Chat room

: BIG MOM: "@老蔡, @卡文迪许, @多弗朗明哥, you choose that time baggage, I can exchange it for you! You can do whatever you want! Beauty?money?


"BIG MOM: "MAMA MAMA, @凯多!" If you want time baggage, just

say it, why beat around the bush!"Kaido: "Shut up

!old woman!!"BIG MOM: "What do you say!you bastard

!"Apu: "What about the fifth reward, travel to the universe? What is that?Sounds like a good

idea!" Becky: "The ethereal stuff of space travel sounds fun, but it's not as affordable as the other three!", I recommend the first three!".

Hawkins: "Choose three, three is the best! If it were me, I would choose three!" Kidd

: "One is the best, we don't need three at the moment!" But fairy beans may be used at some point

!" Drake: "No matter if it's three or one, as long as you get it, you have to use it immediately, otherwise it will only become the target of others! After all, everyone knows that they have obtained such an artifact! Occupying this artifact will only become fat

in the eyes of others!" Kidd: "Upstairs is right! If I let me know where they are, I will rob them!"

At this time, Lao Cai also saw the words of the Four Emperors @ him in the chat room, but he didn't care, he set his eyes on the reward 3 time baggage.

He had seen this reward before, and at that time, he had also sighed that if there was this reward, his grandfather's cone would come back, but he didn't expect it to appear now.

After Lao Cai saw this reward, he was immediately overjoyed, he wanted to give this reward to his grandfather Qingjiao!

Doflamingo on the other side saw Kaido and BIG MOM@ his information in the chat room, and directly skipped it, whether he can leave safely now is still a question, where is he still concerned about whether the Four Emperors will find trouble with him? Doflamingo

looked at the reward above and asked the system: "I don't want a reward, is it okay to send me away!"

Doflamingo said this request because he knew that Barrett didn't ask for a reward before, and he asked the system to send him directly out of the Advance City

!, so Doflamingo felt that the system should agree

!!The system said: "Yes! However, are you sure to give up the reward?"

Doflamingo, who heard this, was stunned for a moment, the reward on it was indeed good, but he also had to have his life to take it!

The first three were quite good, the fourth he didn't need, and as for the fifth, he didn't know exactly what that reward

was! Literally, he could travel to the universe, which sounded very attractive, but he didn't know how to go, when to go, how long to go, how to come back, he didn't know anything, it was safer to escape!

Doflamingo said, "Sure!"

After saying

this, Doflamingo's eyes went dark, and the next moment he appeared on an island! At this time, Karp and the yellow ape looked at Doflamingo who suddenly disappeared in front of them, and they were startled, and the two of them stepped forward to check, and saw that the transparent protective barrier just now had

disappeared! They looked at the screen, and Doflamingo's figure on the screen had also disappeared, leaving only three others!

The audience also looked at Doflamingo who suddenly disappeared from the screen in confusion? They didn't see Doflamingo choose

the reward, why didn't he have his image?At this time, the other three also made a choice, and finally Fuji Tiger smiled and Lao Cai

chose the time baggage skin!And Cavendi Xu chose the charm blessing, although the other few things are good, but he doesn't need them for the time being, if this kind of anti-heaven reward can't be used in time, it will only be targeted by others, didn't you see the four emperors in the chat room BIG MOM and Kaido specifically in @ They want them to hand over the reward!

After the system finished distributing the rewards, it disappeared directly!

At this time, Sengoku was still rushing in the direction of Doflamingo, when his phone beeped.

Sengoku took the phone, and the yellow ape's lazy voice sounded: "Sengoku-san, Capusang and I have already captured the Don Quixote family!

But Doflamingo has disappeared!" Sengoku was not surprised when he heard this, he had just seen the picture of Doflamingo disappearing.

Sengoku asked, "Did Doflamingo get any reward?" The yellow ape replied, "No! He disappeared directly in front of our eyes, maybe this is the reward he chose!"

When Sengoku heard this, it was possible, and then hung up the phone, and after a while, he rushed to the front of the two

! At this time, Karp and Yellow Ape were searching in the cabin, and they found the artificial devil fruit completion that Doflamingo had taken inside!

Looking at the extremely large number of artificial devil fruits in front of them, the two of them looked solemn, these artificial devil fruits fortunately haven't been given to Kaido yet, otherwise just these in front of me, I don't know how many capable people will be created

! At this time, the yellow ape rummaged in the cabin again, and the Warring States over there also came to the cabin, looking at the artificial devil fruits in front of them, for the sake of caution, the Warring States sent a phone call to Akainu to explain the situation in front of him! I was going to hand over these artificial devil fruits to Dr. Vegapunk for study first.

No one knows if there will be any side effects of this kind of artificial devil fruit? The only one on the video who ate the artificial devil fruit was the little ghost named Momonosuke, and although there was no adverse reaction, they didn't dare to relax their vigilance

! After he finished speaking, the yellow ape over there came over with a small box, and Sengoku looked at him suspiciously, and the yellow ape opened the box and saw a devil fruit lying inside! Sengoku looked at him, and the yellow

ape said: " This may be the Devil Fruit they got before, but I didn't expect them to eat it, or many Flamenco didn't think to eat it for them!"

Warring States nodded and agreed with the Yellow Ape's words, he asked the Yellow Ape not to make a public announcement about this matter, otherwise the people from the World Government would definitely send someone to come and take it away!

At this time, Vegapunk was quite interested in Caesar's artificial Devil Fruit after receiving a call from Akainu, and he had seen it in the previous video, but he didn't think that Caesar's Devil Fruit was a success.

The imp named Momonosuke before ate the artificial devil fruit and turned into a dragon, and many people thought that it was made by Caesar!

The World Government also wanted him to hand over the Devil Fruit, but he said that the Devil Fruit was a failure and refused. He placed it in Punk Hazard, and in the previous explosion, everyone thought that the Devil Fruit had also disappeared along with it.

So now, no one except him knows whether the Devil Fruit he made was a success or a failure

! The World Government doesn't know if he succeeded in making the Devil Fruit!

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