Doflamingo, who has recovered on the screen, controls the white line to look for Luffy everywhere in the central street

! And Zoro and the others on the other side push the birdcage with all their strength in order to prevent

the birdcage from shrinking! The navy also came to help! The citizens who escaped also joined in pushing the birdcage when they saw this!

In the efforts of everyone, the birdcage stopped shrinking in an instant, and before they could be happy for too long, the birdcage moved again!

At this time, Doflamingo found Violet, and just as he manipulated Rebecca to kill Violet, Luffy, who was resurrected with full blood, appeared in front of him and successfully saved Violet!

Great Ape King!"

At the same time, Doflamingo pulled up a cobwebs in front of him, and used the strongest blow, sixteen divine murder bullets, and the divine killing stabbed towards Luffy

! The attacks of the two faced each other in mid-air, and in the next second, Luffy's fist directly shattered Doflamingo's divine killing, and hit Doflamingo in the face with a punch! Doflamingo

was directly hit to the ground! As the glasses shattered, the still moving birdcage slowly disappeared!

Looking at the disappearing birdcage, everyone cheered, Doflamingo was defeated! They were victorious

! The audience in front of the screen was also happy for them, now Doflamingo was finally defeated! His various remarks made everyone extremely dissatisfied, and countless people were looking forward to his defeat.

This guy is so arrogant! Treating human life as a mustard and destroying it at

will! If only Doflamingo in reality could be defeated like in

the video! With Doflamingo being arrested by the Navy on the screen, the Don Quixote family has completely failed

! As soon as the screen turns, Fujitora appears on the screen, and a video phone bug is following it! This picture will be broadcast to Dressrosa's neighbors through the video phone bug!

People were looking at the screen with some curiosity, not understanding

what he was going to do! Maynard on the screen told the audience in the neighboring country about the events that had happened in Dressrosa!

On the other hand, the people of Dressrosa prayed for King Riku to return to the throne after this war, even if he was poor, as long as Dressrosa could return to peace!

At this moment, Fuji Tiger with a video phone bug appeared in front of them, and he said to King Riku: "This incident of Doflamingo can no longer make you responsible! Let that vicious pirate rely on His Majesty's Seven Martial Sea System to recognize him as the king of a country, and thus rule here without a doubt the world government! Citizens! Ladies of the royal family..."

Listening to Fuji Hu's words, the five old stars suddenly had a bad premonition in their hearts!

The audience all looked at Fuji Tiger on the screen quietly, and they also realized that what was going to happen next would definitely surprise them! Moreover, this scene was also spread to neighboring countries by Fuji Tiger using video phone bugs

! His purpose was obviously not to let others have a chance to regret

it! People were very curious about what he was going to say next, and the next second everyone's eyes widened

! I saw Fuji Tiger and the navy on the screen kneeling in front of King Riku in front of everyone! He said what he had not finished saying: "On behalf of the World Government, I would like to express my deep apologies to all of you!

Many people pinched themselves fiercely, and after confirming that it was not a hallucination, everyone looked at the screen in shock, which was beyond their cognition! Behind

the navy was the world government, and it was impossible for Fujitora, as the admiral, not to know what his kneeling meant

! Moreover, he actually blamed all the events of Dressrosa on the world government! He also broadcast this scene live!

Could it be that this is the way he wants to abolish the Seven Martial Seas?

He didn't participate in the crusade against Doflamingo in the whole process, and put all the credit on the Straw Hats! Publicly apologized to King Riku through the video phone bug, exposed the darkness of the Seven Martial Seas system, and didn't give the world government room to maneuver

! Even if the World Government wanted to suppress

it, it would be impossible for everyone to cheer for him after thinking about this! If this scene was spread, the Seven Martial Seas system would definitely be abolished!

It is impossible for the kings of the other member countries to be indifferent when they see the truth about Dressrosa, and it is very likely that they will unite and propose the abolition

of the Seven Martial Seas at the World Conference! After all, the theft of the Seven Martial Seas has happened more than once, and the theft of the country by Klockdahl is still vivid! What if one is their own country! No one dares to bet on

it! Moreover, it will be the World Conference in two years, and the world government will not even have time to buffer

it! !At this time, the five old stars

looked at the Fuji Tiger kneeling down on the screen, and the faces of several people were extremely unsightly! This guy was completely on the following grams, and this kneeling hit them in the face fiercely! As a naval admiral, he actually knelt down to those foolish people, where did this make their face? Where did the face of the world government go?

King Liku on the screen looked at the kneeling Fuji Tiger and said: "Raise your head! Fuji Tiger! Fuji Tiger, are you not afraid of being seen by the whole world by doing this?" Is this the purpose of your refusal to attack Doflamingo?" Fuji

Tiger said: "The truth is indispensable! This is a gamble that entrusts them with all the battles! Since he is the culprit of the return of the tiger, he has only now shown his sword to the Seven Martial Seas, and what face does he have to talk about justice! This country has won the victory by the hands of pirates and the hands of warriors and citizens!!".

Listening to Fuji Tiger's words, the audience all shouted Fuji Tiger's name, this is the admiral in their minds, and they realized such a blind swordsman today, he has a completely different justice from other navies. Everyone is looking forward to it, if there is such a navy admiral in the navy

in the future, will the navy also become different? However, he has not yet joined the navy, and I wonder if he will become an admiral like in the video?

People are a little worried, if this is the case, the world government will probably not let him go, after all, his kneeling has completely lost face to the world government!

People were reluctant to let him join the navy, and they also did not want this righteous swordsman to fall, and many people thought of the revolutionary army! This organization, which takes the overthrow of the world government as its own responsibility, would not be bad if he joined

the revolutionary army! However, after thinking of the reputation of the revolutionary army, many people overturned this idea! Under the propaganda of the world government, the difference in the reputation of the revolutionary army is comparable to that of pirates, and although it has now improved a lot, some people who do not know the truth still have some deep misunderstandings about the revolutionary army!

They can't imagine the picture of Fuji Tiger joining the revolutionary army!!

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