In the cemetery of the Drum Kingdom, Moria looked at the huge zombie army in front of him and the shadow ninjas standing among the zombies.

Moria could no longer control the corners of his mouth and grinned.

“Hehehehehehe! Captain Xiano will definitely be shocked if he finds out! This is a huge army! With this power, the captain becomes more powerful against the entire world! And it’s all my fault! Hehehehehehe!”

Suddenly transformed from a mere commander to a commander-in-chief on the battlefield, Moriah was so happy that he felt at a loss. Originally, digging a grave tested both his moral bottom line and his physical strength. After all, digging a deep pit is also very time-consuming.

For pirates, what is morality? How many beri is that thing worth? Normal pirates would not do this kind of thing. After all, they are not relatives of the emperor. What value can a dead person have? Things.

And there are so many people alive, and the treasures are all in the hands of the living people, so why bother doing something thankless?

This kind of sneaky thing that damages the prestige of the pirate captain generally does not happen in the pirate group. Do it.

But Moria is different. His fruit ability is here, and he digs corpses to become stronger, and Captain Xia Nuo is obviously not a thin-skinned person, so the two of them hit it off. Ya’s devil fruit ability was brought into full play, and he even secretly opened a trap for him.


The strange and sharp laughter spread throughout the cemetery, and then spread to further places in the wind and snow……….

Mihawk sat outside the infirmary, found a chair, and sat at the door. Although it was only separated by a wall, Mihawk did not use his sense of knowledge to peek at what was going on inside.

This is Mihawk’s confidence in his own strength. He can be sure that he can easily take down the witch, no matter what tricks she plays.

Furthermore, as a swordsman, everyone has their own moves. These are special skills. If the moves are understood clearly by others, half the battle has been lost before the fight even begins.

Therefore, Mihawk will take it personally and understand the witch’s approach of asking him to leave. After all, being named by Captain Xia Nuo for her treatment shows that this old woman’s medical skills are still at a certain level, otherwise Captain Xia Nuo would not know about it..

In other words, he is a swordsman and peeking at other people’s medical skills will have no effect on him, and it will also lower his pattern and level.

So he just pulled up a stool and leaned against the wall to sleep.

From time to time, there were sounds of flesh and blood being torn apart by sharp weapons, which made Mihawk, who had always been expressionless, couldn’t help but frown.

Crocodile’s injuries were something Mihawk had never heard of before. Mihawk also felt a little shuddered when someone who was just one step away was treated like this by a knife.

After all, Mihawk, as a normal person, also has the ability to empathize.

As time passed, the sounds in the infirmary gradually became quieter until they became quiet.

At this time, Mihawk also opened his eyes. boom!

The door of the infirmary was kicked open by Kuleha from the inside!

I saw Kuleha holding a bottle of wine in one hand and pouring it into her mouth. She put her other hand in her trouser pocket and walked out of the infirmary with arrogant steps.

“Well, people who stay young can always solve problems that young brats can’t. Kuleha said coolly. Judging from her confident expression, you knew that the operation was successful. Moreover, it was also a big challenge for Kuleha. Otherwise, she would not have such a sense of accomplishment.

“When can people wake up?”

Mihawk doesn’t care about other things, he only cares about whether Crocodile will wake up, because he is very much looking forward to a fight with Crocodile

“Well, this kid’s body is really scary. I’m afraid it won’t be long before he wakes up….Seems to have woken up.”

Kureha raised her hands in the air by her side, expressing her shock at Crocodile’s physique. She shook her head and said, but halfway through her words, she heard movement from the infirmary, so she gave a new answer. Mihawk no longer needed Kureha’s answer, because he also heard the sound in the infirmary.


Mihawk and Kureha, who were still communicating outside the door a second ago, changed their positions instantly!

Mihawk, who was outside the door, suddenly appeared behind Kuleha who was still inside the door, and pulled out”Ye” to block it in front of him.

He saw a circular scimitar made of sand, a sand knife and a sword in front of him. The collision of”night” makes a sharp metal sound

“Are you so restless when you wake up? No wonder he attacked the captain directly in the first place.”

Krokdal, who was still lying on the boat, turned one of his hands into yellow sand, floated in the air, and gathered into the scimitar.

“If you are trapped inside the enemy, of course you have to do something!”

Crocodile’s voice sounded, a little hoarse. After all, he had been in a coma for so long.

But it was not as thick as in the future. Both Crocodile and Mihawk at the moment were young, and of course they would not have that kind of voice. Traces carved by the years.

As he spoke, his body shape changed, and his entire body turned into yellow sand, seeming to float in the air.

“If you want to leave, I’m afraid you won’t be able to do it in your current state. Mihawk looked at the yellow sand that filled the entire medical room and said lightly.

“Ah, only cowards will run away. Are you ready to be killed by me?!”

If you look away from the infirmary and come to the sky above the ship, you will find that the coast of Cigu Island begins to move strangely!

It seems that something is trying to break through the perennial ice and thick snow.

That is Kroc Dahl activated his Shasha Fruit ability and was summoning the sand on Ciggu Island!

Even if it is covered with ice and snow, it will be like that! Yellow sand rises into the sky! The sands have never seen the sun since they appeared on this island, because this is a winter island, a world of ice and snow!

But today, the sands feel a supreme feeling! The will called them, and they responded to the call, and finally broke through the damn ice!

The sand condensed into a giant desert sword and slashed towards the cabin!

The original focus was on Crocodile! Mihawk suddenly sensed a danger coming from above!

He didn’t have time to think about it, and it would be too embarrassing if he turned sideways!

Mihawk slashed”Ye” upwards! In an instant, the yellow sand floating in the room condensed in front of Mihawk! Crocodile’s upper body appeared in front of Mihawk, and the sharp desert knife appeared in Crocodile’s right hand.

But Mihawk didn’t panic at all. Looking at Crocodile who was approaching so close,

Mihawk’s eyes, which were as sharp as falcons, suddenly shrank.

A domineering aura emerged from Mihawk! Ke’s body suddenly erupted!…………

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