“Damn, do you know who I am? I am the king of the magnetic drum kingdom, and this time I am attending the World Conference. ”

Valpo said angrily.

Next to him, Dalton was a little speechless, covering his forehead, not knowing what to say.

The kings of the countries allied by the world government are indeed very dragging, but compared with the admirals, the gap is not a little.

This is also to blame Valpo’s father, although he said that he could not provoke the world government and could not provoke Draco, but he did not say that he could not provoke the admiral.

And Valpo didn’t know Ron’s identity, just thought that Ron was an ordinary navy who came specifically to pick him up,

Although Dalton was helpless, he immediately walked to Valpo’s side and whispered something.

“Admiral, it’s that more powerful navy, how powerful can he be? Better than me? I am a capable person who devours fruit. ”

Valpo looked disdainful.

Although the status of the navy seems to be high, Valpo believes that his strength is no worse than that of the admiral.

This is the same as the vast majority of people, who have not seen the real admirals, have not seen the real four emperors, and do not know the strength of the two.

The people nearby were all speechless.

You are also too confident compared to the admirals.

There are such confident people in this world.

Ron was equally speechless.

No wonder this guy is so arrogant, he thinks he is more powerful than the admiral, and he is a king, naturally very arrogant.

If Ron is like him, if he has no knowledge, it is estimated that he will be very arrogant.

“Very good, it seems that I need to show my strength.

Come on, hurry up and send me a rope, it’s better to be harder, don’t break it casually. ”

Ron sneered and beckoned gently.

A navy reacted and immediately took out a rope and placed it on Ron’s hand.

Dalton was in a hurry and immediately stepped forward.

“Black Dragon General, don’t mind, our king didn’t mean that, he just…”

“Dalton, don’t talk, it’s none of your business, today I will let everyone know that I am better than the admiral.”

Valpo was so proud that he didn’t put Dalton in his eyes at all, nor did he put Ron in his eyes.

Ron pulled the rope and looked at Dalton next to him.

“Your king, don’t you usually go out much?”

He had roughly guessed it.

Valpo estimated that he was too spoiled when he was a child, did not understand the outside world, and thought how powerful he was.

Such people should teach a good lesson.

Ron picked up a rope directly and walked towards Valpo.

Valpo was about to resist when he suddenly fell to the ground.

A minute later, Ron clapped his hands and looked at Valpo, who had been bound by himself, with a smile on his lips.

“How? Didn’t you say you were going to defeat me? Why did it take only a minute for you to be arrested by me. ”

Nearby, many navies snickered.

Dare to provoke the admiral, just being tied, it is already very good.

Others are estimated to have died long ago.

Dalton was also speechless.

It is also a sin to stand on such an arrogant king.

But even so, Dalton said respectfully.

“Black Dragon General, our king is still a child, unintentionally offended, I hope you can release our king.”

Ron only glanced at it, then picked up the rope and threw it in mid-air, hanging on the pole.

“From now on, you can only take five people, and besides, I’ve wasted half a day, so let’s go now.”

After that, Ron returned to his place and continued to eat, not caring about Valpo in the slightest.

This guy, if he doesn’t teach a lesson, he thinks the world revolves around him.

Dalton looked at Valpo who was hanged, although he wanted to put Valpo down, but the navy did not agree, and he could not help it.

Even if you offend Ron, it will be a disaster for the country.

And in this way, you can also let Valpo understand the world, and he will not dare to be so arrogant in the future.

Over the next few days, Ron traveled to the Holy Land of Mary Joa, picking up nobles from several countries along the way.

As soon as these nobles came up, they saw Valpo being hung up, and they were a little curious in their hearts, so they asked.

When I asked, I learned that Valpo had offended Ron, and was hung here, and he could only eat a little bit every day, which was really pitiful.

These people didn’t dare to mess with Ron either.

Of course, they are not the kind of ignorant people.

Valpo, because he did not have his father’s teaching, did not know the strength of the navy.

However, they are well aware of the strength of the navy and know the strength of the admirals even better, so naturally they dare not offend the admirals casually.

So along the way, these nobles were very respectful and did not dare to provoke Ron.

It wasn’t until a month later that Ron’s warship arrived at the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

After arriving at the Holy Land of Mary Joa, Ron looked at Valpo hanging in midair, pulled away a chair, and sat on it with one butt.

“How? Do you dare to talk to me like that? ”

“Don’t dare, I don’t dare anymore.”

Valpo was suddenly stunned, and did not dare to say any more arrogant words.

For a month, he was hung on it every day, and he could only be put down at night, but he still had to be locked up.

And every time I eat, I can only eat leftovers.

When did he suffer like this, a king.

Although he was angry, when he thought of Ron’s horror, Valpo did not dare to say anything, let alone refute Ron.

And most importantly, during this time, he saw many kings who were very respectful to Ron, and he also understood that Ron’s identity was unusual.

It is estimated that his status as a king is useless.

“Okay, put him down.”

Ron didn’t care if Valpo was genuinely repentant.

After all, Valpo will soon go to the World Conference, and it is not good to be locked up, and then the Warring States will still have to let him go.

It’s better to let him go in advance.

As soon as he heard Ron’s order, two navies immediately came and lowered Valpo from above.

Just after coming down, Valpo did not dare to say anything, directly took his subordinates, and left the naval warship in a hurry.

The other nobles also left with them.

Ron suddenly wants to leave, but he also needs to take charge of the security of the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

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