“Mr. Reilly, I didn’t expect that it was only a while, and Ron became stronger among them.”

The red-haired Shanks sighed with emotion.

In the beginning, Ron just suppressed him, and the gap was not that big.

The second time they met, the gap between the two was a little bigger, but he still had the power to fight.

Now, although it was not the third time they had met, the red-haired Shanks could feel that Ron had become more powerful than he was.

The gap between him and Ron did not shorten because of such a long period of hard training, but became longer.

Reilly also held up his gold-rimmed glasses and looked at the scene on the big screen seriously.

Although he didn’t see it with his own eyes, from the screen, Renly could feel the sword intent.

Of course, it wasn’t really felt, it was just that Renly felt it this way.

“It is indeed very strong, it is estimated that it has reached the top level, no wonder it can kill the golden lion.”

“Isn’t it! Is he really that powerful? The navy is so perverted, what should we pirates do? ”

One of the red-haired subordinates couldn’t help but complain.

The navy and pirates are the enemy.

The navy has become stronger, and the pirates, of course, have a headache.

The red-haired Shanks also had a headache.

After all, in terms of the navy, Karp is a pervert, and the three future generals are also perverts, plus Ron, a pervert.

There are a lot of perverts at once.

With the current strength of their pirate group, if you come to two or three, they are not estimated to be opponents.

“Well, don’t worry, when our strength becomes stronger, there is no need to be afraid.

And the new world is so big, by the time the Navy finds us, we will no longer need to be afraid of the Navy. ”

Although the red-haired Shanks was also a little speechless, at this time, he still wanted to boost his morale.

“That’s right, the captain is right, there is no need to be afraid.”

Others shouted.

They also just complained, and did not really regret joining the pirates.

The vast majority of pirates, after becoming pirates, basically will not regret it, not to mention that they are not in danger now.

Renly had been standing by the side, not speaking, just watching silently, thinking of Ron and Roger in his mind.

He was now wondering what kind of person Ron was, and Roger actually told Ron about himself.


At the naval headquarters, Ron looked at the sea that was separated in front of him, turned around, and looked not far to the side.

After Quinn broke away from the land, he jumped to the side.

It’s hard to imagine that Quinn looks so fat and her body is so sensitive.

Especially now that Quinn is still such a huge body.

“Boy, you give me death!”

Quinn’s huge pupils stared at Ron, his eyes full of murder and a trace of coldness.

This expressionless gaze, looking at the nearby sea soldiers, looked terrified, and his body trembled slightly.

Even those pirates were terrified.

Ron was standing right in front of Quinn, his head held high, looking at the tall figure in front of him.

No matter how you look at it, Ron feels a little strange.

Even after so many years, he has seen a lot of Devil Fruit abilities.

But every time I see the animals of the Devil Fruit ability, see them turn into an animal, stand in front of them, and speak human words, I feel a little jumpy.


While Ron was thinking, Quinn raised his foot and stepped on Ron hard with the two huge hooves of the brachiosaurus.

This huge sound of breaking the void kept trembling.

Ron’s eardrums trembled slightly, as if a hurricane was blowing.

The tall figure fell from the sky, trampling Ron flat at any moment.

Boom rumble!!!

Ron did not hesitate and immediately jumped to the side.

After all, such a tall figure, stepping down hard, the power must be very huge.

Naturally, he couldn’t fight hard for nothing.

Ron dodged Quinn’s attack with just a slight jump.

Quinn’s two feet, stepping on the ground, directly trampled the surface of the ground, and both feet fell into the ground.

A large amount of smoke and dust flew out.

The ground was also trembling violently, and cracks appeared on the surface, like turtle shells.


Ron stomped the ground with one foot, jumped in the air, and jumped into the air.

Looking at Quinn’s back in front of him, Ron raised his hands and clenched the demon knife Murayu, and a red light bloomed on the blade.

In the next second, a black aura came out and attached to both sides of the blade, instantly turning the Demon Dao Village Rain into pitch black.

Armed color overlay.

Now Ron’s armed color domineering has become very strong.

Under the sunlight, it emits a dark glow, and it looks so shiny.

“Is this guy so domineering?”

The Air Marshal looked at this light and frowned slightly.

Ron’s swordsmanship was already very powerful, but he didn’t expect the two-color domineering to be so strong.

It is estimated that there is already strength at the level of a general.

But think about it, if Ron didn’t have the strength of the general level, how could he defeat the Golden Lion, how could he defeat Jack.

After three seconds, Marshal Kong’s eyebrows relaxed, and there was a smile in the corners of his eyes.

After all, Ron is now in the navy, and the stronger the strength, the stronger the navy.

The Air Marshal even thought that Sengoku was about to become a marshal of the navy, and the navy also needed new admirals.

Ron is strong enough to become an admiral.

Anyway, from ancient times to the present, the navy has never stipulated, only three generals.

In general, as long as the strength is enough, you can have multiple generals.

Of course, it is also possible to have only one general.

For example, this time, Zefa retired directly, and Karp was not happy, and there was only one admiral in the Warring States.

Ron probably didn’t know yet, the Air Marshal was already thinking about making Ron one of the admirals.

Ron didn’t care, but it was actually good.

If you can become an admiral, you can seek more benefits.

One day, Ron will part ways with the Navy because of Draco.

Before that, you can use your status as a senior admiral to get more useful things and prepare for the future.

The poor navy, in Ron’s eyes, is just a step to the top. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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