen was also stunned by the huge wealth accumulated by Green Pepper!

Looking at the green pepper without a cone, they can only look at the treasure and be anxious, if they are in the position of the green pepper, maybe they hate the Karp family even more than

the green pepper! At this time, Luffy on the video used rubber Thor to punch the green pepper on the head, and the next second to everyone's surprise was that the green pepper's cone actually rose from the ground!

At this time, Green Pepper also saw this scene, he didn't expect his cone head to come back like this! This made him extremely excited

! On the video, Green Pepper was directly beaten to the ring by Luffy, and the huge ring was directly chiseled in half by Green Pepper's cone, and Green Pepper also fell into the sea and was finally eliminated! Seeing Luffy

come back safe and sound, Cavendish who hated him for robbing his popularity directly swung his sword and slashed it!

On the other side, Bartolomeo, who was completely different from before, appeared on the screen

! At this time, his little face was flushed, and his eyes were full of tears, like a high school girl who saw a crush and was shy to hide, secretly hiding behind the wall and looking at Luffy in front

of him! This change stunned everyone!

What kind of trouble is this?

Many people complained about

Bartolomeo on the screen, you look like a ghost, why don't you look like a good guy to make this kind of expression? And that straw hat kid is a man

! At this time, Karp looked at Bartolomeo on the screen, and suddenly a mouthful of water squirted out! This scene scared Karp a lot! Karp

didn't speak, but the expression on his face said it all!

What does this guy mean? What are you going to do? My dear grandson has a target! That empress is very good! Don't you think about

it! A man and a man are fruitless

! At this time, Karp has already imagined a big drama in his mind!

The Warring States next to him glanced at Karp speechlessly, he had already guessed Karp's thoughts!

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