In the ruins of the screen, Bruno used his Door Fruit ability to open a door in the air, and he walked out of the door with a severely injured and unconscious Luci.

Watching Bruno's operation, the audience was amazed that this ability was really good, if he couldn't beat it in the future, he would hide directly inside, and no one would find him except himself.

The rest of CP9 looked at Bruno on the screen with a grateful face, and Bruno's ability saved them at a critical moment! Otherwise, with their seriously injured bodies, they wouldn't have been able to escape the Demon Slaying Order at all!

The CPs on the screen all looked dejected, this time all of them failed miserably, especially Rob Luki, who fell into a coma and needed immediate treatment.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise in the distance, a group of people came here, Gabra and Bruno quickly hid aside to eavesdrop, that group of people was sent by the World Government, their purpose was to confirm whether the CP9, which had a lot of information, was all dead.

Gabra, who was hiding on the sidelines, listened to their conversation, and the more he listened, the more angry he became, and their shameless commander actually blamed all the blame on them.

At this time on the Justice Island, Gabra glared at Spendam angrily, and the other two also looked at him with an unkind face, Spendham was so frightened by CP9's gaze that he almost fell to the ground, and he said with fear in his voice to several CPs who looked at him unkindly: "I am still the commander of CP9, you are still my subordinates, if you dare to make a move on me, the five old stars will not allow it!"

Gabra looked at Spandam with a cowardly expression, and he didn't bother to do anything about this commander, who was not even as good as an ordinary soldier.

Spandam looked at the few people who looked away, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The group on screen assumed that all of them were alive after they could not find CP9's body.

CP9 must leave Justice Island immediately in order to avoid being wanted by the World Government, and more importantly, Lucci needs to be treated.

Gabra let go of his hostility to Kaku and carried Kaku with limited mobility, and the group successfully escaped from Justice Island through the tracks of the sea train.

At this time, the CP9 people didn't expect Tom's sea train to become a ray of life for them, which was really fateful.

Several people on the screen make their way to the island of Santa Bobla, the city of the Queen of Spring, and try to seek the island's doctor to treat Luki, but embarrassingly, they are penniless.

In order to make up for the medical expenses, the CP9s tried their best, and the male lions performed on the street to show their eyelid mothers, which attracted the applause of the street audience.

On the other side, Gabra and Bruno collaborated to perform a beast taming show wolf jumping into the fire ring, but one accidentally ignited the hair on Gabra's back by fire.

This somewhat innocent behavior caused the crowd of onlookers to laugh heartily, and many people applauded them.

Kaku transforms into a giraffe slide, and the Otomu owl acts as a ladder while collecting money.

These two are the most popular with children, they are surrounded by many children, and there are even many children lining up in the rain.

On the other side, Kalifa uses the power of the bubble fruit to make the entire city clean.

After their efforts, Lu Qi's medical expenses were finally paid, and the doctors began to treat Lu Qi, who was seriously injured.

The audience who watched this scene was a little dumbfounded, and the group of people in front of them seemed to be a little different from their impressions.

In the past, they took the task as their own responsibility, and it can be said that they are completely unscrupulous in order to complete the task.

But now in order to make up for Rob Busch's medical expenses, they have really changed their careers to work as animal shows, not stealing or robbing, and earning money entirely on their own, which is really a bit unexpected for them.

It seems that their income is not bad, and they can do a side hustle at all!

All the viewers thought it was incredible, with their strength, it was too easy to get money, they had left the world government, and they could be like pirates, without having to follow the rules.

But they are making money on their own, which is incredible!

If it weren't for knowing about them, the audience would really think that these people were just a few ordinary people who worked hard to earn money for their lives.

The audience in front of the screen has a slightly better impression of these people, but only slightly, after all, they are still the CP of the world government.

People were very emotional for a while, even if they were murderous CPs, after leaving the world government, they were just a group of ordinary people.

At this time, the CP9 looked at the screen with red faces, especially Gabra, who was completely dead now, what was wrong with his performance, he had to perform a wolf jumping in the ring of fire.

Now it's okay, not only was his own hair burned, but also seen by people all over the world, it was really shameless.

Lu Qi glanced at the few people next to him, and a trace of waves appeared on his originally expressionless face.

After several people on the screen raise money, the doctors finally begin to treat the seriously injured Luki.

While waiting for Lu Qi to recover, several people temporarily lived in the city, shopping and drinking tea, everything seemed very comfortable.

The audience watched this scene and hoped that this group of guys would really live as plain as on the video.

Time passed slowly, and under the doctor's treatment, Lu Qi finally woke up, and several other people were very happy for Lu Qi.

When it was finally time to be discharged from the hospital, several people decided to relax and go bowling together to celebrate Luqi's recovery.

Just as Gabra was about to try, there was a sudden commotion at the door, and when Bruno heard this, he saw several people panicking and talking about the presence of pirates in the port.

When the CP9s heard this, they rushed to the place the residents had said.

As soon as the screen turns, a group of pirates appear on the screen, they are recklessly burning and looting on this island.

The captain of the leading pirate group drank happily, and they didn't pay attention to the inhabitants of this island at all.

Before he could be happy, CP9 rushed over, and Lu Qi kicked the leading pirates to the ground, and the other CPs also defeated all the pirates on the pirate ship.

The onlookers cheered for the Candy Pirates when they saw the Candy Pirates defeated.

The audience is also the same as the residents on the screen, cheering for these CPs, this group of guys is not too bad, at least they are not doing anything wrong in this city, even the medical expenses are raised by performing arts, and they also helped the people here defeat the troublesome pirates, CP9's performance has won the favor of many viewers.

Before they could rejoice for too long, they saw that after defeating the Candy Pirates, Luqi on the screen did not hand them over to the navy, but instead sanctioned the group of pirates in his own way.

The bloody scenes not only frightened the island's inhabitants, but also stunned the audience who were originally cheering for them in front of the screen.

It's really him, even if he leaves the world government, he is still the Rob Ruch who pursues dark justice.

The CP9s on the screen looked at the deserted streets, and also understood that it was not advisable to stay here, their tracks had been exposed, and the Navy would soon come here.

Just as they were about to leave, a little girl came to them, and this child was the little girl who had been kidnapped by the pirates earlier.

She raised the flower in her hand and gave it to the few people who saved her in front of her, and Gabra and the others watched the little girl's actions in horror, but they didn't expect that they would have a day to be thanked.

They are in the dark, they have been fighting against evil all their lives, and they never thought that one day they would stand in the sun and accept the gratitude of others, which made several people very afraid.

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