At this time, Doflamingo's face was a little ugly when he heard this on the screen: "Navy, Seven Martial Seas, and Four Emperors, have you thought about what the balance between the three major forces will be?"

Fuji Hu said indifferently: "Well, if you don't break it, who can foresee it! So, if you do too many bad things..."

Before Fuji Tiger could finish speaking, Doflamingo kicked it directly and was stopped by Fuji Hu!

He finished the rest of the words: " The head on the neck will become more and more valuable!!Tenyasha brother!"

The audience in front of the screen couldn't help but sigh a little as they watched the conflict between the two, if only Fuji Tiger would solve Doflamingo!But this is also unlikely, after all, Doflamingo at this time is still the Seven Martial Seas, and it is still a cooperative relationship in name

! All the audience are curious about what this Fuji Tiger will do next? He said that he wants to protect Dressrosa!

If he was on

Doflamingo's side, it would be even more difficult for the Rollo Alliance to defeat Doflamingo! But at this time, the revolutionary army was also in Dressrosa, and that Sabo dressed up as Lucy to compete for the Straw Hat Kid, and Doflamingo didn't know that Luffy the Straw Hat had left the arena! On the other side, Usopp and the others also infiltrated the underground factory! People suddenly looked forward to Doflamingo's expression when he found out about this!

Doflamingo, who was watching the finals through the video phone bug on the screen, suddenly heard the alarm sound, and then the guard reported that the intruder was the Straw Hat Boy! He looked at the video with a confused expression, "Ah, what nonsense?" Don

Quixote's family cadres were also full of disbelief, the Straw Hat Kid was obviously

in the arena! Doflamingo picked up the phone bug, and when he heard the voice of the guard over there, he said in disbelief: "Then who is the guy who is playing in the arena now!" What the hell is going on!!" The

audience couldn't help but laugh happily as they looked at Doflamingo, who went from bewildered to extremely angry on the screen, this guy always thought that he was in control of the overall situation and calculated everyone to death, but now he was slapped in the face

! Originally, he trapped the straw hat with the burnt fruit, but it backfired, and he deceived himself instead! Doflamingo never imagined that the revolutionary army had also come to Dressrosa!

It is estimated that he didn't expect that Usopp and the others on the other side had already infiltrated

the underground factory! At this time, Cavendish on the screen was teleported to the cadre tower of the underground toy factory, and Sucrose, the childlike fruit ability, also appeared on the screen.

Everyone's eyes widened, wanting to see how

Sucrose turned people into toys! Seeing that Sucrose on the screen just touched

Cavendish and heard a bang, Cavendish directly turned into a toy! He looked at his hand that had turned into a toy with a blank expression, and seemed to be a little incredulous! At this time, Sucrose made a contract with Cavendish who had become a toy, and Cavendish wanted to say something, but was directly interrupted by Torrebol:" Don't talk at will, go to work

!" Hearing this, Cavendish was speechless, Torrebol said: "No one remembers you anymore! Even I have forgotten who you are!" Before Cavendish

could understand the current situation, his body took action on his own and went to work in the port!

And on the edge of the harbor, countless toys are walking around with heavy loads on their backs, and the scalp of the people watching this scene is numb, this little girl who looks very cute is so terrible, so easy to turn people into toys, and everyone will forget the existence of that person

! If no one defeats her, won't the toys be remembered until they die! This is really terrifying!

At this time, Usopp and Robin on the screen took the Lilliputians to the cadre tower where Sucrose was, and their purpose was to let Sucrose eat the spicy seasoning that looked like grapes

! Listening to the Lilliputian's battle plan, many people were speechless, and they actually ordered the seasoning! It's not poisonous! It's too child's play! Can this be successful?

At this time, Robin, dressed as a guard, lured Torrebol out!

People looked at Robin who led Torrepol away, and couldn't help but admire, Nicole Robin was reliable

at the critical moment! Doflamingo looked at the screen speechlessly, his failure was not without reason, none of these guys were useful at a critical time, and they were fooled so easily

! Leo on the screen successfully put the spicy grape in front of Sucrose, Sucrose picked up the spicy grape and looked at it twice and threw it out directly!

This made Leo exclaim

directly, and the Lilliputians appeared directly in front of Sucrose!Tell their purpose! Sucrose looked at the Lilliputians in front of him and said, "I don't know your companions!" Hearing this, the Lilliputians actually believed it, and directly chose to abandon the plan, Usopp hurriedly stopped behind him: "What's it! Don't be fooled by her!" The Lilliputians

who heard this immediately reacted and asked Sucrose

to return their companions!

People looked at this scene speechlessly, this group of little people is too easy to deceive, they were deceived so easily! Fortunately, that Usopp reminded them, otherwise this group of little people might really give up

! At this time, the little people decided to forcibly subdue Sucrose, break her mouth, and let her eat the spicy grapes! Sucrose

looked at the little people in front of him and directly touched them with both hands, and in the blink of an eye, all the little people who attacked them turned into toys!

Leo looked at the toys that suddenly appeared, and they were very puzzled, they completely forgot what they were doing just now

! Sucrose ordered the toys to kill all the enemies in the cadre tower!

The people in front of the screen watched Leo and the others completely forget what had just happened, and fought with the little people who had become toys, and they had a new understanding of the ability of this sugar, this ability was really terrifying, it didn't look lethal, but it was extremely easy to hit

! How did they defeat

Sucrose? And at this time, Torrebol received a call from Sucrose, and he also realized that he had been deceived, and immediately returned to the cadre tower!

Torrebol ignited the sticky substance, and exploded violently, injuring all the little people

! Usopp quickly picked up Leo, and Leo revealed the identity of the toy soldier, it turned out that the reason why Cyrus was so free was because he did not sign a contract with Sucrose, this mistake was their hope

! At this time, Doflamingo looked at the screen with an ugly face, this mistake made all their efforts in vain!

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