On the Thousand Suns, Luffy's eyes looked at the screen, and he looked at the two choices in disbelief, one was Shanks and the other was Uta, both of whom he knew well, no matter who they were, he didn't believe they would do such a thing.

Luffy angrily threw the bone in his hand at the screen, "Did you make a mistake with this question?" Shanks wouldn't do that. He paused and continued, "Neither will Utah. Everyone

in the Straw Hat Pirates watched Luffy's actions silently, and they didn't know who to choose for this question, it stands to reason that Red-Haired Shanks was the most likely, but with what Redhead did, it was hard to believe that he did it.

But that Uta was too young, and they substituted themselves into ten years old, except for Robin who was framed by the Navy, and among them only had more experience than ordinary children at this age.

Even Sanji's superhuman brothers can't wipe out a nation overnight.

So this question is most likely still red-haired Shanks.

At the Navy Headquarters, Karp and several people analyzed it, but they really couldn't believe that the little girl named Uta could destroy the country overnight.


: Karp: "@香克斯, did you really do the redhead?" The Elegia Incident.

Shanks: "Didn't you already know?"

At this time, Shanks was very worried about Uta in Eleguia, and he was worried that Uta would collapse if he learned the truth.

None of this is her fault.

Bucky: "@香克斯, how much treasure is there?"

Luffy: "Shanks wouldn't do anything like that, I trust him." Karp

: "Luffy!!

Klockdahl: "And you think the kid named Uta did it?"

Luffy: "....... It's not Utagan either, this question is wrong.

Bucky: "Often, the most unlikely thing is the correct answer, the system has so many questions, don't you still know its routine?"

Apu: "Then how the one named Uta will destroy Elegia overnight?" Bucky

: "... I'm just figuring out the system's routines, and as for how they do it, that's none of my business. Becky

: "It's not impossible, didn't that little red bird burn Mary Joya before?" Judging by its appearance after becoming a human, it is less than ten years old. Maybe that one named Uta can also transform.

Yellow Ape: "Speaking of which, I heard that the bird was at the Straw Hat Boy in the Water City, I don't know if it's true?" @路飞. "

Luffy: "..."

Nami on the Sunshine grabbed Luffy and stopped him from continuing, "The Navy and the World Government don't seem to know that Alyx is at that place called Rob Luffy, and that guy probably didn't say anything, so we let the Navy continue to mistakenly think that it's still with us."

Anyway, we are already on the list of world governments, and it doesn't matter if there is one more or less. And it helped us so much, let's help it cover up.

Luffy pulled Nami's hand off, "I see."

Luffy: "It's with us." Yellow

Ape: "Sure enough."

On the other side, Luffy and the others looked at Luffy's answer in the chat room, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief, he was really worried that the straw hat boy would tell Alyx to him, but he didn't expect the straw hat boy to help them cover up this matter.

Kaku suddenly thought of one thing, if the government found the little red bird here in Luqi, and the Straw Hat Boy said that the little red bird was there, would the government think that they and the Straw Hat Boy were colluding to deceive them?

And most importantly, they didn't bring Frankie either, in case those government officials thought they were deliberately letting Frankie go to repay the kindness of the Straw Hat Boy, wouldn't they be indistinguishable?

Lu Qi and the others suddenly felt that it was not good, and they must not let Alyx be exposed, otherwise when the time comes, they are likely to suffer as well.

A few people looked into the chat room, and saw that everyone's topic had shifted.

Klocodahl: "It's different, that bird is the reward of the system, and if the one named Uta can really destroy a country, it must be something special."

Klokdal: "But I also think it's very likely that it's the one called Uta, after all, it's often the answer that is the most like the answer, but it's wrong." For example, the previous question about going to rescue Doflamingo, it seems to be Kaido, but it is actually Jack.

Bucky: "It's all a routine of the system, this kind of question, every time it's an option that is most like an answer, a most unlikely option, and often the most unlikely is the correct answer, and the system has several questions like this, haven't you learned a long lesson?"

Apu: "So the answer is that Uta?"

Bucky: "Absolutely, believe me."

Apu: "Then you can answer it, the reward for this question feels useless, and there will be a punishment for answering wrong, so you can come on." Bucky

: "Oh!

Bucky was lying comfortably in his chair while looking at the screen, it was impossible to answer the question, it was not an important reward anyway, and the answer he said in the chat room was not correct, it was not something he guessed casually, he had been observing the system for a long time.

On Cake Island, Perospero looked at the punishment and fell into deep thought, and then looked at MAMA who was eating dessert, and suddenly a bold idea suddenly occurred in his heart.

Then he shook his head nervously, suppressing the thought into his heart.


At this time, the voice of the system sounded, [A minute has passed, please answer.] [

Congratulations to Gordon for his successful answer, please tell me your answer.]

At this time, Gordon immediately relieved himself after hearing the sound of the system, except for the few parties involved, it is estimated that few people really know about this question, not to mention the punishment, many people should not be able to answer the question. So Gordon felt he should be promising.

He wanted this reward, Uta was in a very wrong state right now, and this reward should help her.

Gordon's old figure appeared on the screen, and the audience in front of the screen immediately recognized him, he was the one who experienced the events of Eleguia at that time, and he was a survivor of that incident, and he must know the truth about it.

At this time, Gordon took a deep breath in front of the screen and said to the screen: "I choose B, ten years ago, it was Tot Musica who broke the seal, occupied Uta's body, and destroyed Eregia. He roared with some excitement: "Uta is innocent, the real murderer is the demon king!"

Shanks looked at the screen and muttered, "Gordon-Sand! The

audience in front of the screen was in an uproar when they heard Gordon's answer, they had always thought that the red-haired Shanks had done it, and that was how it was reported in the newspapers, but the person involved in the incident actually said that the demon king took possession of Uta's body and destroyed Eregia.

They all looked at the screen, expecting the system's decision, wanting to know what the truth of the matter was?

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