At this time, the screen turned, and the video returned to before!

Luffy, who was being chased by several people, suddenly heard a familiar laugh and stopped.

The iconic smile made the audience in front of the screen instantly guess

who that person was!Blackbeard Teach!!At

this time, Bashas said to Blackbeard on the other end of the phone: "I will never believe Pheasant that kind of guy!!"

Everyone who heard this was very confused, how could this have anything to do with Pheasant? According to the future in the video, Pheasant seems to have left the Navy at this time, he can't join the Blackbeard Pirates, right?

That Smoker seemed

to have said before that Pheasant had a connection with the dark forces, could it be this Blackbeard Pirates? But at that time, Frog said to Smoker that he was him

! Could it be that this Pheasant joined Blackbeard and actually went undercover? Just like that Rosinandi

! Otherwise, they would not have been able to imagine that a Navy would have such a big change!

At this time, Bashas also spotted Luffy, and Blackbeard said to Luffy, "Are you there? Straw Hat! It's been a long time... But burn the fruit, my family's Bashas is going to be decided! In this way, it's like Ace has become my companion! Just thinking about it makes me feel cool! Ace himself refused my invitation

at the beginning!" The eyes of the Whitebeard Pirates who heard this all looked at the screen angrily, this Blackbeard Tiqi was really blind at the beginning, how could they call him a brother?

This bastard killed Daddy, and he also took Daddy's Shock Fruit in the top war, and now he still wants Ace's Burning Fruit, which is really unforgivable. One day, this bastard must be killed to relieve the hatred

in their hearts! None of them saw Blackbeard's purpose at the beginning, and they were all deceived by his honest appearance

! Fortunately, the burning fruit was finally obtained by the Straw Hat Boy, otherwise they would not have been able to imagine that both Ace and Daddy's abilities appeared in the scene of the Blackbeard Pirates!

Luffy on the screen heard Blackbeard's words and said to him, "I will never give you Ace's ability!"

Everyone who heard this believed him, and everyone already knew that Ace's burnt fruit was eaten by Luffy's other brother Sabo

! Rebecca on the video wanted to kill Luffy in the name of inviting him to dinner, but Luffy killed him! Rebecca

told Luffy about her past and the reason why she wanted to burn the fruit!

Listening to Rebecca's story, everyone didn't expect that this girl turned out to be the granddaughter of the former King Liku, which was a surprise to them!

But with the strength she has shown so far, even if she plays, she will only fail, and it is a fool's dream to defeat Luffy and Bashas. What's more, there is still the supernova Cavendish in the D zone where she is located, and whether she can win from

the D zone is one thing! Although her experience is very sympathetic, her strength is too weak! Everyone has no expectations for her!

At this time, the knockout round of the D zone has finally begun. Rebecca was rejected by the audience as soon as she appeared on the stage, and

at that moment, a shout made everyone stop their crusade against Rebecca.

People looked at the source of the sound, and saw Cavendish on a white horse appear at the entrance! The

female audience immediately cheered, shouting for Cavendish to defeat Rebecca

! Listening to the words of the audience, Cavendish seemed to be a little annoyed: "Shut up all of them!!I don't know what kind of grudge you have between you, but in the face of such a young and weak woman who stands in this ring with the belief that she will die, you rats are not qualified to abuse at all!! If you want to kill this girl like this, take up your arms and go to the stage to fight it!!

" Cavendish continued: "The cries of the cowardly mob are as loud as noise, not worth mentioning. Although I participated in this contest for some reason, I simply hated this kind of contest! A

warrior's life is not a plaything for you to admire!!" Hearing Cavendis's words, the audience in front of the screen was stunned, they could not have imagined that the first person to stand up for Rebecca would be this Cavendish who would be able to say something like 'A warrior's life is not a plaything for you to enjoy'.

After a moment of silence, everyone

cheered for Cavendish! At this time, Cavendish looked at his gorgeous self on the screen, and directly clasped his hands and raised his waist to the sky and laughed, he looked at the screen with bright eyes, and his handsome and heroic posture must have spread to the whole world, and maybe countless people around the world were cheering for

him! At this time, he seemed to see countless popularity and prestige surging towards him! Maybe there would be newspaper reporters who wanted to come and interview him!

While thinking about it, he danced happily on the spot, and at this moment, Cavendish wanted to hear what people all over the world had to say about him!

On the other side, Zoro and the little people successfully joined up with Kinemon Sanji, and at this time, Sanji immediately rushed towards Nami after learning that Nami was in danger! Stopped Doflamingo's attack on Nami and the others in time! But he himself was caught by

Doflamingo! Just when Doflamingo wanted to solve Sanji, Law used the slaughterhouse in time to transfer Doflamingo's attack to Dressrosa!

Rolet Sanji and the others leave with Caesar, and he took Jola to continue to stop Doflamingo to buy time for them

! The video screen turned, and the underground of the arena gathered the defeated Green Pepper and others, and what everyone didn't expect was that the former king of Dressrosa also appeared here, and when his identity was exposed in front of Green Pepper and others, they did not sympathize with the former king!

Because Doflamingo sold weapons to the surrounding countries and made war money, he got the wealth of Dressrosa today

! And their country fell into war because of

this! The purpose of Qingjiao, Lao Cai, and the others on this trip was to investigate the place where Doflamingo's weapons were manufactured and stored!

At this time, King Liku told Qingjiao and others about Doflamingo's conspiracy to steal the country!

With the narration of King Liku, what happened on that night eight years ago in Dressrosa was completely presented in front of people's eyes

! Qingjiao and the others didn't expect the truth of the matter to be like this!

Although the audience in front of the screen had already guessed Doflamingo's plan to steal the country, they didn't expect him to succeed so easily.

This scene is so similar to Klockdahl's theft of the country!

It is also to destroy the image of the king in the eyes of the people, and both of them defeat the former king as saviors to save the people.

At this time, the people of Alabastan looked at this scene with great anger, they were also victims

of the Seven Martial Seas Piracy! But compared to the Seven Martial Seas, they hated the world government that formulated the Seven Martial Seas system, and it was the world government that legalized the piracy of the pirates! If there were no Seven Martial Seas,

how could the pirates of Dressrosa and Alabastan steal the country happen?

In the final analysis, it is all the fault of the Seven Martial Seas system, if only this system could be abolished!

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