The audience listened to Utta's account of what had happened to Eregia, and what they heard from Uta was the exact opposite of what they saw.

Uta had always thought that Shanks had deceived her, and used her singing voice to get close to Elegia, rob her of the treasure, and abandon her.

Just as they thought that the Eleguia incident was the work of Shanks, Uta on the screen also misunderstood it.

The audience looked at Utta, who was a little out of control, and suddenly thought that if she told her the truth about the past, would she dismantle the world of the fruit of the song herself?

Not only did he destroy Eligia for the sake of the treasure, but he also deceived her and said that Shanks used her to get close to Elijah, who wouldn't be angry when he heard this?

No wonder Uta misunderstood the redhead so deeply, and it is estimated that there is also a reason for this.

At this time, Luffy on the screen obviously didn't believe Uta's words after listening to it, and he yelled at Uta: "Would Shanks do such a thing? You know that answer very well!" Uta

retorted to him loudly: "Then what have I been in the past twelve years? Luffy, you are just a tool to Shanks."

Luffy didn't refute, he said firmly, "Shanks will come." "

Coming to save you?" "No!, come to save you!",


Save me, why?" "

Because his daughter is doing this, Shanks won't accept it!!" Luffy shouted angrily at Uta.

When Uta heard this, he lowered his head and said in disappointment: "He has abandoned me, and he will never come." Everyone

who heard this understood that this Uta was not angry at what had happened to Eliguia, but that Shanks had deceived and abandoned her.

At this time, Uta in the real world on the screen put Luffy's straw hat on his body, and she didn't want to argue with Luffy anymore.

Then he raised the weapon in his hand and stabbed Luffy in the chest.

Everyone on the Thousand Suns watched this scene and shouted Luffy's name worriedly.

The audience was also surprised, this Uta really wanted to kill the Straw Hat Boy.

If he did die in the real world, he would be dead.

Just as Uta on the screen was about to stab down, a hand stopped her.

Uta looked up at the people and saw Shanks appear in front of her, and the rest of the Red-Haired Pirates had arrived.


the Thousand Suns, Usopp excitedly shouted, "It's Dad!" He was so looking forward to seeing Jesus Bu see his future growth.

Luffy also

looked at the screen happily, believing that Shanks would stop Uta.

Seeing Shanks, Uta had a look of joy on her face, and then lowered her head sadly, laughed, and fell into a state of complete madness.

Looking at Uta's state, everyone felt bad, she had completely lost her mind in this situation, even if the red hair came over, she might not be able to persuade her to give up.

Uta said frantically to the red-haired pirates, "The time is just right, my fans from all over the world will enter a new era!!

, but before I enter, I want to make a break with you

!" and then shouted to the surroundings: "Everyone, the worst pirate is coming, let's catch him together!"

With Uta's voice, the surrounding civilians who had fallen asleep all moved up and walked towards the red-haired pirates.

In the face of the attacks of those ordinary people, the red-haired pirates completely gave up their resistance and let those people attack them.

Looking at the actions of the red-haired pirates, many people in front of the screen suddenly had a good impression of them, but they didn't expect that as pirates, they chose to give up resistance, and they didn't take the initiative to hurt those ordinary people who attacked them.

This was unexpected.

At this moment, a man on the screen who was attacking the redhead was suddenly knocked down by a gunshot, and then more and more gunshots came from behind them.

Uta looked at the fallen citizens in disbelief, she had no idea that someone would shoot and kill these civilians.

Then he hurriedly stepped forward to hold his wound and shouted sadly: "You have to hold on, a new era is coming!" The

audience in front of the screen watched Utta's operation speechlessly, wasn't she the one who manipulated those civilians just now, and she was not the same one who attacked the navy and the red-haired pirates?

Now that those people are down, they are sad again, it is really speechless, since she manipulated those people to attack others, she should naturally know that those people can't stand all the time and let them fight.

Why are you crying now?

Since you care so much about human life, don't manipulate them in the first place.

Then he looked around again, who had fired the gun

, and at that moment, Akainu took the phone bug and said to the people on the other side, "We will use all the power of the navy to stop Uta! It doesn't matter if the audience is caught up in the firefight."

In order to reduce the number of victims and protect the world, we have to sacrifice them! Destroy her!"

Seeing Akainu angrily giving orders, the audience was unexpectedly calm, not at all strange, after all, this is completely his style.

The civilians who fell under the guns made the audience helpless, and many of them saw themselves at the concert.

I didn't expect that it was not the pirates who first lost their lives, but the navy!

This kind of justice, alas. The audience sighed.

Then she looked at Uta angrily, she just showed that she cared so much about the lives of these people, and now she watched so many people fall, and she was still indifferent, manipulating them to continue attacking

! And she really couldn't hear the voices of those people, they didn't want to enter that new world

! As long as she stopped, the Navy would not continue to shoot them!

Beckman on the screen looked at the fallen people around him and shouted: " The navy kept saying, but did they really want to kill the citizens? Answer me, Yellow Ape!" The

yellow ape walked over slowly, and in the face of Beckman's questioning, he said casually: "If there are no victims, where is the justice? What a cruel thing, in order to stop a child, a million citizens have to be sacrificed." Hearing

the Yellow Ape's words, the audience immediately felt a chill in their hearts, listening to what he meant, he was planning to sacrifice all the civilians here?

With his ability, if no one stopped him, he could definitely do it!

They shouldn't have expectations for the navy.

At this time, the yellow ape on the screen came directly to the sky above the island, "Eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade!"

Seeing that the eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade was about to fall on the island, a figure stopped him, Shanks came to the front of the yellow ape, and took the knife in his hand and slashed it directly.

The yellow ape used his ability to dodge, Shanks followed, and aimed the tip of the knife at the yellow ape, "I'm sorry, we're dealing with a family dispute, can you not interfere?"

Looking at Shanks, who stopped the yellow ape in an instant, the audience was immediately relieved, almost thinking that they were really going to die.

They are just ordinary people, they don't have the spirit of sacrificing the ego and achieving the big self of the navy, they only care about their own lives, and just now they really almost thought they were going to die.

The audience looked at the redhead on the video, this was the first time they had seen the redhead in hand, but they didn't expect to suppress the yellow ape, worthy of the Four Emperors!

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