At this time, a new image appeared on the screen again, and a huge and magnificent building appeared on the screen, which was the City of Water!

Nami and the others looked at the screen in front of them, and were stunned for a moment, isn't this the city they are in now, and several people suddenly became energetic.

This is where they met Frankie, and it seems that they fought those CP9s because of it, and they don't know what happened to them in the city?

On the screen, a teenager is sailing fast in a small boat, behind him a centipede-shaped sea beast is in hot pursuit, the sea beast instantly destroys the boat, the boy is not harmed, and returns to the shore safe and sound, seeing the young man's unique dress, plus his hair color, many people recognize this person as the Frankie!

And the man next to him was none other than the young Esbagu!

The people of the City of Water are no strangers to their mayor, but they don't know much about Frankie, and looking at the interaction between the two, people didn't expect the two to be friends!!

The audience in the City of Water was amazed that the two were doing completely opposite jobs, and it was difficult to connect their relationship.

Eisbagu is the mayor of the Water City and president of the shipyard Carrera, while the Frankies work on the ship's dismantling.

In addition, they hardly interact with each other, and people have no idea that the two actually know each other!

The two of them on the screen are arguing incessantly, when a fish-man who looks like a cat appears on the screen, and the people of the Water City recognize him at a glance! It was Mr. Tom who invented the sea train!

This Mr. Fishman is a completely different existence in the hearts of the people of the Water City, and his contribution to the Water City is immeasurable.

The sea train he built benefited not only from the capital of the seven waters, but even the whole world was influenced by him and began to make water trains.

With Mr. Tom's experience, it's even easier to build sea trains elsewhere! Many islands already have sea trains, making it easier for them to travel.

In the previous video, the sea train has even become a lifeline for the people there!

This made many people thank the person who was the first to build the sea train!

At this time, the fish people on Fish-Man Island suddenly became nervous when they saw that the person who appeared on the screen was a fish-man.

Due to the discrimination of the terrestrial humans against the merfolk and the Fish-people, not many of them have ever left Fish-Man Island, not even their King Neptune.

A series of remarks by the fish-man Aaron in the previous picture made them very angry, if this fish-man is the same as in the previous picture, the human dislike of the fish-man may deepen again, and then as long as they appear on land, they will probably be caught by humans and become slaves!

At the thought of this, the fishmen prayed that this Tom and that Aaron were not the same people!

Jinping looked at the screen, he also knew Tom, and he also knew Tom's sea train, for such a great existence, he respected this Mr. Tom very much!

At this time, Frankie and Espargu looked at Mr. Tom on the screen speechlessly, and they respected him from the bottom of their hearts for this existence that was both a teacher and a father.

But the thought of Mr. Tom being killed on trumped-up charges makes the two eager to kill Spendham!

Tom on the screen advises the two to get along, and the two return to the studio, talking about the situation in the water capital while eating.

Granny Kekeluo said to the people who were eating, "I heard that another merchant ship carrying timber has been robbed by pirates!" Since One Piece was executed, the pirates have become more and more rampant, and the city seems to be dying... Soon we will enter the era of pirates!

Everyone is running out of hope, because of the floods caused by the gods of water, wood and steel can only be bought through other islands, and now there are fierce seas and pirates constantly hindering trade!

Because business is decreasing, shipbuilding companies are fighting with each other for customers, and everyone is unemployed! If this continues, the water capital will become an isolated island that can only wait to be submerged by the sea.

This is what was once known as the shipbuilding industry... The famous city of water! Listening

to Granny Cocoro's words, the people of the Water City also fell silent.

The entire water capital survived on shipbuilding, and without the shipyards, other industries were also hit. Countless people face the embarrassment of unemployment.

They vaguely remember the miserable life at that time, and if it weren't for Mr. Tom's sea train, they don't know how long this miserable life would last?

The prosperity of the Water City is inseparable from Mr. Tom's sea train and the wise leadership of the current mayor, Mr. Esbagu, so the people of the Water City have great respect for Mr. Esbagu and Tom.

On the screen, Frankie talks about how Mr. Tom once built a very powerful pirate ship, and wants Mr. Tom to teach him to draw the design of the pirate ship!

The people of the Water City naturally know that the very powerful pirate ship he is talking about is the pirate ship of One Piece Roger, and the World Government arrested Mr. Tom in this name.

Tom on the screen heard Frankie's words and smiled at him and said, "Frankie, there are no pirate ship blueprints in this world!" As long as the people on the ship fly the pirate flag, it will become a pirate ship! If the naval flag is hoisted, it becomes a naval ship. It has nothing to do with what we want to build.

As a man, you have to puff up your chest proudly for the boat you have built!!

As the screen turns, Frankie looks at Tom, who is still resting, and asks curiously about what Mr. Tom is drawing.

Tom smiled and replied, "This is from this island... Wish! I hope this thing can make the water capital reborn! Hearing

this, the people of the Water City immediately understood that this thing was the conceptual drawing of the sea train, looking at Mr. Tom's happy smile, many people clenched their fists, such a person who completely thought about the Water City, the final result was to die like that, it was really unacceptable!

As soon as the screen turns, a judicial ship arrives in the Water City and takes Mr. Tom to the ship.

Looking at Mr. Tom who was taken away, people who didn't know the truth were shocked, and they didn't know what kind Mr. Fishman had done and needed a judicial ship to judge!

At this time, the judge on the screen talked about Mr. Tom's crime, "You are a member of the One Piece who was executed a few days ago. D. Roger built the pirate ship - the Oro Jackson! This proves that you are an accomplice to the world's number one criminal!! Escort Shipbuilder Tom to Justice Island... The death penalty !! "

People watched with wide eyes as the judge told Mr. Tom about his crimes, and many people had no idea that the one in front of them was actually the boatman who built the pirate ship of One Piece Roger!

Listening to the judge sentence Tom to death, the audience was upset for him, There are so many pirates in this world, they are shipwrights, and in addition to selling the ships they make to the navy, most of the remaining ones who go to sea are pirates, and in order to survive, it is normal to sell them to pirates.

They don't have the ability to predict the future, who could have predicted that in the future, one of them would become the king of the pirates?

This reason for the execution is really unacceptable to many people!

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