After Ron’s attack, he did not continue to attack, but stood on a rock and looked at Kaido in the distance.

He also knew that his attack, for Kaido, did not hurt much.

Instead of wasting physical strength, it is better to take a good rest, save some physical strength, and wait until reinforcements from the Navy arrive, and then solve Kaido.

And it is estimated that reinforcements from the Navy will not arrive without two or three days.

In the middle of the forest, in the slender ravine, Kaido lay at the end, his back against a broken tree, motionless, as if dead.

But in fact, Kaido is not dead, not even at all.

After a long while, Kaido’s body moved, and then with one arm, he supported the ground and sat up directly.

After getting up, Kaido did not rush to move, but covered his head with one hand, with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

“Damn, there is actually nothing at all, is it possible to achieve no stronger attack? Can’t you just kill me? ”

The corner of Ron’s mouth twitched, and his heart was speechless.

This is definitely pretending, definitely pretending.

This is already his strongest sword move, and he can guarantee that anyone other than Kaido who is hit by this move is estimated to bleed.

Which is like Kaido, there is no bullshit, and you can pretend.

And say that you can’t kill me.

If Kaido really encountered danger, it is estimated that he would not be so calm, and he would not let others cut him.

That is, Kaido, being able to pretend like this, there is nothing yet.

Why didn’t God come to a thunderbolt and chop to death this pretender in front of him.

Kaido complained for a moment, then stood up, his tall body stumbling, and slowly walked in front of Ron.

“Stinky boy, your strength is quite good, but unfortunately, today you are dead.”

Ron’s eyes were solemn, and he gently clenched the demon knife village rain in his hand, his body tilted slightly, and the muscles on his body were tense.

At this moment, Ron, like a hunting lion, is ready to rush out at any time, and then pounce on the prey in front of him.

In the face of Kaido, Ron did not dare to be careless.

After all, the current Kaido has not yet brought out his full strength and has fought so many times in the New World.

Ron is well aware that Kaido can also transform into a dragon.

Although it is not clear whether it is the demon fruit of the animal line phantom beast species, or the racial peculiarity of Kaido himself.

But it is certain that once Kaido turns into the true dragon form, his strength is bursting.

The only drawback is that the physical exertion is relatively large.

“Roar, roar, roar…”

Kaido suddenly roared, as if it were a raging beast, venting the anger in his heart.

In the next second, Kaido’s body changed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge cyan oriental divine dragon.

The hideous claws emitted a bronzed light and looked very sharp.

As long as any ordinary person is caught, it is estimated that he will be directly torn in half.

The cyan scales and layers were tightly distributed together, like pieces of iron, densely distributed together, forming an unbreakable defense.

Under the sun’s rays, the green light flashes, which is very dazzling.

Kaido in the form of a dragon not only exploded in attack, but also exploded in defense.

Of course, at this moment Kaido, the defense has been completely ignored by Ron.

After all, it is already very strong, no matter how strong it is, it is nothing, anyway, Ron can’t cut it.

On the contrary, it is Kaido’s destructive power at the moment that Ron cares more about.

Several battles, although only auxiliary, but Ron is well aware that Kaido’s destructive power is very strong.

If it was accidentally hit, even Ron felt that it was enough to choke.

In the sky, Kaido, who transformed into a divine dragon, floated, and the huge dragon head rotated slightly, staring at Ron deadly, looking a little scary.

Countless white clouds emerged and surrounded Kaido, looking fairy.

There is a way that the clouds come from the dragon and the wind from the tiger.

Although I don’t know what Kaido’s true ability is, I can still drive the clouds.

“Stinky boy, you give me death!”

Perhaps because of his huge size, Kaido’s tone became more strict and rough.

Ron became more serious, and the muscles in his body were completely tightened, ready to dodge at any time.

Boom rumble!!!!

Suddenly, Kaido opened his huge dragon’s mouth.

A crimson dragon breath came out of his mouth and rushed directly towards Ron.

The moment the flames came out, the entire atmosphere was burned and the space was distorted.

Of course, it is not really space distortion, but because of the moisture in the air, a large number of it is burned, causing visual effects.

But the scorching heat is not fake.

Even from a distance, Ron could still feel the burning sensation in the air, constantly hitting him in the face.

It made him feel extremely hot, as if he was in a mountain of flames.

Kaido’s dragon breath was very strong, and in the blink of an eye, it came to Ron’s eyes.

Ron felt the rushing heat, and did not resist head-on, but jumped hard and jumped directly into the sky.

The huge dragon’s breath passed directly past Ron, rushed to a sea in the distance, and hit the sea head-on.

Boom rumble!!!

The Dragon’s breath instantly exploded, blooming into a dazzling red light, and like a mushroom cloud, it bloomed.

Blah blah!!!!

The blazing flame, carrying the hot heat, constantly burns the surface of the sea.

A large amount of seawater was evaporated in an instant, and then turned into mist, floating, but then melted by the hot gas.

The sea water boiled in an instant, and the surface was evaporated in an instant.

The sea surface seems to have been cut off, a huge deep pit has appeared, and it is constantly expanding.

Just for a moment, the surface of the sea seemed to be hit by a meteorite.

From time to time, there is a vague fragrance in the sea.

I saw sea fish one after another, in this boiling seawater, instantly cooked, and then floating on the sea, emitting the smell of meat.

In mid-air, Ron glanced at the sea in the distance, and couldn’t help wiping his cold sweat,

Just a breath makes the sea lose a whole piece, and it evaporates in an instant, which shows how strong Kaido’s breath is.

If he is hit, it is estimated that he will be burned in an instant.

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