Nami on the screen tells several people about her experiences these days.

The screen turned, and the time came again, and Baron Eggball, Pokemus, and Capenbeck appeared on the screen.

Under the siege of the BIG MOM Pirates, Nami and the others tacitly cooperated and successfully got rid of them.

Looking at Capenbergi's appearance, everyone was not curious, after all, they had already introduced this Capenbergi to join the BIG MOM Pirates and become BIG MOM's son-in-law.

Supernova arrives in the new world, and wants to mix in the new world, one is to take refuge in the Four Emperors, and the other is to challenge the Four Emperors, defeat them, become the new Four Emperors, and join them in failure.

The Four Emperors are also happy to have fresh blood injected, which is also part of their source of power.

This Becky should have chosen to join the BIG MOM Pirates.

At this time, Robin asked about their landing in Zou, and when he heard that they had landed ten days ago, he asked curiously, "According to what I have observed, the earliest traces of destruction in the city in the center of Zou Island should be more than two weeks old."

Wanda continued: "That's right, and then ten days ago, the country was basically destroyed, but Nami's landing that day was a complete miracle."

If it weren't for their courage and Chopper's medical skills, everyone in our Furry Duchy would have been wiped out.

Before Wanda could continue, a fur tribe suddenly ran up to them out of breath and shouted at them, "Lord Duke is awake!"

Wanda took Luffy and the others to the sanatorium where Inuran was, and on the way, Wanda continued to talk about the previous incident.

As Wanda narrates, the audience also sees the truth about the destruction of the Furry Principality.

A giant mammoth appears on the screen, and he easily opens the door to the furry principality.

Many people saw this mammoth and immediately recognized it as Drought Jack.

Jack said to the fur tribesmen, "Hand them over immediately, there should be a Wano country warrior named Raizo in this country!"

and all the fur tribes heard the name but said they had not seen this person.

Drought Jack insisted that there was the Wano Country samurai he was looking for, and there was a battle between the two sides.

The fur tribe, who are all warriors, is no match for Jack the Drought.

At this time, the king of the day, Inu-arashi, appeared, and after the two sides communicated fruitlessly, a battle broke out, and as the time came to night, the cat pit viper appeared.

Inuarashi and Cat Viper fought Jack alternately, and the battle lasted for five days without interruption, and it seemed that it was the Fur Clan who had the advantage, but everyone understood that if it was really the Fur Clan who won, it would not be Nami of the Straw Hats who saved the Fur Clan.

The most surprising thing for everyone was that the drought Jack was still in good spirits after five days of fighting, and he didn't show any fatigue.

Everyone was amazed, is this the real strength of Drought Jack, one of the three disasters of the Hundred Beast Pirates?

I didn't expect it to be even stronger than they imagined, although the brain is not good, but this strength is really speechless.

This Drought Jack is the weakest of the three plagues of the Beast Pirates, and the other two don't know how strong they are, especially Kaido, that guy is known as the strongest creature, they really can't imagine how those few people can defeat such a Beast Pirates?

The battle was instantly one-sided, and all the fur tribes fell to the ground after inhaling the gas poison.

The pirates in gas masks began to press the incapacitated people, and screams and screams rang out throughout the furry principality.

This scene made many people unbearable to look at directly, and the screams in their ears made all the fur people in front of the screen angry.

In the future, this will happen to their clan!

At this moment everyone understood where the torture instruments came from, stained with the blood of their comrades.

And the smell of gas that Frankie mentioned before was also left over from the use of this poisonous gas weapon.

If that Jack hadn't been lured away, maybe their fur clan might have been wiped out because of it.

Inuarashi and Cat Viper watched helplessly, their hands clenched, their eyes fixed on Jack on the screen.

They were so useless that they couldn't even deal with a single Jack, and they caused this country to suffer such a catastrophe.

And that gas gas was so domineering that it brought them all down in an instant.

Everyone who was still thinking about asking the Straw Hats to hand over that Caesar to the BIG MOM Pirates couldn't help but rejoice, but fortunately the Straw Hats brought him here, otherwise the country would really be doomed.

They were even more glad that Caesar Kuran had been caught, otherwise that guy would not have known how many weapons of mass destruction would have been developed.

On Ghost Island, Kaido looked at this scene with regret on his face, this weapon is really quite good, although it is not of much use to their strong people, but in team battles, the effect against those ordinary people is still quite good.

If that Caesar had continued to study, perhaps there would have been even more powerful weapons, and even if he was given enough time, he might even be able to make weapons against the Four Emperors.

It's a pity, I wonder if the people of the World Government will use that Caesar again? After all, since he was caught, I haven't heard of that guy being executed.

He looked at the screen, Jack's strength was clear to him, that cat and dog couldn't be Jack's opponent at all, even if they didn't use that weapon, they might not be able to deal with Jack.

At this time, the pirates on the screen tied all the strong men of the fur clan to the pillars, tortured them, and kept asking about the whereabouts of the samurai.

The tragedy lasted for a day, and on the sixth day, Jack left the area after leaving behind dozens of his men.

Watching Jack leave, even stupid people understand that this guy is going to save Doflamingo.

The time turned out to be such a coincidence, the Straw Hats indirectly saved Zou, no wonder the fur clan regarded them as benefactors, this is indeed a great favor.

On the seventh day, Nami and the others came here on the Thousand Suns, and using Caesar's power, they came to the island of Zoo without any problems.

Looking at the ruined city walls, several people felt bad, and they went their separate ways, and Sanji led Caesar and Chopper towards the town.

Everything that came into view made several people very frightened, the poisonous gas everywhere, and the fur people who fell to the ground everywhere.

Even if they wanted to save people, the situation in front of them forced them to choose to leave the town temporarily and retreat into the forest.

While Sanji and Chopper were still discussing the ingredients of the gas, Caesar said the name of the killing weapon KORO with a wicked smile.

Hearing Caesar's words, Sanji and Chopper directly beat him up.

It's been more than a day since the furs were poisoned, and if they didn't detoxify within forty-eight hours, the poisoned furs would die.

Caesar told the fur people about their misanthropy of humans, and if they saved them, they might be bitten to death, so that the two of them should not bother with this matter.

After hearing this, Sanji finally decided to save the people here, and he threatened Caesar with his heart to neutralize the poison gas here.

In desperation, Caesar finally neutralized the gas, and in order to treat the people who had fallen into a coma, Chopper began to urgently make an antidote.

Finally, in the remaining time, with the joint efforts of everyone, they succeeded in saving all the poisoned people.

All the fur people in front of the screen watched the clansmen successfully rescued, and finally couldn't help but fall tears, and looked at the Straw Hats gratefully.

Although the things on the video did not happen, they can't be regarded as not knowing, this great grace, they will never forget.

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