Pheasant and Luffy come out of the hot springs, and he tells Zefa's purpose to the Straw Hats.

Robin and Nami on the other side get information about Dynamite Rock! But they were also discovered by the Navy and hunted down by the Navy!

Luffy used the overlord color domineering spirit to directly stun all the navy to the ground, only one navy barely fainted, Luffy knew the location of Zefa from the mouth of this navy!

At this time, Zefa and the others also came to the crater, and they detonated the dynamite rock to wake up the sleeping End Point!

As the End Point was detonated, the island's inhabitants began to flee for their lives, and the pheasant used its ability to freeze it for a short time, saving many residents who almost lost their lives!

Seeing that Pheasant used his ability to save the residents of the island, many people praised him, and they didn't believe that such a Pheasant would join the Blackbeard Pirates!

As he said in the previous video, he has always been him, even if he left the navy, but the audience did not think that the pheasant would fall because of this, the justice in his heart still did not change, but he changed camps, maybe he joined the Blackbeard Pirates to spy on the Four Emperors!

At this time, Luffy and several people found the NEO Navy, and they had a battle with Zefa, Zefa used the Hailou Stone bullet to hit Luffy's shoulder, and Luffy, who was hit by the Hailou Stone Bullet, instantly lost his strength!

Zefa picks up the straw hat that has fallen to the ground and prepares to destroy it along with the third End Point!

Seeing that the straw hat was snatched away, Luffy didn't care about the pain in his body, rushed up at Zefa, and shouted at him, "Give it back to me!" It was the hat Shanks had kept with me, and I promised him that I would return it to him when he saw him! Give it back!

Hearing this, Zefa turned around and said, "Was it the red-haired Shanks who brought you into the Pirate Path?" That guy is also guilty!

Zefa grabbed Luffy: "As long as my New World Annihilation Battle Plan succeeds, he will definitely follow in your footsteps!" Those fools who are praised as the triumphant of the Four Emperors will die powerlessly without knowing my plan at all!

Luffy, who was caught, said angrily, "Don't look down on it... Shanks!

Zefa didn't think so, and he used the Hailou Stone Crusher to blast Luffy out!

At this time, the BIG MOM of the new world couldn't help but sneer when he heard Zefa's words, and wanted to use this thing to deal with the Four Emperors? I have to say that he is still too naïve!

Even if he detonated three End Points, what could he do, which Four Emperors couldn't escape?

At this time, Sanji and several people found the seriously injured Luffy, and they ran towards the dock with Luffy, and at this moment, the exploding rocks came straight at them, and several people were shocked.

In the next second, a cold ice froze the exploding rocks in front of them, and the pheasant intervened in time to save them!

Usopp took advantage of this time to get on the sea train!

Just as the sea train had just set sail, a loud bang was heard, and the second End Point was completely destroyed!

At this time, the screen turned, and Sengoku and Karp, with all white hair, appeared on the screen.

Kirby next to him said to Karp, "Z! No, what kind of person is the former Admiral Zefa? After

hearing Kirby's words, people were also curious, what kind of person was Zefa in the past?

On the screen, Karp lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "He used to be more convinced of the justice of the Navy than anyone else!"

Kirby asked, "Then why did he cause this incident?"

Karp replied, "Because something happened!"

"Zefa was a serious man, and he was always the first to take the lead on dangerous battlefields, risking his life against the opponents of that era."

As Karp narrates, Zefa, who looks like a teenager, appears on the screen, and he joins the Navy in order to implement the justice in his heart!

The sea thieves who once dominated the new world also flashed one by one, Roger, Whitebeard...

"He became an admiral at a young age, and just as he was in the prime of his life, his children and wife were killed by pirates who hated Zefa!"

Hearing Karp's words, the audience was stunned, they didn't expect such a thing to happen to Zefa in front of them! His wife and children died at the hands of pirates, and he lost two of his closest relatives overnight, no wonder he hated pirates so much!

Looking at the crying Zefa on the screen, many people feel the same way, they have also experienced the suffering of a broken family, and naturally understand Zefa's feelings!!

Karp on the screen continued: "Zefa is very aware of his position as an admiral, and he has strangled this sadness and hatred in his heart, and has devoted himself to the mission.

"And then after a long time, Zefa put his passion into training young navies, and he is the man who trained all navies! Now the famous navy is his disciple! But another tragedy befell him!

"The recruit training ship led by Zefa was attacked by the capable pirates, and all the recruits were killed except for two, and Zefa's right arm was also cut off!"

Zefa on the screen is kneeling next to the corpses all over the ground, shouting in pain and despair!

At this time, countless people in the Navy Headquarters watched this scene silently, many of them were students of Zefa, and naturally knew about the incident a few years ago. So when they learned that Weibull had become the Seven Martial Seas, they were also extremely angry!

If it weren't for the World Government's recruitment of Weibull as the Seven Martial Seas, Mr. Zefa would not have completely despaired of the Navy!

But so what, the world government simply won't listen to them.

A pirate who once killed many navies ended up becoming the Seven Martial Seas, which is a big joke!

At this moment, countless navies have questioned the world government!

"After that, the scientists of the Navy equipped him with weapons that specialize in solving abilities! Zefa and his surviving disciples formed a guerrilla team to hunt down capable pirates everywhere! Even so, he remained in the Navy because he had not completely despaired of our Navy!

"But finally, Zefa collapsed as the last bastion of naval battles, and at that time, the pirates who killed all his students were recruited by the government as the Seven Martial Seas! Then Zefa left the Navy and disappeared!

"Now he appears in the New World like this, hating pirates and despairing of the navy! The reality of leading the newborn navy organized by himself changed that man! The

audience in front of the screen all quietly watched Karp on the screen tell about Zefa's life, and people also saw a teenager who was once full of righteousness, and after going through many hardships, he finally went to the extreme!

The World Government's recruitment of Weibull as the Seven Martial Seas became the last straw that overwhelmed him, and Zefa would never have imagined that the World Government would do this!

Seeing Zefa change his appearance and appear in front of people, the audience also knew that Zefa was completely desperate at this time!

Everyone couldn't help but sigh a little, Zefa dedicated his life and cultivated so much combat power for the navy, and his students even occupied half of the navy.

As a result, Edward, who killed his own student. Weibull was recruited by the world government and became the Seven Martial Seas!

What an irony this is, the former enemy has become his own colleague, and it is estimated that no one can accept it.

It is no wonder that Zefa was disheartened and completely disappointed in the navy and the world government, such a navy and the world government were not worth his life!

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