“Young Lord.”

The pirates of the Pirates Group saw Doflamingo retreat and immediately stepped forward, ready to help Doflamingo.

Peach Rabbit and other admirals also stepped forward and looked vigilantly at the pirates who were still on the pirate ship.

As long as these pirates make a move, they will also make a move.

For a time, all the navies and navies took up arms and looked at each other vigilantly, and they would fight at any moment.

As for Kaji, it was as if nothing had been seen.

Ron and Doflamingo are two people, one is very strong, he is not an opponent.

The other is his enemy, who once robbed him of an important piece of information, and he hated that Flamenco was dead, how could he help Doflamingo.

“Black Dragon General, is there any grudge between us? Why did you do it to me? ”

Doflamingo still smiled and did not move.

If it was Gaji, Doflamingo would definitely do it without hesitation.

But for Ron, he was very jealous and did not have enough certainty, so naturally it was impossible to do it casually.

“Doflamingo, don’t you think that when you say this, it makes people want to laugh?

You are a pirate, I am a navy, the navy does something wrong with pirates, do you need any more reason? ”

Ron couldn’t help but laugh.

Doflamingo’s face froze, not knowing what to say.

Oh, yes.

They are pirates, Ron is the navy, and the navy strikes at pirates, which is a matter of course and requires no reason.

It was only because he was afraid of Ron and did not want to make a move on Ron, so Doflamingo asked so.

“I came to Beihai this time to teach the pirates in Beihai a lesson and let them be quiet during this time.

After all, I have just become a senior admiral, and if these people are too tossed, it will not break my face. ”

Ron used the back of the knife and lightly tapped the palm of his hand.

Doflamingo’s face instantly darkened.

Dare you to trouble me, just to make me honest, so as not to lose face.

You said earlier.

As long as Ron said earlier, during this time, Doflamingo must be honest and find a place to rest.

Wait until Ron is gone before coming out and tossing.


Ron also did not give Doflamingo a chance to speak, stomped on the ground, used the Navy Six Shaving, and approached Doflamingo in the blink of an eye.

Doflamingo’s face darkened again.

Can you give a chance to speak.

Although he was speechless, Doflamingo took a step back for the first time, and at the same time flicked his right hand to the side and back, and then flicked his right hand hard.

A large number of long white lines emerged from the palm of Doflamingo’s hand, and then danced rapidly, quickly appearing in front of him.

The slender white line, moving quickly, was in front of Doflamingo in an instant, forming a huge protective wall, like a spider’s web.

The transparent slender white line, composed of a protective net, tens of meters long, completely blocked the front, blocking all of Ron’s way.

Although these thin lines look very thin, they are very tough, and ordinary people cannot cut these thin lines.

But these average people, excluding Ron.

Ron looked at the line blocking his way in front of him, and quickly swung the demon knife village rain.

A cold light flashed.

The tough thin line in front of him was split in two by Ron in an instant, and then cut into several pieces.

Ron took the opportunity to immediately step forward, passing through the cobweb wall of thin lines in front of him, and once again rushed towards Doflamingo.

“Lower the rogue line.”

The defensive wall composed of thin lines, although of little effect, also won Doflamingo for a while.

Doflamingo took advantage of this time to adjust his attitude, then raised his right hand and waved it vigorously.

Long transparent lines emerged from Doflamingo’s fingers, then fell from the sky and stabbed hard at Ron’s head.


Although this long line is very thin and transparent, Doflamingo covered it with armed color domineering in order to increase its power.

So everyone can see that there are thin black lines falling from the sky.

In the air, there was an air friction sound, which passed through the air and into Ron’s ears.

Ron had already felt these black lines, but did not care at all, but continued to speed up his pace and approached Doflamingo.

Doflamingo looked at Gaji, who was indifferent to his attacks, and his heart was under pressure.

He also knew that his attack might not be effective against Ron, and immediately raised his right hand to defend himself in front of him.

Once his attack really doesn’t work, he can also take this opportunity to buy himself time to attack again.

Otherwise, Ron’s speed was too fast, and he simply wouldn’t have had so much time to resist.

Ron looked at the thin line that was gradually approaching, and his head was covered with a layer of domineering, like an unbreakable armor.

Ring the bell!!!

The long black slender line pierced Ron’s head as if it had been stabbed into a solid steel plate.

There was a crisp sound, and golden sparks burst out, but nothing happened, not even felt at all.

The long slender line trembled a little, then shook a little.

“Cobweb wall.”

Seeing that his attack was ineffective, Doflamingo did not care too much, but quickly released a large number of thin lines, forming a defensive wall in front of him.

For this defensive wall, Doflamingo also knew that it was of no use at all, but it could buy himself time.

After all, his domineering appearance is not as good as Ron, and his reaction ability is a little worse than Ron.

This defensive wall can buy yourself time.

At the same time, the fingers of Doflamingo’s right hand flicked again, and the thin lines, which were already somewhat soft, straightened again, and then completely surrounded Ron from all directions.

A large number of thin wires rushed out from all sides, like a rope, trying to bind Ron completely

Densely packed with thin lines, it looks a little dense.

Anyone with a dense phobia will probably feel frightened and lose the ability to fight.

But Ron wasn’t.

Ron raised the demon knife village rain in his hand, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this smile, Doflamingo’s heart was cold, and a sense of uneasiness surged in his heart.

“One knife flow.”

Ron snorted lightly, his hands waving quickly.

I saw red air currents rising into the sky, cutting all the thin lines in an instant.

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