On the screen, Sauron turned his back to Kaku and said, "One of Carrera's foremen asked me to tell you a word. You guys... Got fired!!

Hearing this, Kaku sighed with emotion: "Did Barry say it?" This sucks... the killer business... If you miss, you'll lose your job..."

Zoro replied, "Isn't there still a zoo?"

Kaku laughed, "Hahaha, you're really bad...", he took the key out and lost consciousness.

Looking at Kaku, who was completely unconscious, the audience was also very emotional, from the performance of this Kaku, he is still a good person, even if he is the CP of the world government, but from his performance, he does not look like the kind of heinous person.

Compared to that Rob Ruch, this guy is pretty good.

The previous Rob Ruch said that killing can only be legalized here, which really scared them, that guy is different from other CP9s, he is a real killing weapon!

Now that there is only that Rob Luck left in the entire CP9, the audience also wants to see if the straw hat boy who was killed by him in seconds will still be defeated in his hands now?

Lu Qi stared at the screen with burning eyes, and now only he and the Straw Hat Boy were left! He'd like to see how this guy is going to beat him?

As for the result, Lu Qi guessed that he had a good chance of losing, and that the straw hat kid's third gear had not yet been used, although he didn't think that third gear would be of much use to him.

Moreover, that guy's Devil Fruit is a rare animal-based phantom beast species Nika form, and his is nothing more than an ordinary animal-based Devil Fruit Leopard form, completely crushing him on the Devil Fruit.

In addition, the physical characteristics of the straw hat boy are rubber, and he has a strong ability to resist blows, and it is not impossible that he will lose.

But he wants to see for himself how the Straw Hat Kid defeated him!

At this time, Lu Qi was looking forward to the duel between the two, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, he was known as the strongest CP9 in 800 years, and the straw hat boy was only a teenager, and then became the Four Emperors, such a talent, even he had to look up to it.

The screen pans to reveal Luki, the Straw Hat Boy, and Frankie.

Lu Qi turned into a human and beast form and said to the two people in front of him, "I told you... I'm not going to let you pass! As

he spoke, he rushed to Frankie, "I'm going to kill you first, Frankie!"

Luffy stood in front of Franky and kicked Larch away, and he shouted at Franky, "Franky!" Robin, please!!

Frankie, who accepted the Straw Hat Boy's commission, also lost hope and succeeded in saving Robin.

Before the Straw Hats could rejoice, the sound of a warship's shelling made them realize that the Demon Slayer Order was about to begin!

Several lieutenant generals on the warship said in unison: "Launch the Demon Slaying Order!" "

With an order, the shelling began!

At this time, Luffy was still fighting with Luffy, and in the face of Luffy, who was proficient in the six-style, Luffy fought quite hard, and was knocked down by Luffy many times, and even passed out completely in the next moment.

The audience looked at the screen nervously, this fist-to-flesh duel was really exciting, Rob Luck deserved to be the strongest CP9 in 800 years, and he actually forced the Straw Hat Boy into danger many times!

At this time, the boatmen who wanted to find Lu Qi in the Water City also stopped a lot, and after watching the video, they also knew that the difference in strength between themselves and Lu Qi and Kaku was too big, and they could only find death if they went.

Luffy, who struggled to get up on the screen, used a three-gear giant gun to knock out Luffy, who used an iron block, in order to defeat Luffy, and the battlefield between the two shifted from Justice Island to the warship.

At this time, one of the sailors reported to Vice Admiral Oni Spider: "Report General, Straw Hat Luffy is currently fighting Rob Luffy!" Vice

Admiral Ghost Spider ordered: "The gunners of the whole ship aim at the No. 4 warship, and start shelling in five seconds!"

A sailor questioned with some disbelief: "Medium... Lieutenant General!! Are you kidding? There are more than 1,000 of us on there!! Lieutenant

General Ghost Spider heard someone contradict him, and pulled out his weapon and shot the sailor, "If a moment's hesitation leads to the murderer's escape, you... How to face the future? Fire! The

audience looked at the screen with a chill and did not hesitate to kill the ghost spider vice admiral of his own people, what happened to this vice admiral?

He's a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

That's how it is for your own people?

A thousand navies on that warship died in vain?

Not in the battle between Straw Hat Boy and Rob Luck, but in being shelled by his own boss!

This death is too wronged!

In the whole Justice Island incident, all the navies died too unjustly! Most of them were killed by their own people!

This is the justice of the Navy?

Just because Straw Hat Kid jumped on a warship to fight Rob Rocky was about to wipe out a shipload of sailors! It's cruel!

What kind of justice is this?

Worse than the dark justice that Rob Ruch pursued!

The audience felt cold.

They have five lieutenant generals to deal with the straw hat boy who is already covered in bruises, and they are not ready to catch it? It was easy to even destroy the Straw Hats, but it turned out to be ordered to shell the warship!

Not only did he not kill the Straw Hat Boy, but he also took so many lives in vain!

The justice of the Navy is also too terrifying!

Many sailors in the Navy Headquarters looked in fear at Vice Admiral Ghost Spider on the screen, the vice admiral was a loyal supporter of Marshal Sakasky.

The one they fear most in private is this lieutenant general!

Even Marshal Sakasky would not have felt so afraid, but they were afraid of him from the bottom of their hearts!

Marshal Sakasky also killed the sailors, but the group of deserters had nothing to say.

But now this scene is really unacceptable to them, that group of navy died unjustly!

Many navies looked at Vice Admiral Ghost Spider beside them with pale faces, and their faces were full of fear!

The ghost spider looked at the screen indifferently, he wouldn't care about other people's eyes, this is his justice!

As long as you can achieve your goal, killing a few sailors is nothing!

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