The scene at this moment on an ordinary small island in the East China Sea is like hell.

The setting sun is like blood, reflecting everything.

The bloody sky, the bloody sea, the bloody world

“otherwise…Hello! You bitch! Oh shit! Make me covered in blood!”

The pirate stopped shouting to Zefa because of the woman’s behavior of seeking death.

As he spoke, he angrily pushed the woman’s body away.

The body fell weakly to the ground, to the land where she was rooted.


The moment the woman fell heavily to the ground, Zefa, who was already filled with anger, disappeared into the deep pit he had made.

Almost at the same time, a huge fist appeared in front of the pirate who was still cursing, and his head collided with his fist. , the pirate lost consciousness for a moment and had no idea what was happening.

They were still staring at the pit until the pirate flew out and hit the wall hard, bang!

Turning his head in horror, he found that the navy had already appeared at that location!


The wind had just reacted as Zefa flashed past, blowing against the ugly face of the pirate next to him.


The sounds of swallowing saliva came and went.

“That, that is the navy cloak that only school-level officers have!”

The fear of death finally fell on the heads of the pirates.

They quickly woke up from their madness. One pirate pointed at Zefa in horror and said.

The island they live on has a naval base, but the supreme commander is just a Navy Captain.

Once a Navy Captain came to inspect, and their gang was forced to settle down. He also saw the imposing man wearing a cape, so the moment he found Zefa wearing a cape, he knew that this was a man. The powerful navy is not something they can match!

“Run away!”

“Captain, help!”

The pirates are so ugly. They are so cowardly at this moment. Not one of them dared to attack Zefa. Instead, they all fled in all directions. The pirate captain even escaped at the front.

They are murderous without blinking an eye. Previously in the town, the men who took up arms to resist were brave

“Catch them all! Don’t let anyone go! Catch all the sins in one fell swoop! Zefa ‘s deep voice sounded again. On the outskirts of the town, the naval soldiers who had been left far behind by Zefa also rushed to the town at this moment and had surrounded the entire town.

The pirates had no way to escape!

Some seamen The thieves rushed towards the young sailors, trying to kill the young brats, break out of the siege, and regain their lives.

Some fell to their knees and prayed for the navy’s forgiveness.

Some even hacked their companions to death. Taking credit from the Navy……

The brave naval officers and soldiers defeated the pirates and captured them.

Looking at the honest and well-behaved pirates, the sailors felt that in the face of justice, evil should be submissive.

Escorting the pirates back to the town, what they saw was a scene like purgatory on earth.

The house was still burning, with blood splattered on the walls.

There were pools of blood everywhere on the streets, and corpses drained of blood and died in painful struggles.

The young sailors’ faces turned red with anger, and they wished they could kill the tied up pirates right now.

Some newcomers who had never seen such a bloody scene couldn’t help but retched.

Entering the center of the town, if it was still described as purgatory on earth before, then the square in the center of the town is already a complete hell.

“What’s in the pot is…Is it a human being?!”

A navy pointed at a big pot tremblingly and asked his companions in disbelief.

“How…How is it possible? It’s impossible. We must have seen it wrong…….”

The companion replied with the same trembling, a forced smile on his face.

“Sir, we saw it wrong, right?”

The same young navy asked his superiors loudly in an almost questioning tone, trying to shout against the fear in his heart. It seemed that as long as someone said that the person in the pot was not a human being, they could easily Choose to believe. But they cannot deceive themselves.

“Open your eyes! Watch! This is the crime committed by pirates! Don’t question your eyes! Justice must not fear evil!”

The major who led the team shouted loudly. If you are scared out of courage by the sight in front of you, your future naval career will be extremely painful. Because sin has no limit.

The closer you get to the center of the town, the more pirates you can see. The depth of the crime committed

“ah! Damn pirates!”

The anger in the heart of a sailor defeated the fear, and he angrily hit the pirate next to him with the handle of his knife.

The pirate was in pain but did not dare to say a word. Looking at the scene in front of him, he was also a little scared. As for his heart, he was benign. It is unclear whether it is the awakening of the dead or the fear of the dead.

If someone takes the lead, more of the same behavior will occur. The navy beat the pirates one after another in silence…….

Everyone arrived at the center of the town. At this moment, everyone had been temporarily comforted by Zefa, making them believe that the crisis had passed.

The surviving residents gradually gathered together to comfort each other’s broken bodies and souls.

When a group of navy escorting the pirates appeared on the central square, the residents were in chaos again.

Some want to pick up a knife and kill pirates to avenge their relatives.

Some saw the pirates and once again recalled the terrifying situation before, holding their heads and screaming, and their minds were on the verge of collapse.

A man rushed forward with a knife, ready to kill a pirate who had defiled his wife.

But just when he was about to succeed in revenge, two marines stopped him.

He was stunned

“Why! Why don’t you let me kill him!”

The man asked the two sailors loudly, but found that both of them turned their heads and did not dare to look directly at him.

A wavering heart always dared not face a firm and persistent heart.

“gentlemen! They will be punished with justice!”

A navy said tremblingly

“Bullshit justice! Where is the justice when they kill people! They defiled my wife! They killed my neighbor! Even the carpenter’s uncle’s children! That kid everyone loves! Got eaten by them! Such scum can live to see the sun tomorrow! I! I…I can’t accept it, Mr. Navy! Please let me kill them!”

The man yelled at the navy who stopped him. His tears were like bursting from a dam, flowing down and hitting the ground, shaking the justice in the young navy’s heart.

The navy held back the tears in his eyes and did not dare to look directly in front of him. The avengers turned to look at General Zefa, the man who was known as the”general who would not kill”. How could he stick to his justice in such a situation?

The navy looked at Zefa. After the people noticed, they also looked at him. Waiting for his choice……

“The navy failed to stop the crime in time, which is the navy’s dereliction of duty, but the crime needs to be sanctioned through just procedures. If you are still angry, I am willing to bear it!”

Zefa’s dry throat gave a low and powerful answer.

He stood there firmly like a mountain, with his own unwavering justice………….

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