As soon as the picture turned, Nicole Robin appeared on the screen, and in front of her there was a man hidden in the dark, looking at this person's figure, everyone recognized who he was, Rob Ruqi!

The audience didn't understand why Nicole Robin would be at the mercy of Rob Rocky.

At the same time, Barry in the shipyard was about to be blown up when he looked at Lu Qi who was talking on the screen, he didn't expect Lu Qi to not only be a person from the world government, but also to speak, he had always been treated as a fool.

Luffy and the others on the screen decided to get Robin back in order to find out the truth of the matter.

On the other side, in order to avenge the younger brothers, Frankie decides to arrest Usopp and lure out the Straw Hats.

At night, all five foremen stood guard at Esbagu's door, at which point Esbagu let Barry in alone.

After Barry and Esbagu finished talking, they left the door alone and handed over the task of protecting Esbagu to Luqi and the others.

Everyone wondered what Esbagu and Barry were talking about. The blueprints of the Hades have been handed over to Frankie, and no matter how much the CP searches, they won't be able to get the blueprints of the Hades here in Esbagu!

As soon as the screen turned, CP9 wearing a mask began to act, and at this time, two masked people also appeared in front of Barry, and they got the blueprints in Barry's hand, and at this time, Barry also explained the task given to him by Esbagu, and the fact that the blueprints they got were fakes!

When the two learned that it was a fake, they immediately came to Esbagu's room and wanted to interrogate Esbagu personally, but Esbagu looked at the few people in front of him and said angrily: "Get out of here!" I don't have what you guys want here!! The

few people wearing the masks were not angry, they took off their masks, revealing their original faces, Esbagu looked at the people in front of him in amazement, he never thought that these people were all people around him!

Luki looked at Esbagu and said, "We sneaked in five years ago... But don't worry, we're not lazy at work! When

the audience heard Lu Qi's words, they were shocked, and the few people in front of them were completely different from the CP who appeared before.

And these people are too patient, they have been lurking for five years, if they don't have too much time, maybe their identities will not be exposed at all, and this group of guys has become a foreman in the five years they have been lurking!

On the screen, Lu Qi said to Esbargu: "You should have heard a little about the name CP, right?" In layman's terms, it's CP1 to CP8! It is the government's high-level intelligence agency with eight bases around the world! "

How could I not know!! However, I only know the information from CP1 to CP8! The

audience in front of the screen nodded, they also heard about the existence of CP9 for the first time on video, and some of them didn't even know about CP as the intelligence agency of the world government.

Lu Qi on the screen said: "That's right, but we are CP9, the ninth CP that does not exist!" Because we have some kind of privilege within us, our identities cannot be disclosed!

We do it in the name of justice... However, if some citizens do not cooperate with the government, we have the right to punish them. Summarily executed!!

At this time, the audience heard Lu Qi's words, and immediately felt their scalps tingle, this group of guys in the name of justice, arbitrarily killed citizens, and then blamed the pirates afterwards. Is this the justice of the world government?

And their purpose is the Hades blueprint, no matter who gets it, it's a disaster for them ordinary people!

On the screen, Esbagu asked, "Who will tolerate you killing people arbitrarily in the name of justice!" "

There is a part of the world government that has changed its mind!! Instead of worrying about the danger of the resurrection of the weapon, it is better to wake up the weapon, draw an end to this era of pirates, and turn it into a force for justice!

But you've taken an uncooperative attitude... In the face of the people who are still suffering from pirates around the world, you say you can't save them! Listening

to Rob Luch's claim that we want to resurrect ancient weapons because we are protecting those people, the audience suddenly clenched their fists, and this kind of coy appearance made them sick, they were obviously for the world government's own rule, but it turned out to be to end the era of pirates, for them!

The audience mocked at the screen, they had long seen through the false justice of the world government, and they really got the blueprint of the Hades, not to mention whether they could end the era of pirates, but it was more convenient to launch the demon slaying order!

Especially those non-member countries, they themselves are in dire straits, and their country will become what it is now, a large part of which is caused by the world government!

If the World Government sees that they are dissatisfied and finds a reason to use Hades against them, they will cease to exist with just one blow!!

After listening to Luqi's words, Esbagu on the screen retorted, "Nonsense! If the weapon is resurrected again, the world will start a life-and-death struggle, and the harm will be further expanded..."

"It seems that you don't trust the government, Mr. Esbagu!!"

"All I know is humanity! Hearing this,

Luqi kicked Esbagu in the face: "Be careful when you speak... Do you think you're still our boss?

Looking at Lu Qi who did it to Esbagu, everyone was worried for a while, this CP looked completely different from the previous ones, especially the aura around him was very dangerous, and the audience was worried that this guy would kill Esbagu if he was unhappy!

On the screen, Luckyy asks Kaku to take his pulse, using the rate of his pulse to verify that what they say is correct. That way, even if Esbagu doesn't speak, they will know what they want!

In the end, Luqi and the others learned that the design of Hades was in Frankie's hands!

Looking at the CP9 operation, the audience was suddenly eye-opened, but they didn't expect that there would be such a way to distinguish the authenticity!

These guys are really not easy!

Compared with them, that Spandam is so useless, everyone was misled by that Spandam's performance, they thought that CP was like that, but this group of guys slipped away one by one!

I don't know what the world government thinks, it's incredible to let such a guy become the chief of CP9!

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