Alabastan, royal palace.

As early as when Ron arrived, Kobra received the news and immediately stood at the gate of the palace with a large group of people and waited.

Although Kobra’s status is special, in fact, he does not have much status, and compared to Ron, it is much worse.

So when he heard that the admiral was coming, Kobra of course came out to greet him as soon as possible.

Not just because of Ron’s identity, but also because of Ron’s strength.

After all, in this chaotic pirate era, even his country is often patronized by pirates.

So he must have a good relationship with the Navy, not to mention the Admiral.

On the other hand, after Ron came to the royal capital of Alabastan, he did not rest and walked directly in the direction of the royal palace.

When he arrived at the palace, Ron saw everyone at the gate.

Standing in the front was, of course, Kobra, and next to him was a little girl with blue hair.

This should be Kobra’s daughter, Princess Vivi in the original book.

Seriously, the way Vivi looked when she was a child was still very cute.

It’s simply kawaii.

Vivi also seemed to notice Ron’s eyes, and hid behind Kobra with some fear, but she showed a small head and her eyes were very shining.

“Black Dragon General, welcome to your arrival.”

When Kobra saw Ron, he immediately stepped forward with a respectful expression.

I don’t know, I thought Ron was the king.

But this is a real world, where the strong are honored.

Even if you are a king, in front of the world’s top masters, you are just an ant.

“King Kobra, you should be ready, right? So let’s go, and there are still many people who want me to pick up. ”

Ron has always been reluctant to do this job.

But whoever makes this an institutional society, and he also wants to become a marshal of the navy, should adapt to this society.

When the day comes, when the Sengoku abdicates and Ron becomes the marshal of the navy, let the Sengoku do this kind of thing.

If it were longer, it would be possible to let the people of the world government do this kind of thing, and it would be a little exciting to think about.

But for now, it is necessary to refrain from it.

“Black Dragon General, we are ready, we can go now.”

“Okay, pack your things, and we’ll go.”

Ron reached out and wiped his forehead.

He hated such hot weather the most, compared to summer, he still liked spring and autumn, neither hot nor cold.

Kobra didn’t dare to say anything more, immediately ordered his subordinates, and then took a pile of luggage and stood in front of Ron.

A long time ago, Kobra was ready, as soon as the navy came, it was possible to leave with the navy.

Ron glanced at Kobra and the others, didn’t say anything, turned his head and left.

Instead of staying in this place, it is better to leave early.

This weather is simply not human.

After leaving, in less than two days, he arrived at the port, then boarded the naval warship and left Alabastan together.

On the deck, Vivi glanced at the disappearing island and grabbed Kobra with one hand.

“Father, shall we go to the Holy Land of Mary Joa now? It’s a good place to be, is that true? ”

Obviously, Vivi left her country for the first time and was very curious about the outside world.

“Yes, it’s a good place, but you have to be careful, you must not cause trouble there, it will bring disaster to the country.”

Kobra was not only a benevolent king, but also a benevolent father.

But Kobra knew exactly what kind of place the Holy Land of Marie Joa was.

If he accidentally offended the Draco there, no matter how noble he used to be, he was only once, not comparable to the Draco.

So he had to give some advice, for fear that Vivi would accidentally get into trouble.

“I know, father, you can rest assured that I will never cause trouble.”

Vivi is also an obedient little girl.

She may not understand why, but she does know that her father will not lie to her.

I know that if I get into trouble, I will definitely bring disaster to my country.

At a young age, he is already very sensible.

Ron was sitting next to him, lying in a chair with sunglasses and looking very laid-back.

Next to them, Boyahan Cook and Peach Rabbit, one left and one right, pinched Ron’s shoulders and rubbed his back.

This little day is very comfortable.

Over the years, Ron’s skills have reached the full level, and his physique is also very strong, so there is no need to continue training.

If you continue to train, it is estimated that the level will not reach level 11.

If you want to break through the current limit, it is estimated that you must have a large number of evolution values to upgrade the system to another level, and maybe you can do it at that time.

As for now, it’s better to rest well and find a way to get the evolution value.

Others, not needed for a short time.

While Ron was enjoying it, Vivi stood by and looked at Ron from time to time with curiosity in her eyes.

Ron also noticed that someone was looking at him, took off his sunglasses, turned his head, and saw a very curious Vivi.

Vivi also noticed Ron, and immediately retracted her head and hid behind Kobra, looking very shy.

Kobra also noticed Ron’s expression, put a hand on Vivi’s head, and said a little apologetically.

“Black Dragon General, I’m sorry, my daughter is a little afraid of life, I’m really sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

Ron picked up the fruit next to him, then stretched out his hand and placed it in front of Vivi.

“Come, eat an apple, ordinary person, I will not give him food.”

Vivi did not take the apple, but glanced at Ron, slightly hesitant.

“Weiwei, the Black Dragon General will give you an apple, you will go next.”

Kobra spoke.

After getting her father’s consent, Vivi also plucked up the courage to come out from behind Kobra and slowly take the apple from Ron’s hand.

Ron didn’t do anything either, just smiled.

Vivi also breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, then picked up the apple and took a gentle bite.

After biting, Vivi thought of something again.

“Thank you, Black Dragon General.”

“King Kobra, you are also a good singer to be able to teach your own children like this, much better than those brains full of fat.”

Indeed, Kobra is a clear stream of this world.

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