Seeing Frankie's expression, Dorag smiled and nodded, "It's indeed for you." He

wasn't lying, in the previous video, after Frankie was photographed by a bear, he reappeared two years later, and from the change in his appearance, Dorag already knew where he was photographed.

Coupled with the fact that he was Luffy's crew member and a top-notch shipwright, he might as well be a good guy and give him that thing in advance.

This can be regarded as a means for him to win over Frankie, after all, the design of the Hades is in his hands, and it is better than falling into the hands of the navy or pirates.

Frankie looked at the things in his hand, he already understood Dorag's intentions, at this time he was very entangled, I don't know whether to give him the Hades blueprint?

By the time Nico Robin is made sure that he has no intention of resurrecting Hades, the mission of the Hades blueprint has come to an end, and its best destination is to destroy it.

But now because of the system, the future has been exposed to everyone early, and maybe the Hades hidden in history will also be exposed.

At that time, if that Hades is obtained by the World Government or other people with bad intentions, there will be only another Hades who can compete with him.

After thinking about it for a while, Frankie decided to take it himself, after all, no one could say what the future would hold.

If it was true that he had brought harm to the world, he would have no shame in facing Esbagu and Mr. Tom.

However, Frankie said to Doragedore, "If the World Government comes up with a weapon comparable to Hades in the future, I will give you the Hades blueprints!"

Dorag nodded, as he expected. After making sure that the blueprints of the Immortal did not fall into the hands of the World Government, the goal of Dorag's trip was accomplished, and he told Frankie to hurry to the meeting place, where he would help the Straw Hats escape, and now was not the time to confront the World Government.

And Luffy on the other side was also running towards the warehouse under the bridge at this time, and met with Barry who came back.

Barry tells him where the Straw Hats and the rest of the gang will meet, and Luffy nods in understanding, but he's going to find Alyx now.

Those guys are their enemies, and Alyx is in their hands, which is equivalent to falling into the hands of the world government.

Barry grabbed Luffy, who was roaring and wanted to continue looking for Luffy and the others, and quickly told him that Luffy might have left.

When he left, Lu Qi and the others were still there, but it's hard to say now, they have a reward in their hands, maybe they have left after seeing the arrival of the navy.

Moreover, the main thing for the Straw Hats now is to get out of here first, and the navy is targeting them.

If they are here, the Navy will not be evacuated, and who knows if it will accidentally hurt the inhabitants of the Water Capital?

If anything remains unresolved, they can go back here through any door.

And judging from the performance of Luffy and the others, he believes that Luffy will not hand over Alyx to the World Government.

If that day comes, Alyx can escape on his own, but Barry has seen Alyx's power with his own eyes, and he doesn't think that the World Government can trap it!

After listening to Barry's words, Luffy was silent for a moment, and finally compromised, the main thing for them now is to leave here first. If it were really because of them that the navy was sent to attack the water capital indiscriminately, they would be the sinners here.

Seeing that Luffy already understood what he meant, Barry suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, this straw hat kid is really difficult to reason with him, and I don't know how the Straw Hats deal with such a captain who does his own thing?

After thinking about it, Luffy hurriedly ran towards the place where several people met.

At this time, Frankie also headed towards the docks of Shipwreck Island after saying goodbye to Dorag, who silently watched the Sunshine that was about to disappear into the distance.

At this time, the originally sunny weather suddenly blew violently, and lightning and thunder gradually began to roar in the sky, and the rain of beans fell instantly.

All the people of the City of Water watched in amazement at the rapidly changing weather, the unpredictable weather of the Great Route, but it was the first time they had seen it like this.

After all, this is the capital of water, the climate is quite normal, and this sudden storm caught everyone off guard.

The rain became heavier and heavier, as if it was pouring down directly from the sky, and the visibility in front of them suddenly decreased, and many people rushed to find buildings to hide from the rain.

At this time, the people of Sanji, who were still on the Shipwreck Island, were suddenly poured into soup chickens by the sudden rainstorm, and the rain hit their faces so that they couldn't open their eyes. They hurried to find a nearby place to hide, and due to the heavy rain, the pacifists in the distance gradually disappeared from their field of vision.

Nami and the others immediately relaxed, and the heavy rain solved the crisis in front of them.

They had seen the pacifists attack in previous videos, they wouldn't attack without a target, and the heavy rain just blocked the view of the pacifists.

Nami and the others are not very strong, except for Zoro and the others, and it would be very troublesome to get rid of them if they were discovered by the pacifists, and this heavy rain really helped them.

At this moment, Melly suddenly sensed something, she stood up and looked at the sea level in the distance, and several other people followed her gaze, they could see nothing but the rain, and the heavy rain obscured the view of the pacifists as well as their view.

Melly said to a few people, "That Frankie is here." Then he added, "By boat." A

few people were stunned for a moment, the ship? Where did the ship come from?

It's not that they don't believe Merry's judgment, Merry is a ship spirit, and she has also said that she can control ships within a certain range, and if she just senses the ships around her, she should not be mistaken.

Looking at the expressions of several people, Melly explained: "It should have appeared on the video before, and he made it in advance." These

words made several people even more puzzled, where did Frankie get the money to buy the treasure tree Adam?

Although he himself is not poor Jingle Bell, he should not be able to afford Adam Tree, otherwise Frankie's younger brothers on the video will not be eyeing their money, which can be regarded as not knowing each other.

Although several people had some doubts in their hearts, they were more happy, they needed a boat, the Merry had been damaged, and it might be broken in two one day like on the video, and right now, changing ships in the water capital was the best option for them.

But now that they are being targeted by the navy, this idea can only be abandoned for the time being, and the result of the discussion is that they plan to leave here first, and then use any door to come back.

But now that Frankie has built a ship, they can set off on a new ship without having to turn back.

After discussing it, they decided to go their separate ways, letting Zoro take Merry to stay here and continue to wait for Luffy, and the others went to meet Franky, Merry was able to sense the presence of the ship, and when Luffy came here, they would also be able to find the location of the ship in the rain.

In addition, after Sanji and the others successfully reconcile with Frankie, they will be able to return directly to their current position through any door, and then pick up Sauron and them, no matter what, they don't have to confront the pacifists.

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