On the warship, Ron was lying in a chair next to him with a medic treating Ron’s wounds.

Peach Rabbit stood next to Ron and looked at Ron leisurely.

Seeing the scars on Ron’s body, Peach Rabbit can’t wait to return to the island immediately and hack Kaido to death with a knife.

Unfortunately, she also knew that Kaido’s skin was very hard, and no one cut him to death.

Of course, Ron also noticed Peach Rabbit’s anxious expression and couldn’t help but tease.

“Peach Rabbit, what’s wrong with you? Are you worried about me? Do you have me in your heart? ”

Peach Rabbit was originally concerned, and when he heard Ron’s words, his little face turned red.

The little red fluttering face looks cute.

The other navies nearby saw that the two officers were flirting again, and immediately turned their heads and pretended not to see anything.

Even the other adjutant, the rear admiral, also pretended not to see anything, with an expression of wandering.

“Huh… Nonsense, I didn’t worry about you, you don’t talk nonsense. ”

Peach Bunny explained with a red face, and then turned her head arrogantly, embarrassed to face Ron.

But from time to time, Peach Rabbit would secretly turn his head and peek at Ron.

It’s like when I was in junior high school, I liked to peek at the girl I had a crush on.

Ron was also thinking about whether Peach Rabbit was so cute and older, should he be in his pocket.

Lest I meet a wretched uncle later.

As soon as he talked about that wretched uncle, Ron remembered the tea dolphin who was crazy about pursuing Peach Rabbit in the original book.

If that guy came over, Ron would teach him how to be human in minutes.

But soon, Ron remembered something else.

After this battle with Kaido, Ron also recognized his shortcomings.

Compared with Kaido, Ron’s physique is definitely inferior to Kaido’s, and the two-color domineering is also a little worse.

Moreover, although Ron’s sword art is very powerful and has reached the highest level, it is completely useless to Kaido.

People can stand and cut you.

And if nothing else, when Kaido transformed into a dragon, the destructive power was also extremely powerful, no worse than his swordsmanship.

Overall, he is much worse than Kaido.

Even if you become a general, there are strong and weak generals.

His strength is still much worse.

Simple training is not enough, even if you train hard every day, there is not much domineering proficiency.

If you want to move up to another level, it will take at least more than 100 days.

So you can only take shortcuts and get a lot of sin points.

If you can, it’s best to get evolution points, so that you can let the system evolve, and maybe you can also get some special abilities.

But evolution points are difficult to obtain, from the point of view, if you want to get evolution values, you must be the sea pirate group in the original work, and you must also be the captain.

Otherwise, it’s Draco.

Ron thought of Draco.

Among so many people, the sky is a soft persimmon, very easy to pinch.

Although there are still some subordinates, they are also soft persimmons.

If you can solve the Draco, as long as the means are hidden deeply, the world government will not find out.

It’s a gamble, and it’s a low-risk, but profiteering industry.

The only risk is not to be detected.

Ron thought for a moment, then firmed his resolve.

In order to be able to become stronger, Draco, can only let you die.

“Peach Rabbit, let’s go back to Qingdao in Chambord to take a rest, and then we will guard here and wait for those pirates to deliver themselves.”

“Got it.”

Peach Rabbit also came to his senses, immediately turned around, and began to shout orders.

Soon, the naval warship turned around.

In the distance of the warship, the green pheasant rode while keeping an eye on Ron.

After Ron left, he also picked up speed and left the sea.

Only a certain dilapidated island remained, and the sleepy Kaido on the island.


A month later, after a long voyage, Ron and the others finally returned to the Chambord Islands.

In this month, Ron also gained a lot, and saw a lot of pirates, all of which were sent into the sea by Ron.

It also allowed Ron to reap hundreds of thousands of sin points.

But it’s a pity that although this evil value is a lot, in the later stage, every level of two-color domineering needs more than 1 million, and it is only one of the domineering.

This also strengthened Ron’s idea of killing those nobles.

Only those nobles have a lot of sin value.

Not far from the Chambord Islands, the warship approached slowly, and Ron stood on top of the warship, looking at the islands in the distance.

Looking at the island, Ron’s heart was surging.

Once again on this island.

The last time on this island, Ron solved three Draco, which was a great gain.

This time, Ron intends to reap the sin value again.

Poor Draco, a pig raised by Ron, will be harvested at any time.

Next to it, Peach Rabbit walked over, also looking at the island in the distance, with a touch of disgust in his eyes.

“What’s wrong? Peach Rabbit, what’s wrong with this island? Are you annoying? ”

“It’s okay, it’s just that I often see a lot of slaves, and I definitely feel very uncomfortable.

And I also see a lot of nobles from other countries, here unscrupulous, without any human rights. ”

As a righteous navy, Peach Rabbit is still very unaccustomed to such things as slaves.

But who let the Chambordi Islands be the territory of the Draco, most of the slaves here are all Draco slaves.

There was nothing she could do.

And the nobles that Kaido mentioned did not actually refer to the nobles of other countries, but specifically to the Draco.

It’s just that there are many other navies nearby, and it is not convenient for Peach Rabbit to say it.

In fact, many navies dislike Draco, but many people are forced by life and have to submit to Draco.

Ron listened to Peach Rabbit’s words, and his eyes lit up.

Oh, yes!

There are also many nobles from other countries on this island, who come specifically to curry favor with Draco.

Everyone carries treasures.

Anything else is good, these nobles, must also have a lot of sin value.

Even if it is not comparable to the Draco, but the average pirate is definitely not comparable to these nobles.

After all, these nobles, educated by their families, began to abuse slaves from an early age.

Over time, the accumulated sin is worth a lot.

It is very dangerous to kill those Draco, but killing these ordinary nobles still seems to be very reliable. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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