Thundered… Thundered……

New World, an island, there is a thunderous roar from above.

From time to time, someone roared angrily.

This island is the headquarters of Kaido the Hundred Beasts.

As for this roar, it was naturally the anger of Hundred Beast Kaido, the thunderous roar, and the sound of Hundred Beast Kaido destroying.

On the outskirts of the island, many pirates heard this sound, shivering, and their hearts were full of fear, for fear that they would be affected by Kaido if they were not careful.

Since the last war on top, when Drought Jack was killed, Kaido has often been angry and beats his men from time to time.

They didn’t have the power to resist.

Only those high-ranking cadres are not afraid of Kaido.

After about a few minutes, the whole island gradually calmed down.

In the very center of the island, Kaido suddenly stopped, but still angry, fiercely rising and falling.

It can be seen that Kaido has not completely calmed down.

Below, Quinn and the two stood very calmly, and the others lowered their heads, not daring to face Kaido.

It took a long time for Kaido to recover.

“Damn, that bastard Ron can actually become an admiral.”

For so long, Kaido has basically calmed down and accepted Jack’s death, and does not intend to trouble the Navy.

But recently, Ron and others became admirals.

That’s all, the world government, a few people who report every day, publicize the justice of the Navy.

This moment completely detonated Kaido’s emotions.

Especially Ron, in Kaido’s eyes, being able to become a naval admiral is completely stepping on the body of their Hundred Beast Pirates.

Not only Kaido, but the other pirates are also angry, but compared to Kaido, it is much more restrained.

“Quinn, what happened to the matter I asked you to investigate? Where exactly is that kid now? ”

Kaido’s huge pupils were staring at Quinn, and the anger in his eyes was difficult to calm down.

“Boss Kaido, I have already investigated clearly, that kid is now in Beihai, as long as I go to Beihai, I will definitely find him.”

Quinn immediately walked out and looked at Kaido respectfully.

“Very good, just in Beihai, I must teach him a good lesson and let him know how good I am.”

Kaido directly picked up the weapon on the side and walked away without looking back.

He is also much smarter now, and no longer has trouble with the New World naval base.

Karp must be there now, he is not Karp’s opponent, the past must have been a waste of time, and in the end he was inevitably beaten.

In that case, go straight to Ron’s trouble.

Although he can’t beat Karp, it doesn’t mean he can’t beat Ron.

As long as Ron can be solved in a short time, even if the navy comes, it is nothing.

Unbeknownst to Ron, there was a big trouble that was getting closer.

At this moment, he is still leisurely sweeping in the North Sea, so uncomfortable.


On this day, Ron had just solved a pirate group and was resting, when he suddenly sensed a very large aura and quickly approached.

This aura is very powerful, but also very tyrannical, constantly exuding a very strong murderous aura.

The most important thing is that this breath is very familiar, as if it has been sensed somewhere.

Suddenly, Ron’s mind flashed, and he thought of a very large figure, and his face instantly darkened.

“This bastard actually came to trouble me.”

Ron didn’t believe that Kaido was here for a tour, nor did he believe that Kaido happened to pass by here.

Nine times out of ten, they come to trouble themselves.

Only he can make Kaido come all the way from the new world.

Who let him capture Jack and execute Jack with his own hands.

“Peach Rabbit, hurry up and report to the Navy headquarters, just say that the hundred beasts Kaido are here.”

Ron couldn’t care so much, and immediately opened his mouth and ordered.

“Hundred Beast Kaido?”

Peach Rabbit was also very surprised, and did not care so much, and immediately rushed into the cabin on the side.

She also knew Kaido’s anger towards Ron, after all, when he was in the new world, Kaido often came to ask for trouble.

Now that Kaido is over, it is definitely not a good thing.

The other navies were also very alarmed and couldn’t help but look around.

Suddenly, a navy saw a tall figure swimming fast on the sea in the distance.

Although most of his body is in the sea, the navy can still see that this person is Kaido the Hundred Beasts, a famous sea thief in the New World.

“Black Dragon General, just in front, Kaido is in front.”

Ron had already noticed, and his attention kept staring ahead.

Suddenly, Ron jumped straight into the sea and swam in the direction where Kaido was.

“Peach Rabbit, I’ll go to the desert island in front, you are here, don’t follow me until the reinforcements of the navy come.”

Ron is still confident in himself.

Even if he can’t beat the hundred beasts Kaido, but with his current two-color domineering, the world’s number one swordsmanship, and a relatively strong physique, it is enough to deal with the hundred beasts Kaido.

Kaido wants to solve himself in a short time, that is impossible.

The reason why I went to the island in front was because I was afraid that I would accidentally affect the peach rabbit.

Peach Rabbit also knew Ron’s thoughts, and was very touched in his heart, and wanted to go over to help Ron and face the danger with Ron.

But in the same way, she also knows that her strength is not enough, and following Ron’s back will only drag Ron.

I could only watch Ron leave, with reluctance in my heart.

Peach Rabbit also made up her mind that she must become stronger and help Ron in the future.

Ron jumped into the water, swam not far in front of Kaido, and then turned around.

“Kaido, why are you here? Is it a gift for me?

In fact, the gift is no longer needed, haven’t you already given it before?

It’s because of that guy Jack that I have enough credit to become an admiral, even if you give yourself to me, I can’t become a marshal.

Or you wait a little longer, after the abdication of the Warring States, you are taking the initiative to send me to the door, let me defeat you, and I can become a marshal of the navy. ”

Ron’s words can be described as adding fuel to the fire.

Kaido was already angry, and it was even difficult to calm his emotions.

Listening to Ron’s words, he became even more angry.

“Ron, you bastard, I’m going to screw your head off in a moment, I’m going to kill you.”

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