Luffy on the screen asked Momonosuke, "Then do you know what is written on it?" "

The things recorded above have not been passed down to future generations, and the content can be understood as long as you read the stone, and what has been handed down is the method of reading and writing that kind of writing.

Speaking of this, the expressions of the three of them suddenly became angry, "But, unfortunately, now even that reading and writing method has not had time to pass on to Momonosuke-sama, and it has been lost in the generation of my father, Mitsuki Mita-sama.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was immediately disappointed, they thought that this Guangyue clan would be able to understand that ancient script, but it had been lost in the previous generation.

As the creator of this historical text, there is no way to read this ancient text, and in the end, it is only Nicole Robin who can read it.

At the end of the day, the imp had to learn from Nicole Robin if he wanted to read the ancient script.

The Kinemon people on the screen talked sadly about Ota being executed by Kaido in order to protect them.

Sauron asked, "What did your boss do and get executed?" Do you have anything to do with the fact that you were captured and hunted down?"

The former daimyo Mitsuki Mita-sama used to work with One Piece Gore. D. Roger arrived at the final island of Ralph Drew together and learned the secrets of the world!" "

Everyone didn't expect that this Mitsuki Ota had also reached Ralph Drew, and now people understood why One Piece Roger was able to successfully reach Ralph Drew, and there was also a person on his ship who could read ancient words.

People are very puzzled, what is the secret of the world? Is it about that ancient kingdom? Why do all the people who know keep their mouths shut, and the world government does not say it, they can understand it, but what about other people

? Why can't they tell

the secret of that world? Could it be that if this secret is spoken, it will cause chaos in the world?

Listening to them talk about Mitsuki Mita's last words, many people also know the policy of Wano Country, but they have all been closed off for so many years, why do they decide to open the country now?

Several people on the screen solemnly said to Luffy and Luo as if they had made up their minds: "Thank you for saving your lives, it is really unreasonable to ask for your help again."

I have seen the powerful strength of your amazing people many times, and it is also a fate to be able to walk all the way, and I hope you can help me with the crusade

against the generals of Wano Country and the Four Emperors Kaido!" Hearing Luffy's words to Momonosuke, all the people of Wano Country immediately cheered, they finally waited for this day

! The alliance of ninja pirates and fur warriors, this time it will definitely be possible to defeat Kaido!

Not only that, but they also seem to have other foreign players, and Kidd, who is also a supernova, is also one of them, which is really amazing!

Although I don't know why Momonosuke is still a child, he has grown up and can take on important responsibilities.

Many people's tears fell suddenly, their waiting was not in vain, and there was a successor to the country of Wano.

The people on the screen walked out of the forest, and Luffy excitedly asked them about Shanks.

Inu Lan said to him, "The old cat and I have been on Roger's ship for a while.

Luffy asked in surprise, "Are you also a crew member of One Piece

?" "Crew?" However, we only came on board as an entourage of Mita-sama, and the same goes for the Whitebearded Moby Dick.

Later, Mita-sama was poached by Roger, and we followed. "

However, the two of us didn't go to Ralph Drew!" Everyone

was shocked to hear that Mitsuki Mita was actually a crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates, and what surprised them even more was that Roger had dug into Whitebeard's corner.

Is Whitebeard so talkative?

Everyone recalled the scene where the red-haired Shanks and Whitebeard met, and suddenly felt that things might not be as simple as they imagined.

The most important thing is that Whitebeard cares a lot about his family, if that Ota is a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, why was he indifferent when he learned that he was

executed by Kaido? Whitebeard dared to go to war with the world government for the Fire Fist Ace, but now?

That Ota has already been executed by Kaido, but he didn't make any moves, which is really a bit unreasonable.

Could it be that Ota followed Roger to Roger's ship, which made Whitebeard unhappy, so he didn't think he was a member of

the Whitebeard Pirates? Otherwise, they couldn't understand why Whitebeard didn't go to Kaido for revenge.

Everyone suddenly remembered the policy of Wano Country, and it seemed that outsiders could not come to this country, but if Whitebeard didn't know about it, it was possible.

But Kaido became the Four Emperors, and with what he did in Wano Country, Whitebeard should have heard about it, and he should have heard about it even if he didn't enter Wano Country.

After all, Kaido became the Four Emperors, and it was impossible for Mita, who was the daimyo of Wano Country, to be safe and sound, but why didn't Whitebeard act?

At this time, after several people on the screen finished discussing Ota and Ralph Drew, Cat Pit Viper said that they had to find someone before that, Luffy asked, "Who are you looking for?" "

Former Whitebeard Pirates First Squad Leader... Immortal Bird Marko!"

Hearing Marko's name, Luffy didn't remember it for a long time, and the few other people who hadn't seen Marco knew who he was, which made everyone speechless for a while.

It's a life-saving benefactor, but I can't even remember who it is, this face blindness is comparable to that of the swordsman's road idiot, these two people are really hopeless!

Hearing this, Luffy suddenly realized, and instantly remembered who Marco was.

Marco had a toothache when he saw it, he knew that the Straw Hat Boy couldn't remember people, but anyway, after mentioning the name, he should also know who it was, and he actually remembered himself as a pineapple head!

The Whitebeard Pirates suddenly burst into laughter, the Straw Hat Boy was so funny, Ace patted Marco on the shoulder a little embarrassed, and said to Marko: "That's how he played small."

Marco looked helpless, then looked at the screen again, if the cat pit viper came to him, he might also help, this matter has always been a matter of Daddy's mind.

Listening to the cat pit viper talk about their whereabouts unknown after fighting Blackbeard, Malcol's face suddenly turned ugly, and a big reason why their Whitebeard Pirates became like this was because of Blackbeard.

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