The on-screen Straw Hats set sail again on a new ship, this time taking Frankie with them, and Usopp returns to the ship at the last minute.

As soon as the screen turned, a new picture appeared on the screen again, and they saw a ruin completely destroyed by artillery fire, and the audience at this time immediately understood that this was the original Justice Island!

CP9 looked at the screen worriedly, Justice Island was in ruins, and they didn't know what was going on?

Just when CP9 was still worried about his safety, the voice of the system sounded again: [Question: What is the fate of CP9 after the Justice Island incident?] A

: Except for Lucci and Kaku, the rest of the personnel are dead!

B: All members survived, but due to Spendham's shirking of responsibility, all CP9 members were wanted!

[Rules: This question can be answered by everyone, only the first person can answer, and those who answer correctly will be rewarded with a Devil Fruit, and there is no penalty for answering incorrectly!] Start answering in a minute! The

audience in front of the screen was quite happy to see this question, especially when they saw that neither option was a good answer, they were even happier, after all, the CP of the world government was not a good thing in their impression.

Especially what Rob Ruch said in the previous video that killing is only legal in the World Government, which made them even more disgusted with this organization.

At this time, when CP9 heard this question, they were all shocked, especially the other people, this question is related to their life and death.

They looked at the answer to this question, one was that all the rest of the people were dead except for Luki and Kaku, this answer was the last thing they wanted to see, they were so easy to die! Or die on their turf!

Kaku looked at Kalifa's gloomy face and said to her, "The first option is very likely to be wrong, the Straw Hats don't have the habit of killing their opponents from the previous video, so the others should still be alive."

The rest is the Demon Slaying Order, but if you die in the Demon Slaying Order, the two of us should not be spared, so the old man thinks that none of us are dead.

All of us should have managed to escape through Bruno's Doorway Fruit!

The second option should be the correct answer, after all, what kind of virtue is our boss, you should also know, if he pushes all the responsibility on us in order to protect himself, it is also expected. So the answer to this question should be B!

When Kalifa heard Kaku's analysis, he immediately felt that it made sense, the Straw Hats had never seen him kill an enemy until now, and since they didn't die at the hands of the Straw Hats, they could hide in Bruno's space to escape the Demon Slaying Order.

A few people who have figured it out have the heart to look at the reward of this question, Devil Fruit!

Everyone knows how precious Devil Fruits are, and many times they can't buy them with money, not to mention, they don't have that much money to buy Devil Fruits!

Among them, only Luki, Bruno and Gabra have Devil Fruits, which shows the rarity of Devil Fruits.

They had seen that Doflamingo get the Devil Fruit in the middle of the question, but because Doflamingo didn't let people eat it, they didn't know what the Devil Fruit was.

Chat Room

: Klockdahl: "@多弗朗明哥, didn't you get a Devil Fruit rewarded by the system before?" What are the capabilities?

Doflamingo was immediately angry when he saw Crocodall@his, he was just thinking about leaving quickly, and completely forgot about the Devil Fruit, I don't know if it was taken away by the navy?

It is estimated that it was taken away by the navy, and not only the Devil Fruit he got from the system on that ship, but also his artificial Devil Fruit was also served, and when he thought of it, Doflamingo's face darkened with anger.

Everything he has is gone, and all these years of business have been in vain.

The only consolation was that he still had a time wrapper on his hand, and this reward was much more precious than that Devil Fruit, after all, even if that Devil Fruit was still there, he could only use it for others.

What's more, no one except that Cyrus knew that this time burden was on his hands, and he didn't have to worry about anyone coveting it!

Doflamingo: "This question should be asked to the Navy, the Devil Fruit should be in their hands right now."

Akainu suddenly felt a headache when he saw Doflamingo talk about it, he knew about the devil fruit, and Polusalino had told him in private, but he didn't tell the five old stars about it at that time.

After all, this is what their navy obtained, they have already taken all the artificial devil fruits, and they naturally have to keep this devil fruit, this is the navy's trophy!

But if this matter is known by the five old stars, those old men will definitely not have a good face, but it doesn't matter if Akainu doesn't care, those guys don't give him any face, and he doesn't have to think about their thoughts.

At this time, the five old stars were also puzzled when they saw Doflamingo say that the Devil Fruit was in the hands of the Navy, and then after thinking about it, they suddenly understood that it must be the Navy that concealed this matter!

Thinking of this, the five old stars were immediately furious, they hadn't put a devil fruit in their eyes yet, but what they couldn't tolerate was that the navy dared to deceive them!

Especially this person was brought up by themselves, which made them even more intolerable, they thought that this Sakasky was easy to control, but I didn't expect this guy to be an anti-bone boy!

The five old stars are so angry that their heads hurt, okay! The navy from top to bottom is all guilty of the following! They made a note of it!

After solving these recent troubles, they will settle accounts with this group of anti-bone boys!

The five old stars secretly wrote it down, and they would definitely not let go of this group of people who dared to offend their majesty easily!

Becky: "It turns out that the navy is the strongest leak picker!"

Kaido: "That guy named Bruno isn't in the chat room?" At

this time, the five old stars were still in a headache, and suddenly saw Kaido asking about Bruno, and immediately became vigilant, what is this guy going to do?

Lu Qi and the others also looked at Bruno curiously, and the Four Emperors Kaido asked what Bruno was doing.

Bruno looked confused, what was Kaido looking for him for?

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