Time flies, and the years are like a shuttle.

It’s been a year since the last recruit Dabi.

Throughout the year, Ron has been training tirelessly every day and has never stopped.

In addition, Ron often fights with Yu no Hiru and fights swordsmanship, which makes Ron’s swordsmanship improve by leaps and bounds.

Although until now, Ron’s swordsmanship is also LV5.

But even if it is also LV5, there is a big gap, and now Ron, can easily solve the previous Ron.

At the same time, Ron was only one last step away from LV6-level swordsmanship.

Especially recently, every time Ron trains, he feels as if he can hear the breath of everything.

It is estimated that it is the special ability of the sword art of the sword art level of Jianhao-the realm of slashing iron.

In one room, Ron was training to wield his knife every day.

But it’s a little different from usual.

The usual Ron is wielding the Demon Dao Village Rain, and now he is wielding a large iron rod.

This is mainly to increase strength, exercise your physical fitness, and make yourself more powerful.


It didn’t take long for Ron to stop, toss the iron rod aside, then pick up the towel and wipe the sweat from his body.

On the other side, a jailer has been waiting by for a long time.

It’s just that at the beginning, Ron was training, so the jailer didn’t bother Ron.

Now that Ron was over, the jailer immediately stepped forward and looked at Ron somewhat respectfully.

“Chief jailer, it’s time to execute prisoners soon, I wonder when the adults will pass?”

That’s right, the current Ron is no longer the former squad leader, but the jailer leader.

With his rapid strength, Ron gained the appreciation of the advancing city, and in a year, he rose many episodes.

Because of his promotion, Ron is now personally responsible for every task of executing prisoners.

This is exactly what is the case, so every time a prisoner is executed, it is Ron himself who executes it, so that he can get a lot of sin points.

It is a pity that each time, a certain number of prisoners were executed.

This also caused that although Ron had a sin value, he was never able to break through the LV6-level sword art.

“Okay, I’ll go right over.”

Ron immediately picked up the Demon Saber Village Rain and left his office.

As the jailer, Ron certainly has his own office.

Half an hour later, after executing more than 20 prisoners, Ron returned to his office and sat at his desk, focusing on the system panel.

[Name: Ron].

[Age: 18 years old].

[Sword Art: LV5].

[Sin Value: 970].

More than 20 prisoners were executed, giving a crime value of 970.

It’s not a lot, but it’s also Ron’s only one-time income every month.

This is one of the disadvantages of Advance City, which cannot obtain Sin Points on a large scale.

However, the city also has the advantage that it is relatively safe and can be spent as a novice village.

It is also a newbie village with a large number of bosses.

Ron hesitated, and finally added all his sin points to swordsmanship.

After all, he only has one ability now, so naturally he has to focus on upgrading this ability.

With all the sin points added to it, Ron found that his understanding of swordsmanship was more thorough.

Even Ron could feel the sound of breathing from everything nearby.

It’s just that this feeling is very subtle, and there is a feeling of nothingness.

Although it was subtle, Ron closed his eyes and felt it seriously.

After a long time, this feeling disappeared.

Ron opened his eyes and sighed.

“Sure enough, it’s still a little close.”

Although after a year of hard work and a lot of evil values, Ron is still one step away from Jianhao.

Fortunately, Yu no Hiru didn’t know Ron’s thoughts, otherwise he would have slashed Ron to death with a knife in anger.

In just two short years of cultivating swordsmanship, he was already one step away from comprehending the breath of all things.

Throughout the ages, these are the most talented swordsmen.

Even if it is Yu no Shiru, he is still several steps away from breathing all things, let alone becoming a sword master.

In particular, Yu no Hiru is still a year older than Ron.

Under normal circumstances, Ron should be content.

Ron picked up the newspaper on the side and glanced at it seriously, with a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

Because in the newspaper, it is not written about anything else, which is one of the big events in One Piece.

Roger Gal conquered countless seas and became One Piece.

Although this is a killing technique of the world government, Ron knows that after Roger became One Piece, he turned himself in less than a year.

After Roger turned himself in, the Golden Lion went to prison, and then the Golden Lion escaped.

That prison break was Ron’s chance.

Ron could have taken advantage of that opportunity to thoroughly clean up the Advance City and obtain a large amount of sin points.

But before that, Ron had to be strong enough.

Otherwise, at that time, maybe it will be accidentally solved by the golden lion.

“It’s less than two years away, and I should implement that plan.”

Ron suddenly got serious.

The plan he was talking about was naturally not an ordinary plan.

That plan was to let the prisoners of the city run away.

In this way, he can clean up some pirates in an honest manner.

In this way, you will not be punished by the city, but you can also get a lot of evil points, and maybe you can also get a promotion and a raise.

However, this plan has certain risks.

So this year, Ron has been thinking of reasonable ways every day without worrying about being discovered by the city.

Ron had planned to take advantage of Hannibal’s idiot.

But Hannibal is too idiotic to say that he often leaks his mouth, maybe he will talk about it.

So Ron gave up using Hannibal and planned to carry out the plan himself.

During the year, Ron did think of the plan and was prepared, but it never went through.

At that time, Ron was worried that his strength was not enough, so he kept pressing.

Now, Ron’s strength is placed in the world, and he is also a good figure, and he has enough strength to carry out this plan.

Coupled with the pressures ahead, Ron intends to implement this plan.

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