At this time, the picture returned to the previous one, Luffy and Shanks shot at the same time, and the domineering energy of red and black converged into a fierce beast and attacked the demon king!

Watching the Demon King be defeated, the cheers in front of the screen resounded

in the sky! In the future, they survived!

Those who were pulled into the world of the Song Fruit accounted for nearly half of the people, if the Demon King was not defeated and the navy insisted on killing Uta, half of the people in the world would fall into that common dream.

The thought of this amount makes everyone's scalp tingle.


, she was stopped!

Even the Sengoku were relieved, if they really couldn't stop the Demon King, killing Uta was the best way.

If he had been a marshal at the time, he would have given the same order.

After all, if you don't kill her, the number of victims will only increase!,

and while this method won't save those trapped in the world of the Fruit of the Songs, it will prevent the situation from further expanding.

This practice is sure to be heavily criticized.

But this was also the best way they could think of at that time, and they couldn't have God's perspective like they do now, they couldn't get in touch with the world of Goge Fruit, and naturally they didn't know the situation there.

But the citizens don't think from their point of view, ordinary people only think about it from their own point of view, thinking that the Navy has given up on them.

Sengoku looked at the expressionless Akainu and sighed.

The position of marshal is not as easy to do as imagined, and it is estimated that many people are now scolding the navy.

Akainu is still expressionless, he doesn't think what he did is wrong, even if he knows that the red-haired Shanks is here to solve this matter, he will not choose to cooperate with the pirates!

The pirates are all evil, even if they do one or two good things, they can't change the nature of the pirates.

As long as he is a thief, even if he has not done a bad thing, he is still a thief, and if he is a thief, he must be eliminated! As long as he

can kill all the pirates in the world, what is it to bear a little infamy?

The five old stars looked at the straw hat boy in white clothes and white hair on the screen, and a white flame streamer on his shoulder, suddenly stood up, and said with an ugly face: "That... That's?!

" "Straw Hat Boy?"

"His fruit ability

has awakened?!" "The Nika Fruit, which has never been awakened for eight hundred years, has awakened in the Straw Hat Boy

!!" The five old stars glanced at each other, and the cold sweat on their faces dripped down, there was nothing more shocking than knowing about it!

They suddenly understood why Kaido would be defeated in the future, it was true that he couldn't defeat Kaido with his previous strength, but it would be different if the fruit awakened.

Thinking of Nika's whimsical way of fighting, it seems that Kaido's defeat is also reasonable.

At this time, Kaido's eyes were also staring at the screen, and the straw hat boy who was completely different from before flashed just now made Kaido's face suddenly solemn.

It was the first time he had seen this form, "Has the fruit awakened?"

The straw hat boy seemed to be even more difficult to deal with than he had imagined.

With the disappearance of the Demon King on the screen, Uta reappeared in front of people, her face very weak.

Shanks took the medicine that Hongo threw him and asked Uta to drink it, "You drink this medicine now, and then sleep, and you'll be fine."

Uta said weakly, "Shanks... I don't want to see you again... But...... I would love to see you again.

Shanks shouted anxiously: "Stop talking, drink quickly!" At

this moment, a gunshot suddenly rang out in the distance, and Shanks turned his head to see that those who had been pulled into the world of the Song Fruit still hadn't woken up, and were still attacking.

The audience looked at the screen with wide eyes and puzzled, what the hell was going on? Didn't they already get rid of the Demon King

? Why didn't they wake up?

Even the expressions of Luffy and the others, who were still celebrating, were stunned, and they looked at the screen with

some puzzlement.

Katakuri dodged Bree's attack and asked Shanks the same question, "Didn't we defeat the Demon King?"

Listening to Gordon's words, everyone's eyes widened, feeling that their efforts were in vain

? In the end, they still couldn't escape the fate of death?

In the real world, Shanks was still persuading Uta to drink the medicine, but Uta threw the medicine out, "I have to sing, I have to bring everyone back." "

Shanks... Didn't you say a long time ago that my singing has the power to make people happy?"

Uta trembled into the distance, "I'm the singer of the Red-Haired Pirates, Uta!"

Shanks came to her and helped her, and with Shanks' help, Uta came to a high rock, and a video phone bug was placed in front of her.

As her song sounded, the people who were still attacking gradually stopped and fell to the ground.

The song ended, and everyone in the world of Gege Fruit gradually disappeared and returned to the real world.

Seeing the final collapse of the world of Gege Fruit, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, although the process was dangerous, but fortunately, everyone survived unharmed.

This video was definitely the most heart-wrenching one they've ever seen.

Because they, ordinary people, were also involved in this incident, in case that Uta didn't pull them out of that world at the last moment.

All of them are really going to die.

Thankfully, she came to her senses at the last moment.

Maybe she regretted it in her heart when Luffy stretched out his hand to her.

It's just that at that time, she couldn't turn back.

I hope that in reality, she won't repeat the things on the video.

At this time, the navies on the screen aimed their guns at the red-haired pirates, and the yellow ape's voice sounded: "Okay, it's time to hand over Uta to us, this super sinner who wants to destroy the world!" Looking at the guns that the red-haired pirates

also raised, the yellow ape said: "Are you resisting?"

Shanks said solemnly to those navies: "She... It's my daughter! she's an important family member to us! If you're going to take her from me, you'd better be prepared to die!!"

said a red-black domineering aura that slammed into the navy from Shanks' side, and the navy was all stunned by this domineering aura.

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel knelt on one knee to resist the domineering of the red hair, and the yellow ape said in shock: "You can actually make everyone submit, this is one of the Four Emperors, Shanks's domineering!"

The audience looked at the red hair in surprise, this is the domineering of the red hair of the Four Emperors?

It was completely different from what they had seen before, and it made all the navies faint in an instant.

Reilly had also shown this kind of large-scale attack before, but the domineering spirit of

the red-haired Shanks was that even the vice admiral couldn't stand, this was too strong! They suddenly understood, the red-haired Shanks could become the Four Emperors after missing an arm, it was not without reason, just this domineering, it is estimated that few people in the entire sea can stop it.

Could that Reilly be able to do the same?

Everyone was a little curious.

At the Navy Headquarters, the Navy looked at the screen in disbelief, and they were all stunned by the red hair, just for a moment! They couldn't believe that the red-haired Shanks was so powerful!

Everyone suddenly thought that if they insisted on going to war at that time, would it be possible to lose to the pirates?

As soon as this idea came up, everyone immediately shook their heads and denied it, the Navy cannot lose, no matter what, even if all of them die in battle, the Navy cannot lose.

Fuji Tiger on the screen held the gravity knife in his hand and said to the yellow ape: "Forget it, we shouldn't start a war here, it's too close to the citizens here!"

Hearing Fuji Tiger's words, Shanks also retracted his domineering.

Uta asked weakly, "Are my fans okay, they won't be too sad?"

Shanks comforted: "It's okay, humans are not so weak.

He looked at Luffy, "And the new era is right before our eyes."

Uta smiled reluctantly, and then sang softly, and in the midst of it, Shanks led her out with a sad face.

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