Spandham's voice on the screen was broadcast throughout the Isle of Justice, and the navies on the Isle of Justice were already aware of the launch of the Demon Slayer Order.

At this time, Spandam didn't realize that everyone on Justice Island could hear his voice, and Robin asked him to quickly cancel the request for the Demon Slaying Order!

Hearing Robin's words, Spandam burst out laughing: "What did you say? Want me to cancel the request? Feed... Do you know who you're talking to?

I'm the head of the World Government, codenamed CP9... In order to send you to the government smoothly, the Demon Slaying Order was launched! Haha~ Isn't that great?!

So no matter what's going on here... In the end, all the pirates here can be killed!

Robin yelled angrily, fear written all over her face: "What nonsense are you talking about?!" It's not that simple!

That kind of attack is ruthless!! This island of justice will be completely reduced to ashes, both in terms of buildings and people....

Nightmarish concentrated bombing at all costs in order to achieve the goal! This is the Demon Slayer Order!!

Because you have no idea what really happened in O'Hara 20 years ago!!

Spendham immediately interrupted Robin: "Enough! For the government, that's not a big deal either! Katy. Flam burned the blueprints of Hades... So you become the only clue to the ancient weapon!

This is related to the combat power that can subvert the times! If you can eliminate the fools who want to take you away, sacrifice thousands of soldiers... For a bright future, it is also a last resort!

What's more, it's about my future!! All

the spectators in front of the screen looked at Spandam on the screen with ugly faces, their hands clenched, and anger welled up in their hearts!

What the hell does this guy think of human life?

Is it possible that the officials of the world government are all of this kind of goods?

Thousands of soldiers' lives can be sacrificed for the sake of the future!

It was a sacrifice that could have been avoided, but this guy put the lives of thousands of soldiers at risk for his own future!

All the audience felt a chill, this Spandam could even sacrifice his own people, and the rest of the ordinary people would not be taken seriously!

Now that this Demon Slaying Order is such a child's play, then one day in the future, the World Government can launch the Demon Slaying Order with an order or excuse at will!

At the same time, the navy members of the Navy Headquarters also looked at Spandam on the screen with a shocked face, especially the Navy on Justice Island, many of them saw themselves on the video.

They naturally know what kind of character Spandam is, and even secretly talked about this chief in private, obviously he has no strength, and he often does some stupid things, but he can become the chief of CP9 because he has a good father!

On the video, it was clearly his own mistake, but he paid for it with the lives of ordinary soldiers.

Most of the navy on Justice Island are some grassroots personnel, and if they really launch the Demon Slaying Order, their chances of escaping are too small!

They joined the navy to fight the pirates, even if they died in the battle with the pirates, they had no complaints, but they couldn't accept that they would die under the demon slaying order, a senseless death!

All the navies are angry at the moment! They didn't join the Navy for this kind of guy!

At this time, the discussion on the judicial island is full of discussions, and many people's hearts have changed at this moment, perhaps... They should think about whether they really want to stay in the Navy!

Perhaps the NEO Navy is also a good choice.

Navy headquarters, Akainu looked at the screen with an ugly face, and couldn't help but curse out loud, the current navy is already disheartened, but this guy came to such a moment again, directly adding fuel to the fire!

He covered his head with a headache, scolded Spandam ten thousand times in his heart, and couldn't help but think that if those old guys didn't dispose of this Spandam, he would take the navy to set up another portal!

The Warring States next to him had nothing to do, looked at the red dog who was about to be angry to death, and sympathized with him, and thought to himself, now I know the difficulties of being a marshal!

Where is the future good when a marshal?

Then he looked at the screen, and he was also speechless about this Spandam's brain-dead behavior.

The five old stars looked at Spandam on the screen and cursed in their hearts, this guy is really stupid and useless.

At this moment, they also realized that Spendham's words might have a great impact on the navy, and they had to give an explanation to the navy, otherwise all the navy would fall to the NEO navy at that time, even if they had powerful weapons, losing the power of the navy would be a heavy blow to them!

At this time, Zefa also realized that this was a good opportunity, they were in need of people now, and many of his men came from the navy, but the number was still too small! Compared to the real navy, they are still a little weaker.

Now they are mainly fighting pirates in those non-allied countries, and occasionally act with the revolutionary army, their goal is different from the revolutionary army, the revolutionary army wants to overthrow the world government and solve the status quo from the root, Zefa wants to make the NEO navy another navy to protect those ordinary people!

But in terms of overall strength, their strength is still too weak, even if they have some new forces, but they still can't compare with the navy, he is still worried about this, now it's okay, this Spandam actually gave him such a big gift directly!

Zefa couldn't help but laugh as he looked at Spandam on the screen.

Robin on the screen asks Spendham loudly, "What do you think of human life?!"

Spendham: "Don't forget that CP9 is the assassination agency of the World Government, if you have to sacrifice 100 people in order to save 1000 people, then we can kill 100 people on the spot without hesitation!" True justice must be accompanied by ruthlessness!

And these incompetent soldiers... Even the invading pirates can't stop it, so it's better to die!! The

navy on Justice Island sneered when they heard this, incompetent soldiers? To die? It turns out that they are such an existence in the eyes of those bosses!

They had fought to the death against those invaders to protect Justice Island, and what was this guy doing while they were fighting?

He hid inside the island of justice, hiding under the protection of those CPs, leisurely drinking coffee, they worked desperately outside, and as a result, they became incompetent in his mouth!

Such a person is not worth fighting for him!

Spendam looked at the soldiers who were quietly watching the video outside, and the more they were quiet, the more scary Spandam felt.

He hurriedly summoned a few CP9s on Justice Island and asked a few people to protect him.

What if this group of guys breaks out and comes over and eats him alive? He can't die, the five old stars may dispose of him, but there is still a chance, he has to wait for his father to catch him.

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