At the same time, the three Luffy on the other side met Espagu, the president of Carrera's company, after Kaku left!

Esbagu didn't expect to see the Straw Hats here, and he guessed that the Straw Hats were coming to find Frankie.

Seeing that Nico Robin did not appear with them at this time, Asbagu was a little disappointed, he was very concerned about Nicole Robin who could read the text of history, although she did not tell anyone the news of Hades on the video, but Asbagu was still very uneasy, he wanted to confirm it himself!

At this time, after Nami and the others learned his identity, they asked him about Frankie, and Esbagu said that he didn't know where Frankie was now!

Luffy and the others who heard this result were a little disappointed, they didn't expect that no one would know the location of this partner!

After a few people talked, Esbagu thought for a moment and asked, "Is Nicole Robin from your ship here too?"

Hearing his words, Luffy didn't doubt him: "Do you know Robin?"

Esbagu said: "I don't know, I'm just a little curious!"

Luffy said, "Robin went to inquire about Frankie!" Hearing

Luffy's words, Esbagu stopped asking about Nico Robin and planned to invite them to visit the shipyard!

Several people were very curious about the shipyard and happily agreed!

When a few people entered the shipyard, they were spotted by others in the shipyard, and the boatmen greeted Esbagu.

Then he looked at Luffy behind him, they were no strangers to the Straw Hats, after all, they had seen them many times on the video! It's just that I didn't expect the Straw Hats to appear here!

Barry looked at the Straw Hats who appeared, and stepped forward, he was also curious about the Straw Hats, and Esbagu introduced his identity to Luffy.

Barry looked at Nami in the short skirt and pointed at her with a flushed face, "What's the matter with you woman?" It's so shameless! You've got too many legs! This is where men work, what kind of dress do you wear?

Luffy laughed and looked at Barry and said, "What a weirdo!"

At this time, Usopp looked behind Barry, and then pointed behind him in shock, Luffy and Nami also looked there, and saw that behind Barry, Luffy was standing there with an indifferent face!

Barry looked at the others, "That's Rob Lucky, you should have seen him too!"

Luffy said, "He's Rob Lucky!" Isn't that just—" Before he could finish speaking, Usopp and Nami covered his mouth!

Everyone looked at their actions suspiciously, Luffy struggled to break free from the two of them, and asked puzzledly, "Nami, Usopp, what are you doing?" Why don't you let me speak?

Nami whispered, "Stupid, that guy is Alyx's master!"

Usopp said, "It should be him!" By the way, Alyx stayed on the other side of the ship, didn't that named Kaku recognize Alyx?

Luffy said, "He should be a good person, if Alyx wants to go back, we should respect her choice!"

Luffy came up to Luffy and said to him, "Do you know Alyx?"

Luki didn't expect to hear the name from the Straw Hat Boy, and he asked in ventriloquism, "Have you seen Alyx?" Where is she?

Luffy told a few people about their meeting with Alyx, and after listening, Barry next to him said happily, "It's good that she's still alive, we haven't found her many times before!" I thought she was captured by the people of the World Government! Barry

didn't expect that Alyx, who had been missing for so long, would appear on the ship of the Straw Hats, and he didn't expect the Straw Hats to take her back to the Water City!

At this time, someone in the crowd exclaimed, and everyone looked up and saw a red figure flying towards them in the sky!

The next moment, the red figure came to everyone with Sanji and Kaku. Everyone was amazed, and Usopp looked at Sanji who appeared and said, "Sanji, why did you appear here with him?" Isn't Sauron the only one left on the other side of the ship? "

Nami is nervous too, but there's a golden pillar there, and that's her life!

Sanji said: "Don't worry, before we came, Robin-chan also came back!" Hearing

Sanji's words, a few people were relieved!

Barry looked at Alyx who suddenly appeared, and said in disbelief, "Alyx?

Alyx tilted his head to look at Barry, who excitedly ran to Luki's side and said, "Luki! Look, Alyx is back!

Alyx flew in front of Luki, Kaku looked nervously at the man and the bird, Alyx obviously didn't remember them, I don't know if I could recognize them?

Barry looked at Alyx suspiciously, Kaku explained to them Alyx's current situation, and after listening to Kaku's words, Barry couldn't believe it!

Alyx next to him frightened Hadoory on his shoulder and flew aside in fright, after circling around Luqi a few times!

After a long time, she chirped a few times at him with some surprise and some confusion!

Kaku looked at the situation, not sure if Alyx didn't think of them at all, and Usopp asked, "Alyx, do you still know him?"

Alyx landed on Luffy's shoulder and chirped at them, but without Chopper's translation, they couldn't understand what Alyx was saying.

Usopp made her a human, so that she could communicate, and then Alyx turned into a human form, and gestured to them, and after a while, everyone understood what she meant, Alyx didn't remember who he was, but knew that this person should be the person she was looking for.

Nami asks if she wants to stay? Alyx thought for a moment, then nodded at them.

Seeing her decide to stay, Luffy and the others were a little reluctant, but they also respected her opinion!

Then Luffy and the others asked about the Merry again, and after hearing about the ship's situation, several people were very disappointed, although they knew the result, they still couldn't accept it! Fortunately, the ship's spirit Melly is still there, which is also a comfort to them!

After learning about the situation, the few people planned to go back to the side of the ship first and discuss the next plan with their companions who stayed there!

They said goodbye to Esbagu and the others, and then left!

When they returned to the ship, Robin and the others looked at Alyx, who had not returned, and they had already understood the result, and everyone was a little lost, and at this moment, a voice came, "I said, you, are you really my future companions?"

Everyone was shocked, and they all looked at the source of the voice, and saw a pervert wearing a floral shirt on the upper body and underwear on the lower body appeared in front of them!

Everyone looked at him and said in surprise: "Frankie?!" "

The Straw Hats didn't expect Frankie to take the initiative to come to them!

Before they could step forward, the voice of the system suddenly sounded, [Straw Hats and Gang VSCP9, Death Match on Justice Island!] 】

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