Robin looked at herself on the screen, and felt a lot of emotion in her heart, once everyone was denying the meaning of her existence, and she also thought that she was not qualified to live anymore.

But now that she had met a partner who was willing to protect her, Robin remembered Saulo's words and silently said in her heart: "Saulo! I'm not single anymore!

Spendam laughed and taunted the Straw Hats, "Look at the flag, pirates!" That sign signifies the alliance of the four seas and more than 170 member nations on the Great Route!! This is the world!!

In the face of the world, you should know how small you are! You should also know what a huge organization this woman is facing!!

At this time, Luffy listened and understood that Robin's enemy was the World Government.

He said to Usopp next to him, "Sniper King! Put that flag... Knock out!!

Usopp, who had become the Sniper King next to him, immediately raised the giant slingshot in his hand. Pocket, one blow burned the flag of the world government.

Looking at the flags that turned to ashes, the audience all looked at the Straw Hats in amazement.

Everyone knows what that flag represents.

Attacking the flag represents a declaration of war on the World Government, and in this way, it is completely on the World Government's kill list!

It is impossible for the world government to let go of the existence of such a person who openly provokes their majesty!

Is that the Straw Hat Kid's answer?

Many people sighed that this straw hat group is too moral!

For the sake of partners, he did not hesitate to declare war on the world government.

I had fought the Draco for that fishman before, and this kind of pirate group was really disgusting.

If only all the pirates in the world were like this!

Many people looked at the Straw Hats on the screen with admiration, and the Straw Hats did things they didn't dare to do, or even dare not think!

They witnessed the Straw Hats from scratch to become a famous pirate group, and they also witnessed the Straw Hats save one town after another!

At this time, Bartolomeo looked at the screen with bright eyes, and shouted excitedly: "Luffy senior!" Usopp seniors! That's it, it's so handsome!

Luo looked at Luffy on the screen with a smile on his face, it was not for nothing that he would find the Straw Hats to cooperate.

Holy Land, Mary Joa, the faces of the five old stars have turned black to the bottom of the pot, this straw hat boy dares to openly challenge the authority of the world government!

This scene was also screened all over the world!

Everyone knows that the flag representing the world government has been pierced by the Straw Hats!

If the Straw Hats don't pay the price, what will be their face? Where is the majesty of world government?

If these guys are allowed to continue to be free, won't everyone think that the world government is easy to bully?

The five old stars called a CP and whispered a few times, and then the CP disappeared in front of several people.

Robin on the screen looked at Luffy with tears in his eyes, and Luffy yelled at her, "Robin!" I haven't heard you say it yet, so say 'I want to live'!!

At this moment, Robin finally said what was in his heart: "I want to live!" Take me along... Let's go to the sea!!

Frankie next to him was moved by a few people.

Some sensual viewers are also secretly wiping their tears, such a pirate group is really good!

Spandam on the screen saw that Luffy and several people were about to attack, so he planned to take Nico Robin away, and he called in the soldiers to plan to take Frankie away as well.

At this time, Frankie suddenly took out a booklet, and everyone's eyes suddenly widened, and they muttered in their hearts, could this be the design of the Hades? I didn't expect him to carry it with him!

What is it to do at this time?

And those who want to get the blueprints of Hades have a bad premonition at this time.

There's no way this Frankie would come up with the Hades blueprints for no reason at this time, he must be planning to do something!

Frankie took the blueprint of Hades in his hand, showed it to them, and then said, "Nico Robin! I finally know that you're not the demon who wants to resurrect weapons as rumored!!

Originally, the boatsmiths of the water capital passed down from generation to generation are not the method of making weapons! "

Hey! Spendham, what Mr. Tom has tried so hard to protect, is to prevent an ancient weapon from falling into the hands of a villain like you. When you endanger the world, build another weapon to stop your atrocities!! That's what the designers intended!!

"If you can use Nicole Robin to awaken ancient weapons, then she is indeed a dangerous woman! But now she has companions who are willing to protect her! So I'll make a bet! I want to fulfill the designer's last wish, and there is only one way now!

Saying that, Frankie raised the Hades blueprint in his hand, and at this time, everyone looked at Frankie on the screen with wide eyes open, and his actions had clearly told the audience what he was going to do.

I saw that flames suddenly erupted from Frankie's mouth, burning the blueprint of the Hades that countless people were eager to see!

Those who were eager to get their hands on the blueprints of Hades suddenly broke down and looked at Frankie on the screen with an angry expression.

He actually burned the blueprints!!

And more people are full of happiness, they are just ordinary people, the existence of the Hades design does not have any benefit to them, and even if this Hades design is obtained by the world government, they are likely to target the Hades at them ordinary people in order to rule, or for the sake of prestige.

After all, even if those sea thieves have a Hades King in the world government, they will not necessarily cause harm to them, on the contrary, it will only be ordinary people like them who will suffer in the end.

So they don't want the Hades blueprints to be obtained by any of the forces!

At this time, the five old stars were almost angry, and the blueprint of Hades was only one step away from them, so it was burned down!

Lu Qi's face was also full of anger, they went undercover for five years just for this thing, and they were burned like this!

All five years of their time were in vain!

Thankfully, the real-life blueprints are still in Frankie's hands!

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